School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 263 To the Brilliant Person

Chapter 263 To the Shining Person ([-])

"Aha, Diana, you're not bad, you've helped a lot." During the interval between attacks, Mebius turned his head and gave the moon god Diana a thumbs up. Seeing this, the moon god Diana smiled happily .

"Ha!" Mebius, in the form of darkness and destruction, stretched out an imaginary magic sword from his right wrist. The evil spirit of the magic sword radiated around, permeating the void of the universe. Mebius, who did not use a weapon, even though he was It is in the form of darkness and destruction, but it cannot emit the power of evil spirits, while the Void Spirit Demon Sword is a magic sword transformed from the energy of resentful spirits. Where is this?Kingdom of Light Cosmic Domain, where is the closest?Don't even think about it, it must be a monster cemetery. There are a large number of monster souls in it, most of which are sucked away by the Void Spirit Demon Sword. The King of Ultra felt quite uncomfortable, and even Noah sighed and shook his head. Such an evil ability would actually appear on the Chosen One. Once the Chosen One ran away, he would destroy the Kingdom of Light and even this Universe, with ease.

Noah just wanted to fly to Mebius to persuade him to get rid of the dark and destructive form, but Mebius had already flown out, holding the imaginary magic sword and rushing towards the shadow. With the collision of two beams of light, there was a violent The flames rose up. If it were an ordinary Void Spirit Demon Sword, it would have already broken by now, but the current Void Spirit Demon Sword has absorbed a large amount of resentment from monsters and resentful spirits. It is not what it used to be!It is almost not a problem to kill opponents of the same level with one sword.

The energy generated by the impacts again and again slapped the Kingdom of Light. Seeing this, the Otto brothers all flew back to the Kingdom of Light to defend the Kingdom of Light against the attack of this terrifying energy.

The King of Ultra resisted his aversion to evil spirits, and rushed towards the shadows with Noah. In the Kingdom of Light, four streamers of light could be clearly seen shuttling back and forth beside the cosmic prison. Every impact was accompanied by a A huge mushroom cloud rose up, and that huge mushroom cloud was big enough to engulf the cosmic prison.

Shadow flickered and disappeared in the same place. When it appeared, it was already behind Noah, and its body slammed into Noah's back. Mebius just raised his sword and slashed, but he slashed on the void of the universe. Shadow has already Disappeared, and the next moment, the King of Ultra was also knocked out, Mebius turned around and flew over, and Ying once again used the darkness to disappear.

By the time Mebius reacted, the King of Otto and Noah had been hit by two beams of black light, and the dazzling flames rushed up. Seeing this, Mebius hurriedly put away the Void Spirit Sword, Bius was suspended in the void of the universe, and began to gather energy. The continuous energy was guided by Mebius and flowed into the domineering golden energy crystal in front of Mebius' forehead. Inside, Mebius crossed his hands, and a terrifying light rushed towards the shadow that attacked Noah and the King of Ultra—Destroy Lightning!
The energy array under Shadow's feet turned into a solid body with a 'huh' sound, and the golden energy array easily blocked the oncoming destruction lightning. Seeing this, Mebius immediately stopped the light in his hand, and it would be a waste of effort to go on like this .

Mebius jumped up, and there was a burst of air fluctuation beside Ying. Mebius's black fist was wrapped in light, and it bombarded heavily on the energy array, making a 'bang' sound, but the energy array No cracks appeared, Ying flicked his tail and sent Mebius flying.

When Ying attacked Mebius, his concentration dropped slightly, and the light in his hand weakened a bit. Taking advantage of this gap, Noah and the King of Ultra seized the time and used the power of space to escape and came to Mebius Next to him, one person punched the same part of the energy array, and immediately, a crack visible to the naked eye lay across the energy array.

They met each other and nodded. Noah's fist rose with violent flames, the hand of the King of Ultra also had a golden light, and Mebius' fist still radiated a dark light. They didn't hesitate. They slammed into the position just now, and with a 'bang', the energy array shattered like glass broken by a sharp weapon, losing the obstruction of the energy array, the fists of several people slammed straight on Ying's body.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" A roar of pain came out from Ying's mouth, and the ripple-like sound waves spread towards the surroundings. This sharp sound wave stabbed Mebius' brain, and suddenly, the power of destruction was like a tide Hugging into Mebius' body, the red eyes are like a scarlet moon, the red energy indicator on the chest has turned black, black and red stripes are outlined on Mebius' body, and the rampage begins.

"Ugh!" Mebius's consciousness has been occupied by the power of destruction. No matter how much the treasure resists, it will eventually break through the line of defense. Mebius raised his head ferociously and screamed. People felt the tingling pain in the eardrums, and the moon god Diana, who was sitting on the cosmic prison, stood up from the ground in shock, and murmured: "Mebius...has gone berserk... so scary..."

Ying suddenly turned his head to look at Mebius who was close at hand, his horrified pupils reflected the evil figure of Mebius, a ball of black light shot out from the corner of Shadow, and the black light enveloped Mebius Si, Ying wanted Mebius to repress the dark killing power in his body, but the result was always so unexpected. Even the strongest in the middle of MAX could not suppress the runaway Mebius. Us struggled to get out of the light that bound him, punched the shadow flying, and kicked the King of Ultra with a sweep, then turned around and slashed Noah's elbows with a hand knife.

"Lin Yi...what's the matter with you..." Noah struggled to resist Mebius' hand knife. Although his strength was only at the peak of the mid-stage S-level, the power he displayed was not at all like an S-level powerhouse, but more like... Xeon.

Noah still wanted to use words to wake up this out-of-control partner: "What's wrong with you...don't remember me...the bond between can it be broken so are a powerful light, how can you be... Controlled by the darkness..."

As he said that, a golden light burst out from Noah's elbows, and Noah yelled as he punched out the attack: "Wake up!"

"Ugh!" Mebius easily deflected Noah's attack, raised his leg and kicked Noah away. Noah's abdomen even collapsed slightly inward, but it quickly returned to its original shape.

"Hiss!" Mebius yelled manically towards the void above the universe, like a wild beast whose territory had been violated, ignoring its relatives, and extremely terrifying. Even so, the moon god Diana had no intention of making a move. She knew that since Mebius was able to obtain the star energy body of Binghua Nova, it must not be as simple as going berserk.

(End of this chapter)

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