School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 261 To the Brilliant Person

Chapter 261 To the Shining Person ([-])

"Hiss!" Under the influence of Shadow, the color of Shadow Lun became darker. Although the timer ray of Father of Ultra was added, it had no effect at all. This light was almost swallowed by Shadow Lun.

The three beams of light retreated steadily, fierce flames erupted from the place where they collided, and the black-purple light clearly had the upper hand, pushing the three beams back.

When they were about to retreat completely, the King of Ultra and Noah nodded, and immediately stopped the light in their hands, leaving only Father of Ultra's timer ray obviously low-level and unstoppable for Shadow Killer's attack, only Shadow ·Like the Three Gorges Dam without a dam, Noah's reaction was quick and he immediately propped up Noah's shield.

Noah's shield was propped up in milliseconds, and a very small part was not blocked. It rushed towards Father of Ultra, and with a roar of pain, Father of Ultra could not withstand such an attack. Falling towards Ultra Star at high speed.

The King of Ultra and Noah looked back at the father of Ultra, and stopped worrying. As long as they fall on the Star of Ultra, the father of Ultra will not die. Presumably, the Red Cross will do their best Save him, no matter how bad it is, he will be placed next to the plasma spark tower to accept the baptism of the plasma spark tower.

And the cube building suspended above the Kingdom of Light universe is constantly rioting.

"Cosmic Prison! Beria! It's over!" King Ultra turned his head and flew over quickly: "If Beria is allowed to come out, the situation will be even worse."

"Belia... Heh, so what if you come out." Noah smiled softly, looked at Peter's flying figure, and didn't say much. After completely blocking Ying Lun, a flicker appeared in the shadow. In front of him, his front legs roared and kicked towards Ying.

When I kicked Ying, I felt that I was kicking in the air. I looked closely, and there was no shadow's body. On Noah's left side, a golden horn was heavily inserted into Noah's body. The golden light spurted out like a fountain.


Ying's golden horn was pulled out from it, and in just an instant, the skin pierced by Ying healed. Noah slashed at Ying's body with a backhand knife, but it hit the air, and Ying disappeared again. Oh, and when he appeared, he was beside the King of Ultra beside the cosmic prison, kicked the King of Ultra, and kicked the King of Ultra into the air.

Noah flew over in a hurry, caught the King of Ultra, and prevented his body from falling further.

"Are you okay?" Noah asked with concern.

"It's okay, I can hold on." King Ultra nodded.

"Hissing!" Ying roared up to the sky, and the sound waves formed by the roar spread towards the surroundings, and the purple sound waves visible to the naked eye impacted the cosmic prison, suppressing the rioting Beria.

After doing all this, Ying suddenly turned around and fired a terrifying light bullet from the corner. Noah blasted a beam of light over, destroying the light bullet that was rushing towards the King of Ultra .

"The King of Sparks!"

"call out!"

The silver stream of light whizzed through the void of the universe and rushed towards Ying, only to see Ying's body flickering and disappearing beside the cosmic prison. The next moment, an entity condensed behind Noah. A war trampled on Noah. Flying out, Noah fell towards the void of the universe below. King Otto saw this and hurriedly shot a beam of light, which buffered Noah's falling body.

The King of Ultra turned his head and took out the King's Hammer, which was instantly enlarged by the golden stroke of the King's Hammer. The King of Ultra swung the King's Hammer violently, and the King's Hammer hit Ying. In the same place, the next moment appeared above the King's Hammer, a war trampled on the King's Hammer.

The King of Ultra didn't catch it for a while, and the Hammer of the King stepped on the void of the universe below with a huge force on his back. The King of Ultra watched the Hammer of the King fall, but he couldn't get away to grab it.

"Damn it!" King Ultra clenched his fist, his left fist was wrapped in golden light, and he slammed at Shadow, and Shadow flashed again and appeared in front of King Ultra.

A beam of silver streamer rushed up from below, with a crisp sound of 'bang', the shadow was sent flying tens of meters, and the streamer condensed the figure of Noah, and what Noah held in his hand was the King's Hammer !
Returning the King's Hammer to the King of Ultra, he said, "Don't lose such a precious thing next time."

"Well, thank you." King Ultra nodded and grasped the King's Hammer tightly.

"Ultra Double Flash!"

"Dog food spiral kick!"

"Teacher-student combined shooting!"

"Ultra Brothers Flash!"

Four beams of streamer whizzed towards Ying, and before Ying was unprepared, they slammed heavily on Ying's body. A beam of streamer condensed the bodies of Eddie and Julian, and in the void of the universe, several streamers flew towards him. A beam of light condenses the figures of the Ultra brothers.

"King!" Leo and Astra hurriedly flew to King Ultra, and said, "Your body..."

"Okay, I won't be tired from such a small amount of fighting." King Ultra nodded.

"Sorry, we're late."

Noah shook his head, staring at the shadow who had stabilized his body, and said: "It's not too late, it's better to come early than to come early, and start to fight back!"


One by one the figures rushed towards Ying without any hesitation, and Saiwen leaped towards Ying, Ying appeared behind Saiwen in a blink of an eye, and kicked it out, while behind Ying, Leo Fei kicked and rushed towards Ying. Coming over, Ying's body disappeared again, and a beam of purple streamer hit Astra's body.

"M87 light!" A ray of light roared out from Sophie's hand, and Shadow's body disappeared again. When he appeared, he was already beside Jack in the distance. There was a huge force that sent his body flying, and hit the cosmic prison heavily, setting off a huge storm in the cosmic prison.

"Strim..." Taylor's body flickered with a stream of colored light, the energy had already gathered and was about to be emitted, but Keying's body disappeared. Afterwards, there was a sharp pain in Taylor's abdomen, and Yingying Appearing in front of Tai Luo, the war trampled it and flew it away. It was visible to the naked eye that Tai Luo's abdomen was sunken inward.

"Dog food spiral kick!" The human attack rushed towards Ying with a swish. This time, Ying did not dodge, but used his body to hit the dog food spiral kick.

"Ugh!" Fierce flames burst out from the collision point, Eddie and Julian were knocked out, Shadow's body disappeared again, and the next moment he appeared next to the first generation, the first generation swiped his leg backwards, and Shadow was in the void of the universe One of them tumbling escaped the attack, and kicked the first generation away.

(End of this chapter)

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