School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 281 Something went wrong again

Chapter 281 Something went wrong again

"Uh..." Luna Goddess Diana squinted her big eyes, bit her lips lightly, grabbed Lin Yi's arm with both hands, and shook, "Why do you want to do this? I can follow the first point, but the last two points...hehehe ..."

"Huh?" Lin Yi frowned slightly, turned his head suddenly, and found a palpitating aura coming from the original place, and looked at Diana, the moon god, "That aura is..."

Luna Diana nodded, and said, "This breath has been present for a long time. It has entered my dark energy detection range since last night, but there has been no movement. Now I don't know why there is a sudden movement."

"What!? It has appeared since last night?" Lin Yi looked at Luna Diana in astonishment, and asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

The moon god Diana spread her hands helplessly, and said, "You didn't ask me."

"You... oh, forget it, let's go over and have a look first, in case something happens, we should deal with it immediately." Lin Yi held the hand of the moon god Diana, and ran to that position.

"Ai ai ai, don't hold me, can't we just use the power of space to go there?" Luna Diana pouted and said, "Don't you want to have skin-to-skin contact with me? Why now? Take the initiative to hold my hand."

"Uh..." Lin Yi realized something was wrong, and immediately put down the hand of the moon god Diana, and a touch of red was printed on Lin Yi's face, "In broad daylight, use the power of space rashly, in case someone finds out What should I do?"

Diana, the moon god, didn't want to argue with Lin Yi, "Oh, you can hold me if you want to. What excuse do you want? If you like someone, just tell them, and they won't reject you." Then he took Lin Yi's hand , run quickly.

"..." Lin Yi looked at Luna Diana speechlessly, as if you asked me to let go of your hand.

================================================== ==============
The Baltan star seemed to have lost interest, and jumped to the side of the vicious woman, and grabbed the vicious woman's neck with his own pliers. The people on the side saw the Baltan star and thought it was filming TV, but saw him He jumped a few meters away in an instant, and easily lifted a chubby woman with one hand, and immediately became agitated, calling the police and making videos.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Some people who have seen Ultraman heard this familiar voice, and immediately reacted, "This...isn't this the Baltan star in Ultraman?"

"Ah?" Passerby A B widened his eyes and said, "Ultraman!? Isn't that illusory? When did it become real?"

"But this thing that I don't know what it is looks like that Baltan star." Passerby A pointed at the Baltan star, his legs trembling for a while.

"Ah, I found it." Passerby B A picked up his mobile phone, and there was a picture of the Baltan star on it, "That's right, this guy is a monster in the Ultraman series of Yuangu Company, the Baltan star. "


Bursts of discussion continued to appear.


With the sound of broken bones, the head of the vicious woman was clamped off by the Baltan star, and the body of the vicious woman fell to the ground with a bang, bursts of blood gushing out continuously.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." The Baltan star threw his head aside, and immediately, the stench of blood filled the air. Those passers-by A, B, C, D, N, seeing this scene that can only be seen on TV, immediately Vomited.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." The Baltan star looked at a group of people who were constantly vomiting and frightened, and smiled strangely, as if enjoying this scene very much.


Light bullets flew out of the Baltan Starman's pair of pincers, and a 'boom' sound hit the crowd. An unknown hand fell to the ground, and the sole of his foot was blown away and fell on the air-conditioning bracket. , the ground was lifted up, and the rising soil pillars slapped the ground.

"Ahhh!!!" All kinds of screaming voices resounded in an instant, and people no longer cared about taking pictures and making calls, and fled in a hurry with their mobile phones in their hands, fearing that they would be caught up by the Baltan Stars.

Lin Yi saw the crayfish's body, and murmured, "Baltans."

Putting down the jade hand in his hand, Lin Yi jumped forward, leaped tens of meters, rolled in the sky, kicked heavily on the body of the Baltan star, and kicked him to the ground. The body of the Baltan star was on the ground. After rolling up and down a few times, a carp stood up straight, and the lobster stared at Lin Yi. He could clearly feel a palpitating light emanating from the man in front of him.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." With a burst of weird laughter, the body of the Baltan star was covered with a burst of silver light. Driven by the light, the body of the Baltan star was becoming huge. In just a few seconds, from a 1 The height of 7 meters has become a 50-meter-high behemoth.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." The giant Baltan star raised his foot and stepped on Lin Yi below. Lin Yi's pupils shrank sharply, and he hurriedly turned and retreated. Almost by a hair, the Baltan star's foot With a bang, he stepped on the ground, splashing bursts of soil and rocks, and the rising column of soil went straight to the knee of the Baltan star.

"Oh, I'll go, the tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm HELLO KITTY." Lin Yi raised his right arm, and a white light flashed, and the white mysterious ice breath appeared on Lin Yi's right arm.

Lin Yi brushed the blue ice beads on the Xuanbing breath with his left hand, but no snowflakes burst out, and no white Mobius ring flashed, but Lin Yi did not notice this weird scene, it was still as usual He raised his right hand high and shouted loudly: "Mengbiu~Si!"

With the emergence of a burst of white light, the imaginary transformation did not happen. Lin Yi looked at his body in astonishment, and he raised his mysterious ice breath again, and shouted loudly: "Mengbi U~S!"

There is still no movement, and it still looks like a human being.

"Why... how could it be like this..." Lin Yi shook his hand, "If that's the case, let's change it."

With the flash of light, the white mysterious ice aura has disappeared, replaced by the destructive aura that is no longer going berserk, "The dark vein of killing demons has been suppressed, and now you can use the power of the dark and destructive form as you like, since that's the case."

Lin Yi nodded, with anticipation, brushed the black smear on the destructive aura with his left hand, but the flames did not appear, Lin Yi raised the destructive aura high, and shouted: "Mengbiyou~Si !"

(End of this chapter)

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