School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 272 To the Brilliant Person

Chapter 272 To the Shining Person (XIV)
"Extreme Ice Storm!"

"Forbidden Mysteries, Space Splitting Shadow Curse!"

Mebius and Ying hit each other at the same time, the shattering of the space is already a very simple matter now, every collision will definitely bring about the shattering and collapse of the space.

The flames slowly disappeared, and Mebius and Ying rushed towards each other again, and the two groups of light, one bright and one dark, collided, and both of them backed away at the same time.

Shadow roared, "The universe will only hinder us, if that's the case, then let's completely destroy it, Forbidden Mystery - Ukrainian Shadow Curse!"

"Hey, aren't you afraid that I'll sneak attack you at this time?" Mebius has already taken action, launching an attack on Ying, not letting go of a chance.

Ying turned around and flew towards the distance quickly. Although he kept flying, the Shadow Splitting Curse in his hand was still firing, hitting towards the vast universe. After the Shadow Splitting Curse pierced through layers of dimensions, One by one, it gave heavy damage to the extension of the universe, and accelerated the progress of the collapse of the universe.


GUYS command room.

"What's going on? Less than [-] light-years away from us, the space has disappeared, and all the planets have been swallowed up. If this progress is made, the earth will be swallowed up too." Zhe Ping frantically operated the computer .

"What did you say?"

Zhe Ping's words were undoubtedly like a torpedo dropped on the already rough water.

"So, are we all going to die?" Long's face no longer had the blood it used to.

"Although it is cruel, this cannot be changed. The power of the universe cannot be stopped by us. Not only the earth, the solar system, and the Milky Way, but maybe the entire universe will be destroyed." Thinking of myself as a single dog, remembering that I have not yet After thoroughly studying all the monsters in the universe, Zhe Ping thought that there were still aliens that he had never seen before, so Zhe Ping did not want to die.

"Could it be..." Zhenzhen couldn't help shaking his head, and said: "No, definitely not, Lin Yijun is so powerful, he has repelled so many strong people time and time again, he will definitely not lose, definitely not... "

dark nebula.

"Damn, punching and kicking to destroy the world, how can this guy Mebius have such a glorious battle record?" Dark Zaki stood up in shock, "If they continue to fight, this universe I'm about to be killed, I have to find a chance to run away, I, Dark Zaki, can't die here."

As he said that, Darkness Zaki began to plan how to run away. You said to open a space wormhole, but his body was on the verge of collapse, and he couldn't bear the energy in the space wormhole at all, but he couldn't run without the space wormhole. Falling, the edge of the universe has collapsed into a void. Thinking of this, Darkness Zaki was about to slap himself. Just sitting there watching the play with relish, now it’s all right, and he can’t escape even if he wants to.

Luna Diana, who has been hovering on the edge of the battlefield, nodded with a full face. Although she couldn't help but want to stop the war, the laws of the universe are too pretentious. Why do you sneak attack people if you have nothing to do? It's all right now. , so that people want to kill you, but it's none of her business, she just needs to ensure that Mebius will not die, let him care about the future, just live in the present.

And in the distance, the rolling space collapse has already struck, and the earth will soon become a dust in the shattering.

Mebius has come to the extension of the universe after chasing the shadow, and now this place is a scene of tragedy, the matter is disintegrating and shattering crazily, and everything will be destroyed.

"Look here, how beautiful the scene of destruction is, you can actually see the space outside the universe, where everything was born, hahaha!" Ying laughed wildly.

"I really don't understand what's so funny, what does it have to do with me." Mebius curled his lips, he was not born in that ghost place, that ghost place looks deserted, the universe is not a good thing Things, the place where the universe exists must not be a good thing, maybe there are some cosmic laws in that ghost space.

Ying estimated the time, and it was almost the end of the day, and the bottom line of playing could not be played, and he was already crazy before he died, so this life was not in vain.

Mebius smiled helplessly, "Shadow, take a look at your back, it seems that it's the end, the law of the universe is on my side."

"What..." Shadow pretended to turn around suddenly, but it was too late. A huge black energy bomb was less than ten meters away from him, and there was no time to teleport.

Ying 'can only' watch as he was hit, a painful roar came from Ying's mouth, and the monstrous energy had already enveloped him.

"Shadow, this is a blow that condenses all the power of the universe according to the law of the universe. Even you, the most powerful, will be in great pain. Let me give you the final blow. Use my strongest If you kill you with one blow, you will be considered worthy of this life!" Mebius started waving his hands, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, this is a necessary principle of being a human being.

"Sea God Sword Sword Skill - Ice! Seal! Heaven! Earth!"

"Hehe, goodbye..."

This piece of cosmic space has been frozen, and those manic galaxy storms are also frozen, together with Shadow, "Go to hell!"

"Extreme Ice Storm!"

The extreme ice storm has been pushing the frozen ice sculpture into the mysterious space.

Boom boom boom...

A brilliant giant mushroom cloud rose from the space where countless parallel universes existed, and Mebius stopped shooting.

"Ah, the annoying guy is finally killed." Mebius let out a long breath, pink light flashed all over his body, and Mebius returned to his original size, compared to the moment before , Now it's like an ant, "Oh, I'll go, this height, this strength, I'm really not used to it."

"This universe must be restored earlier, otherwise it will not be a universe that is destroyed." Mebius looked at the extension of the half-destroyed universe and said to himself, where the internal matter is destroyed and escaped.

"The battle is over." Luna Diana nodded, clapped her hands, and released Nexus, King of Ultra, and Xiaomeng from the realm of the gods.

Carefully surveying the surrounding space, the universe is constantly collapsing, and the thick darkness is encroaching on the universe, "This...what the hell is going on...why did the universe become like this..."

"Oh, this is caused by the battle with Shadow." Mebius said with a natural look.

Xiaomeng stared at Mebius dumbfounded, could the universe be destroyed in one battle?What a terrifying strength this requires.

"I'm going to restore this universe now. Of course, I can't do it alone. Diana, the moon god, Yu Han, and the king of Ultra, lend me your strength!"


I saw three huge beams of energy injected into the energy indicator on Mebius' chest, and the white luminous body above the head and beside the energy indicator burst into dazzling colorful light.

(End of this chapter)

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