School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 262 To the Brilliant Person

Chapter 262 To the Shining Person ([-])

"Haha!" Xiaomeng slashed Mebius' aura with her right hand, and as a golden Mobius ring flashed out, a golden long sword stretched out from Mebius' aura, Xiaomeng decisively Cut towards the shadow on the side.

With a crisp 'bang' sound, Meng Bim's lightsaber slashed at Ying's body, splashing sparks, Ying turned his head and glanced at it, but Xiao Meng didn't feel the killing intent from it, and was slightly stunned, not knowing why He raised the Mengbimu lightsaber, and the shadow no longer looked at him. A flicker appeared beside Noah, raised his front leg, and the golden light attached to the leg.

Noah raised his arm subconsciously, and the shadow's war trampled on Noah's arm. The huge force shook Noah's body, and his arms slightly lost consciousness, but this time it's okay, Noah was not blown away, Noah turned his hand back, and a Noah Hellfire blasted on Ying's body, and the tumbling flames surrounded Ying. This kind of rendering was like a night born from the flames.

"King's Hammer!" There was a tingling sensation from behind Ying, and the huge King's Hammer hit Ying's body, and Ying used the power of space again to appear beside the Ultra King. Wang was prepared this time, and swiped with his back leg, but Ying disappeared again after all his experience, and appeared on the other side of King Ultra, and Noah immediately shot Noah when he saw this.

The left hand swirled and leaned against the right fist, a ball of golden light was pulled up into a light beam, the light beam came to the place where the shadow was almost instantly, but it missed, because the shadow had already disappeared, and when it appeared, it had already kicked Kage kicked Noah out, and before he could stabilize his figure, Ying found that Noah had also disappeared, and with Noah's disappearance was the disappearance of the King of Ultra.

With their tacit understanding, the two disappeared at the same time.

"Ha!" From the upper and lower parts of the shadow, two beams of terrifying light flew, Lightning Noah and King Spark.

Shadow did not dodge, relying on the terrifying defense of the energy array, forcibly withstood the bombardment of the two beams of light. Violent flames burst out from the bombardment. From a distance, it looked like a pulsar, and the rising heat waves beat The cosmic void all around.

From a distance, a beam of black light whistled over, bombarding Ying's body heavily. " With a loud noise, a huge mushroom cloud was churning over the universe of the Kingdom of Light, clearly visible on the land of the Kingdom of Light.

Two clusters of light quickly flew to Noah's side, condensing the figures of Mebius and Luna Diana, "You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Sorry, I'm late." Mebius nodded towards Noah apologetically.

Seeing this, the King of Ultra bypassed Ying Fei and came to Mebius, "You must be the Ultra warrior who does not belong to the Kingdom of Light that Ultra's father said, I should call you Mebius is still an unknown warrior."

"Whatever, the name is just a code name."

The King of Ultra nodded, and glanced at Diana, the moon god behind Mebius. Diana had already concealed her strength, but the strange eyes of the King of Ultra made Diana a little speechless. , So, the moon god Diana got up playful, smiled at the King of Ultra, and raised her own energy.

"Ah?" Feeling the familiar power of the moon god Diana, the King of Ultra looked at Mebius in astonishment, then at Noah, and said, "She is..."

I saw Noah shook his head, the King of Otto hesitated to speak, looked at Mebius, remembered the words of the previous venerable, nodded in astonishment, and immediately understood everything, and the Otto brothers who were beaten out They also flew over, "Lin Yisang, you are finally back."

"Yeah." Mebius nodded, and said, "Not bad, it's the peak of the early stage of promotion to B-level."

"Hey, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning." Xiao Meng scratched her head in embarrassment.

The Ott brothers looked at the beautiful girl and said, "How can she fly in the universe in the form of a human being, and she still has the strength..."

"I'll explain this to you in the future, let's solve the immediate trouble first." Noah waved his hand and said to Mebius, "How's it going? What is the power you got?"

Mebius shook his head, took out the golden snowflake from the energy indicator, and said, "Ice Nova is a snowflake with a temperature below zero.

A perpetually moving star at 8720K degrees Celsius, and this thing is the star energy body of the ice nova, so... I don't know how to use this thing. "

"What!? You said you went to Ice Nova!?" The Ultra brothers were a little shocked.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Mebius looked at them indifferently.

"Then why are you still alive?"


"Ultra fighters are afraid of the cold. This is a well-known fact in the universe. The Ice Nova has a terrifying ultra-low temperature. For our Ultra family, it is a forbidden place. No Ultraman can get close to the Ice Nova, let alone take it away. Its stellar energy is gone," Seven nodded with a wry smile, "You really are a special case."

"Aha, is it?" Mebius scratched his head with a dry smile, and said, "Leave this alone, let's fight."

The moon god Diana ignored Ying, and sat alone on the cosmic prison. With the suppression of the breath of the moon god Diana, Xiao Hei in the prison dared not make any mistakes. With Mebius joining in the battle, let the The Austrians have another chance to win.

All kinds of attacks come and go, and the Ultra brothers who have no power of space can only worry on the sidelines. The speed at which they appear and disappear is not comparable to that of the Ultra brothers. Watching the Ultra brothers and Luna Diana, Noah, the King of Ultra, and Mebius faced Shadow.

All kinds of light shuttled through the void of the universe, and bursts of spatial fluctuations pervaded the center of the battlefield. The Ultra brothers who watched the battle could only see afterimages, but Diana, the moon god, looked at it with ease, and Being able to accurately tell where Shadow will appear next, and using the invisible bond between the two to pass it on to Mebius, made it easier for the three of them.

"Left, back, right now, Noah pay attention behind you..."

One by one, the instructions were spoken from the mouth of the moon god Diana, and passed to the ears of the three, so that the three of them could accurately avoid Shadow's attack every time and counterattacked to Shadow a few times.

(PS: The book friend group of this book is on the introduction, you can join the group, chat and plot and so on. I just want to update it today, what should I do.)
(End of this chapter)

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