School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 268 To the Brilliant Person

Chapter 268 To the Shining Person ([-])

An ethereal voice came from Mebius, "I am the highest force in countless parallel universes, the origin of chaos, but I made a mistake in the chaos, and now I have woken up from the chaos, everyone in the Kingdom of Light , I hope you will lend me your light temporarily." Mebius' body slowly emitted a blue light, and his body began to evolve rapidly.

In every corner of the Land of Light, rays of light emanated from every Ultraman's body. The bodies of the Ultraman brothers who fell to the ground and the father of Ultraman were all exuding their own rays of light, quickly gathering towards the sky. , a huge ball of light slowly formed.

Outside the universe, Noah, King of Ultra, and Xiaomeng also heard it, and they involuntarily shot out their own light, and three beams of golden light pierced the dark sky with a sound of '咻', and flew towards Mengbiyou. Si, along with the light of Pique, the king of Ultra, merged into the light ball, the color of the light ball turned into gold, and then suddenly hit Mebius' body.

Endless golden rays of light diffused towards the surroundings. The darkness encountered these rays of light, and all of them dissolved and melted. The rays of light continued to spread towards the sky, and met the darkness that enveloped the entire country of light, as if they were thrown into the calm water. Like a stone, the waves repel the surroundings.

Zaki of the Dark Nebula looked at the high altitude of the Kingdom of Light, the darkness was quickly repelled by the golden light, and finally melted into one point, and the entire Kingdom of Light was once again surrounded by light.

"Light!" Zaki roared angrily, "Damn it! So that's how his power came from! Plasma sparks! What a hindrance!"

Zaki, who had been sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight, watched the sudden change, and punched the table in front of him, and the alloy table suddenly turned into a pile of waste.

Shadow seemed to want to enhance the light of Mebius, endless darkness burst out from Shadow's body and blasted towards the sky, the darkness swept across the sky again, and the blue light was in a stalemate in the sky, both sides occupied half the sky.

The sound of ice crystals is continuously emitted from the golden light sphere that wraps Mebius. If you can see the inside of the light sphere, you can see the astonishing rapid evolution. Mebius’ body is under the crazy supply of golden light, evolve to the next form.

Finally, the golden light merged into the body of Mebius, and the light that enveloped Mebius disappeared, and the evolution of the form had stopped. It was disappointing that no new form had evolved. The next moment, a radiating Golden snowflakes floated from Mebius' energy indicator.

It is the star energy body of Ice Nova!The golden snowflakes bloomed with incomparable blue light. Mebius raised his head and looked at the snowflakes floating above his head. He was bathed in this cold light, but he didn't feel cold at all. Instead, he felt a warm feeling. The blue light shone, and bursts of frost had already adhered to the hair.

"Ice Nova, please lend me your strength!" Mebius nodded, grabbed the radiant snowflake, and put it into the golden energy body in front of his forehead. At that time, a hurricane spread to the surroundings , Sweeping the ruins, Mebius' body was shrouded in light again, and the evolution of form began again.

"That's..." Zaki of Dark Nebula stared blankly at this scene.

"The power of ice."

"Freeze the power of darkness."

Diana, the moon god, nodded and said, "That's right, the form of black ice freezes all evil!"

"Great, great, one step away from Lin Yi's complete transformation!" Noah clenched his fists excitedly, but the voice of the most precious treasure rang in the mind of Xia Yuhan who was bathed in the light : "Blessing of the brave, time is over."

As he said that, Noah's figure flashed, and the blue figure came back again. Nexus shook his head regretfully, and said: "It seems that I can't fight with Lin Yi anymore, the power of S-level is still too weak."

The King of Ultra asked with some doubts: "How can your strength..."

"Oh, this," Nexus shrugged helplessly, and said, "Your Honor, you understand."

The King of Ultra nodded, not being superfluous, and Xiaomeng looked at them playing riddles with a puzzled face, shook his head helplessly, and set his eyes on the golden brilliance again.

"Lin Yisang, I knew that you would not be defeated by the darkness!" Xiaomeng clenched her fists.

The golden light and the blue light continuously gathered in the sky, and finally merged into the energy indicator of Mebius, and the rhombus-shaped energy indicator immediately emitted blue light, "I, break through the darkness, and give the light to me." came back!"

The venting roar spread far and wide in the universe.

The light quickly converged, revealing that gorgeous white figure.

The groove on the top of the head is replaced by a "W"-shaped luminous body. Below the sides of the "W" are piercing eyes. The diamond-shaped energy indicator is also wrapped in a white luminous body, replaced by silver lines. Instead of the original black, the black destructive aura has been transformed into a white black ice aura.

The golden lines are inlaid on the chest and extend to the arms. The white stripes linger on the legs and slide down to the ankles. A little light flickers beside Mebius, and the shining light spots are exactly snowflake.

Lin Yi's heart became a Bingxin—Frost Spirit Heart!
The third force!The power of ice! The peak of the late S-level!
Mebius brushed the mysterious ice breath with his left hand, and condensed an icicle from the mysterious ice breath. The icicle shattered with a 'bang', revealing the lightsaber inside—Sword of Sea God!God level weapon!The ancient Poseidon's weapon, of course, the current Seagod's Sword is not that powerful, it can only be regarded as a fake Seagod's Sword.

Snow, the Kingdom of Light, which has no other weather, is now snowing, and snowflakes are floating in the Kingdom of Light, covering the ruins.

The dark clouds in the sky began to rotate slowly, and countless purple thunderbolts slowly gathered at a point below, a bright blackness flashed in mid-air, and a terrifying aura slowly condensed in it.

Are you going to come up with a trick?The eyes of Mebius flashed brightly, and the arm that fell in the next moment was slowly raised.

The Sea God's Sword exuding bright blue light is dazzling, countless blue lights emerge from all directions and gather here, the water element, all the water elements in the world are responding to its call, as if seeing the ruler of everything. Like a king, the singing of the sea is singing an ancient melody, which is the voice of Aguru when he appeared, high pitched and loud like a female voice, full of ancient mystery.

Against the backdrop of this mysterious singing, Mebius at this time is like a giant god from ancient times, exuding an indescribable aura, magnificent and vast, so powerful that even the heavens and the earth cannot be looked directly at.

"Sea God Sword Sword Skill - Ice! Seal! Heaven! Earth!"

(End of this chapter)

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