School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 280 The Long-lost Kiss

Chapter 280 A Long-lost Kiss

"Hey, it hurts me to death." Aunt Pole's painful facial features twisted together, rubbing her buttocks, and the Baltan star walked towards Aunt Pole step by step, "Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Ahhh!!!" The Baltan star came over as if the god of death was coming step by step. Poli aunt got up from the ground staggeringly, and fled to the place she thought was safe. The Baltan star was chasing after Polar Big Mom, it's like a cheetah chasing an antelope, that kind of fun is very inhumane, but for the Baltan Stars, it can be very good to spread their anger on the pungent Big Mom, who made her chase him just now.

The way of heaven is reincarnation, who can the sky bypass.

It's not that we don't report, it's just that the time has not come.

"Diana, is there anything unusual in this world?" Lin Yi pursed his lips, "It's been so long, nothing strange has happened, it's enough for this ghost treasure to teleport me to this place."

The moon god Diana raised her eyebrows and joked: "Why, it's rare to settle down once, don't you want to enjoy a peaceful life?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Of course not. I have long been used to traveling through the flames of war and enjoying the smell of gunpowder smoke. From the time I can remember, I don't know if there have been a hundred days of peaceful life. Once I calm down, I will be very bored, sitting there blankly, staring at a certain object, letting time flow by me, but at that time, time always passes very slowly," Lin Yi smiled bitterly Smile: "When I was young, You Xinyue accompanied me and spent the most difficult time with me. Now I am alone in the days of wandering. I made many friends, but in the end they got separated. When I go back to find them, maybe They've turned into a pile of loess."

"I dare not look back, because there is no one behind me. After each battle, I lie alone in a dark corner, licking my own wounds. They only see the mighty figure who is fighting all the heroes and looks down on the world." Lin Yi took out the photo that kept memories from his pocket, how precious it was, "We passed by in a hurry, leaving only this photo that testifies to our friendship."

Diana, the moon god, rubbed her temples with some headaches, sighed helplessly, and said, "Although you miss them very much, this kind of missing will last for at most 100 years. After 100 years, they will be killed by time. But you are different. You have an infinite lifespan, the same lifespan as the mysterious space. I am connected with you, and I am lucky to have an endless lifespan. From the moment we signed the contract, our appearance has been fixed. , will never change, it seems that we have been erased in time, you keep saying that you are in love with Shangguan Waner, but this kind of love will last a hundred years at most."

"In 100 years, everyone you know will grow old and become a piece of loess, and you will have nothing. I have been waiting for tens of millions of years, and the next 100 years will not be too bad. After 100 years, you will only have me. After 100 years, You are mine." Then, Luna Diana put her index finger on Lin Yi's chin: "It doesn't matter if you don't accept me now, 100 years is too soon, I can wait, [-] years later, you You can only accept me. Hee hee (*∩_∩*)~”

The moon god Diana leaned in front of Lin Yi, her lips were almost brought together, Lin Yi looked at the moon god Diana with a dazed expression, the breaths of both sides scattered on each other's faces, the moon god Diana saw Lin Yihao Unmoved, he smiled affectionately, touched Lin Yi's face, and said, "Look at your ability, as the Wing of God, you are at a loss when facing such a thing."

Lin Yi swallowed, and the moon god Diana, who was close at hand, said, "I... Let me tell you, I, Lin Yi, am not a gentleman..."

"Hee hee hee hee..." bursts of silver-like laughter came from the mouth of the moon god Diana, and the lips of the moon god Diana moved forward slightly, imprinting on Lin Yi's lips, feeling the familiar Temperature, Luna Goddess Diana stood up with satisfaction, looked at Lin Yi who was at a loss, and smiled: "What's the matter? Didn't you say that you are not a gentleman?"

Lin Yi's blurred eye sockets were slightly distracted, I... I was kissed by a woman... oh my god...

"What? Are you stupid after enjoying the kiss of the gods?" Diana, the moon god, glanced at Lin Yi angrily, and said, "A kiss is enough. Look at your talent, what should you do in the future."

Only then did Lin Yi realize that it wasn't a dream just now, he swallowed, and said, "I'll did you...kiss me..."

"Hee hee..." Moon God Diana said with a natural look: "Why not, I am your man."


Lin Yi couldn't sit still, slipped from the fence, and sat on the ground, "Are you kidding... Are you planning my future..."

"Hmm," the moon god Diana shook her head, helped Lin Yi up from the ground, and said, "It's not a plan, but a destiny. We are destined to meet each other. You are my true son, and I am the only thing you can rely on." Shangguan Wan'er can't give you what you want, but I can, because I am a god, hehe."

"..." Lin Yi looked at her speechlessly, and said, "Don't talk about gods and ghosts, that's not normal."

"That's normal, am I right in front of you?" Luna Diana put one hand on her waist and said, "A beautiful goddess and a powerful male god, hehehe, they are really a perfect match." .”

"..." Lin Yi said with a dark face: "I am not a male god, and you are not a goddess, we are just a grain of sand among all living beings."

"But it is the most dazzling gravel." Diana, the moon god, waved her hand indifferently, "I don't care about the names of gods or gods. For God, for the one who cares, it is you."

"Oh, oh, don't say such nasty words, it makes me very uncomfortable." Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Can you say something else, don't talk about men and women."

"Hmm." Luna Diana smiled indifferently, "I don't care, as long as you are by my side, I am happy to say anything."

"..." Lin Yi looked at Diana, the moon god, with a dark face, and pouted, I was confused when I was with you. The title of God is too contradictory.

"We have three rules, first, don't say anything weird, second, don't kiss me forcefully, and third, don't tease me!" Lin Yi said very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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