School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 277 I Am Your Woman

Chapter 277 I Am Your Woman
"Heh..." Lin Yi smiled, "The wheel of the times is rumbling forward. Even if the bones are turned into ashes and the Qin tiles do not exist, the land of China will reproduce and regenerate again and again. The time is the same."

"I... I am your woman!" Luna Diana clenched her teeth.

"Pfft!" Lin Yi sat up like an electric shock, "How is it possible, I just saw you."

The moon god Diana blushed, lowered her head, bit her lips, and said, "I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth, after signing the guardianship contract, I will always follow you and be your woman. If you have a different heart, you will be swallowed by the contract."

"..." Lin Yi said with a dark face, "Then just dissolve this relationship."

Diana, the moon god, shook her head and said, "The guardianship contract can only be terminated before that, and both parties must agree to it. Now... that's no longer possible."

"Ah? When did I fuck you? Let me tell you, don't spitting blood." Lin Yi looked at Diana, the moon god, with a look of 'you are sick', "Be good at a beautiful girl, why use yourself Chastity is fun."

"I didn't!" Luna Diana walked back and forth impatiently in front of Lin Yi with a crying expression on her face. Now she needs a very normal proof method to prove her relationship with him. Lin Yi looked Diana, the moon god, looked like she was about to cry, but she waved her hands helplessly, and said, "Okay, okay, I believe in you, I believe you can't do it."

"No!" Luna Diana glared at Lin Yi and said, "I must prove that I am not lying."

Lin Yi shrugged helplessly, "Well, how do you want to prove it?"

"I..." Luna Goddess Diana was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing what to say, "Anyway... anyway, we are in that kind of relationship, before and now."

"Cheng Chengcheng, whatever you say is what you say, okay," Lin Yi lay down helplessly, and said, "Now you can do whatever you want, leave if you want, or don't want to leave, I'm going to sleep."

"Humph!" Luna Diana glared at Lin Yi, sat down angrily, glanced at Lin Yi who was soundly asleep, squeezed her fists angrily, and pretended to hammer Lin Yi in the air, and then turned into A beam of streamer turned back into a bracelet.

In the dream, it was an empty space, surrounded by chaotic colors, distorted elements were constantly mixed together, like cement, and shameful pictures kept flashing, like watching a slideshow.

In Frost Spirit's heart, the remaining spark flickered, as if there were traces of extinguishing, and the surroundings were firmly protected by Frost Spirit, as if protecting that spark, which was more embarrassing than a candle in the wind, from letting it disappear.

The raging flames of the past have now become like this.

In the bracelet, a familiar melody floated out from the mouth of the moon god Diana.

A loud and gentle voice sings like this
"You are the Son of Chaos, Gentle Warrior

eternal hope

The Chaos Born from the Bond of Colorfulness and Judgment

that dazzling warrior
One Day
you disappear in the traces of time
even if it's devastated
it's not about
win or lose cause
we all lose
Use strong protection in exchange for strength
Achieving one divine figure, an unquenchable flame

Use your power to save the common people

full of redemptive power
break the sky

Willing to abandon light and fall into darkness for Yi Ren

Fallen from the Altar of Light

Willing to use protection in exchange for a body of evil spirits

put everything under your feet
full of vengeance
destroy everything
Frost exchanged for loneliness
A crystal clear heart of frost
heart that never melts

Belongs to the power of loneliness
freeze all evil

Embrace the darkness, take back the light

Receive the baptism of light
annihilate all evil

Destruction in exchange for divine form, heir of light

blood of light

Return to the Altar of Light
hopeful blood
tear the darkness apart


The gods should not exist, and the seal of gods should not be present

End the world of the gods, this is your time
In the name of infinity, let the world enter reincarnation

you are a warrior of light
End it all with the power of love

world of sin

go ahead!
accept the baptism of chaos

Chaos reigns supreme!

you will be brave

cut through fear
Become an immortal myth in the realm of eternity

Warrior of Light!


Cut through fear like a shooting star, a hero full of light
Together with your partners, safeguard the legends of the gods

bright future hope tomorrow

shining planet

Courage, Guardian, Destruction, Frost, Glory, Chaos!
ULTRAMAN Mebuis! "

In the lingering pink space, Diana, the moon god, hugged her legs and sat there blankly, with a faint smile on her face, and her mood was constantly changing, complex, happy, excited, dull...

This piece of music was taught to her by Lin Yi before participating in the war, but Lin Yi said that she taught him this piece of music. At the time, Luna Diana didn't understand what it meant, but now she understands it. The first song was about his own destiny, but Lin Yi didn't realize it back then.

It's just that the silence now is the eruption before the shout.

Although fate is doomed, although the ending already has an answer, although everything is being manipulated by others, they still try their best to break the shackles of fate, escape from space and time, but they still cannot escape from that mysterious space.

In the universe, two beams of light rushed into the solar system one after another. On the way, the two of them had already blown up several meteorites. After fighting briefly on hundreds of planets, the energy of Naios was already somewhat insufficient. Only by being alive could they continue to hunt down the Baltans. After weighing the pros and cons, Naios planned to let the Baltans go first, and came to a place not far from the sun to absorb the sun's light and heat to replenish his own energy.

The Baltan star who had been chased by Naios for so long was also tired. He turned into a beam of purple streamer and landed on Taiwan Island of China, becoming an ordinary human being.

It is already late at night, and the Baltan star who turned into a human found a random corner and half-lyed there to rest. He was tired, really tired, and had been flying in the universe for dozens of days. There were no fewer than 5000 fights, big and small, and four breaks during the period. After the two sides replenished their energy, Naios could find the Baltans every time, which made the Baltans vomit blood.

(End of this chapter)

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