School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 282 Doppelganger Again

Chapter 282 Doppelganger Again
Still nothing happened, but Lin Yi, who was supposed to transform into Mengbius, was still human. Lin Yi looked at the destructive aura in his hand in astonishment, then looked at himself, and said, "No problem. Ah, why can't I transform?"

"How could this happen..." Lin Yi frowned slightly, puzzled, turned his head to look at the moon god Diana, but the moon god Diana didn't look at Lin Yi, a flash appeared beside Lin Yi , another flicker disappeared in the same place, and just as it disappeared, the Baltan star stepped on it, making a loud 'boom'.

In the distance, there was a burst of ripples, and Diana, the moon god, put Lin Yi down from her arms, and said, "I was scared to death. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise you would have been trampled flat."

"Thank you." Lin Yi nodded, then changed into a pensive expression and said, "Diana, why can't I transform?"

"What!?" Luna Diana looked at Lin Yi in surprise, grabbed Lin Yi's hand, and a beam of pink energy was transmitted into Lin Yi's body, but it seemed to be bounced back when it encountered some obstacles. The rebounding force knocked Luna Diana away several meters.

After steadying her footsteps, Diana, the moon god, frowned slightly and said, "You are resisting my energy."

"Eh?" Lin Yi said in confusion, "What did you say? I didn't use the energy in my body just now."

"Is that so strange..." Diana the Moon God frowned in confusion, put one hand on her chin, hovered in front of Lin Yi, and said, "Maybe... because of the laws of the universe, This universe did not accept your existence, so it lowered a barrier in your body to shield your giant figure."

"The law of the universe...!" Hearing this word, Lin Yi clenched his fist slightly, and cursed secretly: "Damn it, the law of the universe, don't you know the reason why you keep something today so that you can meet again in the future? Damn, I knew it earlier I will blow you up and not recover you, rub it!"

"Uh..." Luna Goddess Diana walked to Lin Yi's side, patted Lin Yi's head comfortingly, and said, "That's just my guess, maybe it's what Zhibao did."

"Zhibao..." Immediately, all the shortcomings of Zhibao were listed by Lin Yi, and Lin Yi's face darkened in an instant, and said: "It is not impossible, and Zhibao's urine is very likely to be killed by Zhibao. .”

The universe is empty.

A beam of golden streamer pierced the void of the universe and rushed into the earth's atmosphere. Naios had already sensed that the Baltan Stars had appeared on the earth.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha..." The Baltan star waved his big pincers and pushed towards the building next to him. With a loud bang, the building fell to the side and turned into ruins.

Lin Yi, who had a panoramic view of all this, clenched his fists and said, "Damn, I'm so arrogant, if I can transform, I'll beat you up every minute!"

Diana, the moon god, shook her head, pointed to the sky, and said, "You don't need to do anything, Nong, the helper has already arrived."

"That's..." Following the direction pointed by the moon god Diana, a beam of golden light pierced the sky, muttering: "Ultraman Neos...Ultraman Neos..."

The moon god Diana smiled and said: "This should be the masterpiece of Zhibao. It should be that Zhibao sensed that there is an Ultra warrior guarding this universe, so he temporarily banned your power. After all, you can't protect this universe forever. Let's train the Ultra fighters of this universe."

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "No, Naios is not an Ultra fighter in this universe, he is a member of the Kingdom of Light's Space Security Agency and Warrior Command, and he should have come to this universe from the future .”

"Is it guided by something?" Luna God Diana asked, "Without the treasure or the strongest, it is impossible to cross the barrier of the universe."

Lin Yi shook his head, smiled bitterly, "I don't know, all we have to do is stand here and watch."

A beam of golden streamer landed, and the light quickly converged, revealing its original appearance.

Feeling the warm feeling coming from behind, the fleeing people stopped in their tracks one after another, and when they turned around, the incredible scene once again collided with their vision, "Ul...Ultraman..."

"That is…"


"What the hell happened to this world..."

"I found you!" Naios put on a fighting pose towards the Baltan star.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." After a ghostly smile, the Baltan star ran straight to Naios, hitting Naios' body with his own arm.

"Ha!" Naios stretched out his hands in low gear, and grabbed the arm of the Baltan star. As a result of the struggle, Naios kept backing his legs, and the Baltan star kept moving forward.

"Ha!" Naios dodged, let go of the arm of the Baltan star, lost Naios's low gear, and the Baltan star slammed into a house. With a thunderous explosion, the building The high-rise buildings turned into ruins, and huge debris flew to the ground, smashing the asphalt road into big holes one after another.

Naios rolled back a few times, stabilized his posture, jumped up, kicked the thin figure of the Baltan star, kicked him to the ground, rolled back a few times, and put on a fight posture.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." The Baltan star rolled backwards with this force, a carp stood up straight, raised its big pliers towards Naios, bursts of light bullets whizzed through the air, and rushed towards Naios. Neos.

"Ha!" Naios immediately propped up his Otto barrier, and the green Otto barrier firmly blocked the series of light bullets in front of him. Some light bullets were not canceled out, but rebounded and bombarded the surrounding buildings. On the ground, several mushroom clouds rose into the sky, and the scorched land exuded an unpleasant smell.The shrill siren sounded in the city.

After the Ultra barrier turned into a pile of green particles and disappeared, Naios flew towards the Baltan star, fell over his shoulder, and threw the Baltan star to the ground, and the Baltan star landed on Naios' abdomen , grabbed Naios's hand with both hands, threw it back vigorously, and then sat on Naios' body one by one. The sound, the huge force shook the ground.

"Ha!" Naios raised his legs, and his lower body and upper body were at an 80° angle. This angle was just enough to kick the Baltan star.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." After the Baltan star got up from the ground, his body began to blur. One Baltan star split into two, two split into four, four split into eight again, and there were eight Baltan stars. Star!
Eight Baltans surrounded Naios. Naios, who just got up from the ground, looked at the scene in front of him at a loss, and posed a fighting posture against the Baltans in front of him. , and took a fighting pose towards the Baltan star behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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