School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 276 Fetters, more important than anyone else

Chapter 276 Fetters, more important than anyone else
"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." I really don't know where the Baltan star's laughter is, and he can still laugh in this situation. Naios rolled back, half-kneeling on the ground, his right wrist stretched upwards, and his left wrist stretched upwards. After stretching out to the horizontal direction, it began to condense the energy of light. I saw golden flames lingering around Naios' arms, which were formed by spontaneous combustion due to the terrifying energy.

"Ha!" As the temperature of the flame continued to increase, Naios took advantage of the situation to form a "ten" shape - the new Magnum light!

"Boom!" The cross-shaped New Magnum's light precisely bombarded the body of the Baltan star. The unlucky Baltan star seemed to be paralyzed by this powerful energy, and his hands kept trembling, colliding and colliding. Fierce flames.

Finally, after the energy was released, Naios lowered his hands weakly, and only heard a loud "boom", the Baltan star exploded, and the rising flames slapped the surroundings continuously, rolling up bursts of flying sand .

The last remaining Baltan star seemed to have a long reflex arc, stopped his weird laughter, looked at the crayfish corpses on the ground in a daze, and resolutely opened the frost tongs to condense energy, quite a kind of wind Xiao Xiao Xi Yi Shui Han, the charm of a strong man who will never return when he is gone.

Naios clenched his fists, resisting the weakness of lack of energy, the Naios crystal on his forehead flickered for a while, Naios put his hands on his forehead, and a bunch of green energy whizzed out from the Naios crystal Light - Altec composite beam!
The green Altec composite light beam and the red condensed light cut through the air one after another, shuttling through the space, the air seemed to condense for a few seconds, and then there was a loud "boom", waves of ripples spread towards the surroundings, and the two beams collided with each other Then, Lie Yan kept expanding outwards.

About three seconds later, the Altec composite beam broke through the red condensed light like a mainstay, and the red condensed light that was divided into two flew towards both sides at an angle of 120 degrees.

With a loud "boom", the Otto composite light beam penetrated the Baltan star, and hit the ground behind him, blasting a huge pillar of soil, and the Baltan star escaped from the place before it was about to hit. A body, flew to the universe.

Naios widened his eyes, there is such an operation?Shaking his head dejectedly, he jumped up and chased after him.

The two beams of light once again staged a chasing battle in the universe. The momentum of you coming and going does not drop, and the sound of "bang bang" is accompanied by bursts of sparks.

Earth, the night is already deep, and the whole city is silent, without the hustle and bustle of the day, the bustling streets are also sparse, not so crowded, the starlight shining on the earth, a new moon hangs high in the sky, faintly visible starlight.

Ron had fallen asleep soundly, and the hero in his dream was sitting with him under the stars...

Lin Yi walked aimlessly on the street, saw a bench in front of him, sat on it, and sighed slightly, "Oh, can't this damn treasure get me an ID card or something? Sleeping on the street."

Lie down on the bench, pillow on the arm, this posture can be very comfortable to look at the sky, slightly close the eyes, the thoughts drifted somewhere, goodbye... may not be able to see you again, the person who said goodbye , may not really be able to see each other again, maybe it will never be possible to achieve that next time.

A pink streamer floated out from the bracelet on the left wrist, the bracelet was gone, and a girl was sitting beside Lin Yi, that was Diana, the most powerful person in the past, the most powerful person in the universe now. strong.

"Why are you here?" Even though he didn't open his eyes, the bond between the two made Lin Yi feel who it was.

The moon god Diana said with a natural look: "You are my master, of course I will follow you."

Lin Yi opened his eyes slightly, and looked at the starry sky behind. The stars were twinkling, like Wan'er's eyes, "The people who were with me did not end well. Wan'er died, and that universe was almost destroyed I'm ruined, now you follow me, maybe you won't have a good time."

"Hee hee, it doesn't matter. We agreed a long time ago that we will face everything together." Luna Diana smiled heartily, stroked her hair, and said, "There is nothing in this world that a paper clip cannot open." The door, the fact is the most delicate, the encounter between some people is like a shooting star, an enviable spark burst out in an instant, but it is destined to just pass by in a hurry. But we are different, there is a bond between us , this invisible bond will lead us, even in different time and space, at different times, I can always find you."

"You know, I once cried, laughed, went crazy, and fell for a person. Later, mixed with guilt, longing for that person, and hatred for another person, I started my life that I don't belong to. My life." Lin Yi looked at Diana, the moon god, and said: "I have something I want to protect, many companions, and my most beloved person, everyone has someone who is important to them, I bite to protect that irreplaceable life."

"Don't you have it? Something worth protecting. Go, find your heart, and find the person you want to protect." Lin Yi waved his hand.

The expression of the moon god Diana was dull, and then she broke into a smile and said, "The person I want to protect is you. Although the world calls me a god, we are by no means gods. No matter how hard we try, there are irreparable Life also has thoughts that cannot be achieved. The purpose of my life is for you, to help you eliminate some guys you hate, gods... demons or something."

Lin Yi shook his head, "I don't need someone like a servant, God... How ridiculous is this title, once, my body was active on the earth, and they became the protector of the earth, but they thought again, Their former patron saint has fallen to this point. I am not a suitable hero, and maybe I am not worthy of the title of hero, but I know that what awaits me in front of me is unspeakable difficulties and dangers, so go, go Find your own life."

"I woke up from the chaos just to protect my true love." Moon Goddess Diana closed her mouth, hugged her legs, and sat aside.

"Love? Me? What do you love me for? We've met before? Don't be funny, okay, I'm only 20."

Luna Diana pouted, "You will understand later, we have met in the future."

"..." Lin Yi remained silent and lay down on his own.

"Just wait, one day you will know how important our bond is, more important than Shangguan Wan'er." Luna Diana curled her lips, "The bond between us is better than anyone else."

(PS: Don't urge the update, today is the third update, wry smile.)
(End of this chapter)

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