School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 271 To the Brilliant Person

Chapter 271 To the Shining Person (Thirteen)
But the universe will not allow the two to continue fighting so recklessly, Mebius suddenly turned around and yelled, "Frost Strike!"

Mebius' fist was instantly wrapped by the power of frost, and the thick icicle hit a huge planet that was crashing towards him at a very high speed.

The planet stopped being castrated, and with the impact point of the icicle as the center, the blue light instantly enveloped the huge planet.

bang bang, bang bang...

The huge planet was frozen into ashes, but this was just the beginning. The stars and planets were constantly rushing towards this place, and the galaxy groups in the distance were rioting, and they would turn into a galaxy storm at any time.

"Oh...Galaxy Storm..." Mebius looked coldly at those restless planets, "I don't want to see who is the originator of using Galaxy Storm!"

A loud shout came from behind Mebius, Mebius' body was kicked out, and when Ying wanted to take further action, a group of asteroids attacked him.

"It's really annoying!" Ying roared unhappily, allowing the asteroids to bombard him, "Ah..." The energy storm erupted from Ying's body, and all the asteroids were submerged in an instant, turning into Dregs.

"Shadow, do you insist on destroying this universe?" Mebius' body appeared in front of Ying.

"So what if it's ruined? Isn't it interesting to turn everything into ashes, I don't care at all." Ying said loudly.

Dark Nebula's dark Zaki was very speechless, "I'm going, the two of them are really crazy, they are fighting with the laws of the universe, but it's also true, after all, the Xeon has this capital, I think I have such a glorious time back then It's time, oh, forget it, the hero doesn't mention his bravery back then."

"Is that really the case? If that's the case, why did you fully explode your power today? You don't want to destroy everything, right?" Mebius stared at Ying lightly.

"Shut up, what I do is my freedom, you don't care, what do you know?" Shadow shouted angrily.

Mebius waved his hand, "Calm down, it's just a few words of conversation, you will get excited, you really can't help a little excitement, are you a child?" Mebius shook his head pretendingly: "You But the most powerful, the one who kills the king of the gods."

"Damn it! Try calling me a child again..." When Ying wanted to say something, a wave of galaxy storms attacked this place in the distance. Imagine that the Milky Way is mixed with tens of thousands of planets Let's hit the scene.

"Damn it, there are galaxy storms in all directions. It's impossible to find a place to hide." Mebius shrugged, BABA up and down, left, right, left, right, and right. All the galaxy storms are sweeping, and all escape routes are It was blocked, "The law of the universe has been irritated."

"I don't know if it's angry or not, just blow it up." Ying said domineeringly.

"Haha, the matter has developed to this point, it can only be completely ignited, ah!" Mebius roared, and strands of light energy burst out from his body, and then rushed towards the bombardment galaxy storm.

Ying also let out a furious roar, charging away in another direction.Mebius had already collided with countless planets, a huge star hit it, Mebius let out a loud roar, his body suddenly passed through the star, and then there was a violent explosion.

It is impossible to predict when it will end. Wherever Mebius passed by, the countless planets that collided with it were all turned into scum in the universe.

The chain reaction brought about by the explosion of the planet has set off a grand firework in the universe, which looks brilliant and beautiful from a distance.

"It's not over, is it?" Mebius blew up a planet that was bombarded with a punch, "It seems that we need to be a little ruthless, the law of the universe, do you really think I'm afraid of you? I hope everyone is doing well, it seems that there is no need for it now, Extreme Ice Storm!"

The super powerful light hit the countless planets bombarded, and Mebius' body rotated, turning all the surrounding obstacles into ashes, and then suddenly shot upward.

After the extreme ice storm pierced through the layers of dimensions, this is the extension of the universe, wrapped in a layer of gray barrier, the extreme ice storm hit the top of this barrier, the barrier shook violently, and lightning flashed layer by layer. burst out of it, and the barrier was broken.The extension of the universe was broken, and the collapse occurred, and the violent collapse spread toward the interior.

"Shadow Kill!" A roar came out from a distance, and a storm of black energy up to tens of millions of meters rolled towards the surroundings, swallowing all the matter, and the surroundings became temporarily quiet.

A burst of energy erupted from Mebius' body to offset the attacking black energy, "Go to hell, Mebius!" A huge fist stretched out from the storm.

Mebius's hands suddenly blocked, and his body retreated tens of thousands of meters before stopping, "Shadow, I have already broken the extension of the universe, and this universe will be destroyed in a short time."

"Should I praise you? This is not your style, don't you always want to destroy everything?" Ying asked a little confused.Looking at the slightly red eyes, Ying seemed to be secretly delighted that the scheme had succeeded. In this way, the result predicted by the adults was correct.

"It doesn't matter, because everything has to be changed. If you don't understand, don't waste my expression." Mebius shrugged, with a face full of indifference.

"You know, why are you so awesome? I don't need to understand, I just need to blow you up." Ying appeared in front of Mebius in an instant, hahaha, let's go crazy, the blood is on Be passionate!Yes, yes, that's it, release us all!

The two sides started a close combat, but before the fight lasted long, Ying and Mebius were hit by a lightning bolt with a thickness of nearly a million meters at the same time. cigarette.

"I'm going, it really hurts." Mebius looked at his blackened self, surrounded by endless lightning, and then bombarded him, the other side of the shadow was also the same Scenes.

"Do you think I will suffer a second time after I suffer once, the law of the universe, you idiot." Mebius shouted loudly, a layer of light erupted from his body, and all the lightning flashed when they met After this layer of light was completely invalidated—the ice barrier!
(PS: Regarding the update issue, two chapters are updated daily, and one chapter is 2000+. If there is any change, it will be mentioned on the same day.)
(End of this chapter)

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