School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 269 To the Brilliant Person

Chapter 269 To the Shining Person ([-])

Like a majestic horse straight into the sky, the blue light rushes towards the sky overwhelmingly, passing by all the way, even the air is frozen, the whole body of Mebius, the ground is dyed with a layer of transparent Ice crystals, beyond the extreme absolute zero, destroy everything.

At the same time, the blackness that had been brewing in the sky for a long time finally showed real horror. There was a bang, and the whole sky was trembling. The ice crystals formed by the aftermath of freezing the world were even trembling, and the air trembled in an instant. It exploded completely, and the terrifying attack hadn't reached the ground yet, but the vigor that emanated had already split the ground into a bottomless huge crack, and countless cracks were emerging on the ground.

It far surpassed the limit speed of thunder and lightning, and hit the magnificent blue light that shot straight into the sky in an instant, but the horror of the blue light was far beyond imagination, without the slightest delay, the huge azure light had already flowed along the pitch-black The thunder and lightning swayed straight up, and rushed into the huge thundercloud in a blink of an eye.

The pitch-black thunderbolt looked like a carved transparent water droplet, which exuded a weirdness under the wrapping of ice crystals.The attack that has been brewing in the thundercloud for a long time, the attack that trembles even the sky, looks like a drop of transparent water, and the absolutely pure pitch black looks transparent.

Mebius just glanced at it, and cast more eyes into the clouds. The blue majesty seemed to disappear after rushing into the thunderclouds.The next moment, countless blue ice crystals began to emerge from the surface of the clouds, and even the purple lightning that flashed from time to time was frozen into ice sculptures, and fell to the ground and shattered into ice slags all over the ground.

This world has completely turned into a blue ice crystal world. The sky is a huge blue suspended ice layer, and the ground is covered with countless shimmering transparent crystals. In order to be shattered, the Seagod Sword in his hand also instantly turned into pieces of light and disappeared in his hand. Mebius, who had been standing upright all this time, suddenly fell heavily to his knees.

"Huh...huh..." Mebius panted heavily, "Sure enough, how can the price of using such a powerful force be so low..."

Fortunately, Ying's attack has been neutralized. Although a lot of energy has been lost, it can still be recovered.

Ying looked at Mebius in shock, that was the attack of the most powerful man, and it was actually dispelled. After recovering from the shocking scene just now, Ying shook his head and roared at Mebius .

Strands of black storms repelled towards the surroundings, and Mebius let the black storms pass by his body, and the dots of light floating around Mebius would firmly resist these storms outside.

A shadow flickered in front of Mebius, and a war trampled towards Mebius. Mebius' hands were covered with ice crystals, and the fists of both sides collided, one black and one blue bright light mixed with powerful The shock wave repels away towards the surroundings.The bodies of both parties did not move, and they remained in a stalemate for a while.

Both sides were several meters behind.

Forbidden Mystery: The Shadow Splitting Curse of the Nether Space!

"Come on, let's go crazy! Ying, come on, let's have a final battle, and we will divide life and death between us." Mebius crossed his hands, put his left wrist on his right wrist, and pulled to both sides. Passing through the extreme ice breath, gathering the power of frost, turning the left hand and stretching towards the sky, bending the right hand back, forming a "ten" with both hands together, roaring: "Extreme ice storm!"

This is a collision of absolute power. The entire Ultra Star is trembling. At the collision point of energy, the space is collapsing and shattering piece by piece. Although Mebius only has the power of the late S-level peak, he is overdrawing his own strength. The body, use everything as a bet!
The rays from both sides were constantly seeing and sawing, and finally stabilized. With the impact point as the center, a half blue and half black energy ball was constantly taking shape.

With the continuous input of energy from both sides, the energy ball continued to expand, with a diameter from ten meters to a hundred meters, and then from a hundred meters to a kilometer.The energy in the energy ball seemed to be merging, and the blue and black slowly disappeared, replaced by chaotic colors.

"Ying, what do you think is the result of the explosion of this energy ball?" Mebius asked lightly, but the energy in his hand continued to output.

"It's none of my business, I can't stop anymore, hahaha!" Ying laughed wildly in a hoarse voice.

"It's rare that we can't stop when we have the same ideas, so let's explode!!!" Mebius' words were equally crazy.

Sanao in the universe looked at this scene, "It's too bad, we must stop them, if this continues, the Ultra Star will disappear!"

The moon god Diana shot a beam of energy and sent them into the subspace, which is the god's domain of the moon god Diana. They can't get out, at least without the permission of the moon god Diana, "Sorry, You just stay there first, don't hinder my master."

God's realm.

This is a gorgeous domain, and the cold light is dotted in the domain of gods. Nexus said a little discouraged: "The domain of gods, I didn't expect us to enter the domain of gods again. I thought that after that war, there would be no more Here's the chance."

"Yeah, we can't break out of the realm of gods. It seems that the Ultra Star is doomed." The King of Ultra sighed slightly, and Xiaomeng remained silent. If you go, you will definitely not be able to get out.

The chaotic energy ball suddenly shrank violently, followed by a shocking explosion that could directly shock people to death.

The energy storm with a height of tens of thousands of meters instantly swept across half of Ultra Star, and nothing could survive at all.Mebius and Ying were overwhelmed by this energy, and there was only a gray world where nothing existed.

I don’t know how long it took, everything finally calmed down. Half of the Otto star was gone, and the remaining half was being swallowed up by a small black hole. Yes, it was a black hole. The violent explosion of the chaotic energy ball destroyed it. space, forming a collapsed area, and this collapsed area is now devouring everything around it frantically.

Zaki of Dark Nebula's eyes widened. The development of the plot was totally beyond his expectation. The feeling of falling from heaven to hell and rising from hell to heaven made Zaki's heart skip a beat, "I'm going , Are these two guys crazy? Isn’t that Ultra Star?”

"Haha, it's cool, it's so cool!" In the universe, a blue light continuously condensed, and the huge body of Mebius appeared, with blue blood flowing all over his body.He has become crazy, just like the dark and destructive form in the runaway period.

A black storm flashed past, and a figure dripping with black blood also appeared.Both sides looked very embarrassed, and they themselves did not expect that the power of the fusion of energies would be so powerful, far greater than one plus one.

(End of this chapter)

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