School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 279 The Chased Baltan Starman

Chapter 279 The Chased Baltan Starman

" you tell me about my life experience or...or...what happened in the past..." Lin Yi put his hands on his thighs, crossed his hands, and his eyes were not far away on a tree.

The moon god Diana was slightly stunned, then laughed dumbfounded, and shook her head, "No way. If you know all this too early, it will have an impact on all universes, maybe that guy will be resurrected early."

"Ah?" Lin Yi looked at the moon god Diana in astonishment, "Are you kidding...why... I will change everything if I know..."

"Obviously I was caught in this situation, but why can't I know..." Lin Yi smiled, heaved a long sigh of relief, stood up, and said, "Let's go."


Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at Diana, the moon god, "I don't know, the world is so big, and the world is home, so let's go wherever we go."

"Yeah." Luna Diana nodded and hurriedly followed.

Life business.

After having breakfast at the convenience store, Ron picked up his schoolbag, "I'm leaving. I won't be able to catch the bus any later."

"Be careful." Liu Shunrong, Ron's mother, watched Ron's back getting smaller and smaller, and returned to the shop.

Ron ran quickly in the street, shouting incessantly: "Oops, I'm going to be late, I'm going to miss the bus, hurry up, hurry up."

"Ha...ha...ha..." After running unremittingly, he finally arrived at the bus stop, but the last bus bound for the school had already left, and Ron wiped the sweat from his forehead. With a sad face, he said: "It's happened now, I'm going to be late."

"Huh? It's that little boy." Lin Yi went up to meet him and asked, "Ron, what's wrong? Why are you so sad?"

"Yeah, it's Brother Lin Yi," Ron said with a happy smile, but thinking of his current situation, he said in mourning, "I missed the bus, and I'm going to be late now."

"Uh..." Lin Yi glanced at Luna Diana in embarrassment, Luna Diana shrugged helplessly, then turned her head and said: "Then you go, fighting, fighting."

"Yeah." Ron nodded, and immediately picked up his schoolbag and ran.

The moon god Diana came up, stood in front of Lin Yi, and said, "That little boy has light in his heart."

Lin Yi nodded, and glanced at Ron's distant figure, "Yes, but I can't see through the light, and I don't know which Ultra warrior in this universe has visited and left the light for him."

"Although the light is not very strong, you can still feel that the light is real." Luna Diana said with a smile: "If he can, maybe he can master that power, just like forcing water, it can change Become an Ultra warrior."

Sitting on the railing, he glanced casually at Diana, the moon god, and listened quietly to Diana, the moon god, "In the Great Thousand Universe, only one universe can evolve creatures like Ultra Warriors, and in the Great Thousand Universe, monsters The footprints of light are all over almost every universe, and the universe with light is both lucky and unlucky at the same time.”

"They were devastated by the war. Although they were protected by light, they paid a huge price." Diana, the moon god, tilted her head, and the two sat together like a young couple, chatting.

A few minutes later, Ron finally ran to the school.

Pushing away the students in the classroom, "Report."

The whole class focused on Ron. Jin Luping, the homeroom teacher who was teaching, helped her eyes and said seriously, "Ron, you're already three minutes late."

"I'm very sorry." Ron bowed to the serious Jin Luping, "By the time I ran to the bus stop, the bus had already left."

Jin Luping put down the textbook in her hand, "Don't explain, if there is an excuse for everything, then the world will be in chaos, go, stand at the door for me."

"Yes." Ron raised his head and stood by the classroom dejectedly. Thinking of the dream he had yesterday, he inadvertently raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, and glanced at the door secretly. Jin Luping was concentrating on giving a lecture, and Ron slightly Heaving a sigh of relief, he leaned against the wall, opened his schoolbag, took out a pencil, and then took out a large piece of white cardboard, pressed it against the wall, and began to outline the Ultraman in his dream.

================================================== ======
"Catch the thief!" The high-pitched voice of a fat aunt resounded, and the slightly pungent voice stopped all the pedestrians around. The human-like Baltan star grabbed a few buns and ran, followed by a group of People were chasing after themselves, and the noisy sound immediately filled the street.

The Baltan Stars shuttled through the streets like sharp swords, and escaped into an alley, and the pedestrians chasing behind followed them. There was no way to retreat. The Baltan Stars glared at them, and the aunt picked up an alley angrily. Stick, said: "You bastard, stole my steamed stuffed bun, hand it over to me!"

"Stealing in broad daylight, what a shame."

"That's right, hand it over quickly."


The Baltans left those buns on the ground and said, "You forced me to do this, so don't blame me for being cruel!"

The aunt got angry as soon as she heard it, put one hand on her waist aggressively, pointed at the Baltan star with the other and cursed, just like the woman who scolded the street, the Baltan star frantically shook her body, suddenly, black A purple mist filled his side, and those who watched this scene were stunned, thinking it was a trick.

As the fog thickened, a pair of yellow eyes shone in the black-purple fog. Those ghostly eyes hit people's sights, and some timid people sat on the ground with their legs limp.

The black mist dissipated, and the human figure was gone, replaced by a crayfish-like thing with a wicked smile in its mouth.

"Ah!!!! A monster!!!!" Under the eyes of everyone, a human turned into a monster, and those people who were originally aggressive all ran away in panic, for fear of being targeted by the monster.

The Baltan star jumped to the side of the savage aunt who was chasing him, and grabbed the fat aunt with his big pliers. The woman kept calling for help, and the biological instinct made her struggle, and the Baltan star became more and more violent. To relieve her anger, she threw her hand to the ground and threw her heavily on the ground.

(PS: That’s all for today, I’m really sorry, Yimeng Kawen, this chapter has been coded since 9:20 until now, and it took almost two hours to code out these 2000 words .)
(End of this chapter)

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