School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 278 An Embarrassing Morning

Chapter 278 An Embarrassing Morning

In the early morning, Lin Yi got up early, and there was a refreshing breath in the slightly cold morning. The sun was slowly rising from the horizon, spreading its brilliance to the earth.

Stretching and getting down from the bench, "Well, it's been so long, I didn't expect to experience the feeling of sleeping on the street again, I don't know what will happen today."

The bracelet in his hand had long since disappeared. Lin Yi looked at the empty left wrist, feeling a little disappointed and secretly happy. Last night, he had such a shameful dream that made Lin Yi feel sorry for Shangguan Wan'er, and that woman was actually Luna Diana...!God!

But it’s okay, looking at this posture, Luna Diana should have left, so she doesn’t have to blush when facing her anymore, she took a long breath, and saw a beautiful figure bouncing towards her , with a cup of soy milk and a bag of buns in his hand...

"Ah, you're awake." Luna Diana put the soy milk and steamed stuffed buns on the chair, and said, "Human life is quite interesting, but the order is similar, and you need money to buy things."

"..." Lin Yi blushed and sat down. Thinking of the shameful dream last night, Lin Yi was embarrassed to face the moon god Diana. The moon god Diana looked so pure, so charming, but he was right She had such a nasty spring and autumn dream, and she also jumped over the moral bottom line. She lowered her head and looked at the moon god Diana embarrassedly, "You... why did you come here... didn't you... didn't you go away..."

"Huh?" Luna Diana blinked her big eyes and asked cutely, "Let's go? Why should I go?"

As he said that, he took out a steamed stuffed bun and ate it on his own. Lin Yi didn't dare to look her in the eyes, and said, "Could it be that you got up so early just to buy me breakfast?"

After saying these words, Lin Yi felt more and more sorry for her. In the early morning, a pure and charming girl was walking alone in the dark night. What if some shameless villain got her eyes on her...

Well, Lin Yi admitted that he thought too much about this. A person who can fly in the universe, a person who can easily restrain the shadow, and a person who can tie Noah and the King of Ultra without any effort Human, how could it be possible for an ordinary person to be able to move... She didn't make moon cakes every minute.

"Yeah." Luna Diana shook her head with an expression of thinking you were thinking too much, patted Lin Yi's hand that was reaching out to grab a meat bun, and said, "Take it back, I bought it for myself, Early in the morning, I didn’t sleep late, walked a few blocks, and even visited the bank once, just to buy some steamed stuffed buns. Is it easy for me? Now you still want to grab my food, how can you be so bad!”

"!" Lin Yi didn't know what to say for a while, thinking about it, why should he buy breakfast for himself after signing the guardianship contract? She had a nasty dream, and now she wanted to eat her steamed stuffed bun again, just thinking about it would make her die.

"Uh heh heh..." He smiled awkwardly, then withdrew his hand in embarrassment, sat on the chair in embarrassment, and watched Diana, the moon god, eating a big bun in embarrassment. The awkward atmosphere made both of them embarrassed.It's just embarrassing.

Seeing Lin Yi's embarrassing expression, Luna Diana smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "You... you can eat, so much... I can't eat it." Said, Luna Diana Then he grabbed a meat bun and placed it in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled shyly, looked at the encouraging expression of Luna Diana, opened her mouth slightly, bit it, and then grabbed the meat bun. Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Luna Diana felt happy. He smiled, grabbed the bag and handed it to Lin Yi, saying: "Hey, I'll give you all, eat more."

Seeing that there was only one meat bun left in the bag, Lin Yi's nose was a little sour, he bought three buns, and divided two for himself, remembering what he did to the moon god Diana yesterday, and thinking of the moon god Di Lin Yi felt more and more guilty about Anna's attitude towards him.

"Actually, you don't have to be so complicated. Although you had that dream yesterday, it wasn't a dream." Luna Diana smiled indifferently, and put the cup of soy milk beside Lin Yi. Not to help, but to take it for granted.”

"Uh..." Hearing the words of the moon god Diana, Lin Yi's movements of chewing the meat bun gradually became stiff, and then turned blushing, " know it all..."

"Yeah." Luna Diana nodded, "There is a bond between us, which drives me to hear your inner thoughts and your memories, but you need my permission to view my memories and Listen to my inner thoughts."

"That...Diana...yesterday I, I really didn't mean it, and I don't want to have that dream." Lin Yi's face turned red again, so red that it could bleed.

"Hee hee." The moon god Diana smiled indifferently, looked at the rising sun, pointed to the brilliance, and said, "Look, the sun, it's named after the sun god, Apollo is my elder brother, the sun god, and we are both children of the universe."

"What about others?" Well, in fact, Lin Yi doesn't care about that sun god, but wants to know whether Apollo is still alive, and if he is alive, is he a sister-in-law?If it was a younger sister, would he hit him if he had that kind of dream about his younger sister?

"Dead." Diana, the moon god, replied, "Die in a war that changed the entire universe."

"That's good." Lin Yi patted his chest happily, but immediately realized that he might have said something wrong, "I...I didn't mean that, I meant..."

Just as I was about to speak, I was interrupted by the moon god Diana: "At the beginning, my brother crazily pursued the goddess Daphne. Daphne, and somehow this story survived and was sung throughout the universe."

"I told you this not to express how pitiful I am, but to say that our bond is better than anyone else, I am irreplaceable in your mind, and you are also irreplaceable in my mind, We are all the best wings of God." Luna Diana pouted.

"Ah?" Lin Yi looked at Diana, the moon god, with some doubts, and said, "What are the wings of the god?"

"It's nothing." Luna Diana pursed her lips and said in her heart: You are the powerful subordinate of the powerful lord, and you have defeated the seven masters, and I am the first guard of the Luna God. The two of us They are the most powerful God's Wings in the entire universe, and they are also the most suitable pair.

(PS: The gods in this book have nothing to do with the gods in western myths. Cupid, the son of the god of love mentioned above, is the son of Venus, the god of love. Of course, it is similar to some settings in western myths, but It's really not the same person, Diana, Apollo, Daphne, Cupid, etc., really don't automatically substitute into the western setting. Also, if other gods in this book also collide with the gods in the fairy tales , and don't automatically substitute those settings, those settings have nothing to do with the settings of the gods.)
(End of this chapter)

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