Chapter 286 Singing
The human-like Baltan star stumbled out of the alley, and when he passed the entrance of the Life Trading Company, he fell into the water with a 'bang', splashing bursts of water mist, and the drenched Baltan star fell unconscious, not only He was severely injured just by losing his avatar, and it was even more caused by the cold.

Hearing the movement outside the door, Luo Huaping turned around immediately, and saw a man in his thirties lying in a pool of water. Seeing this, Luo Huaping put down the box in his hand and went up to him, "Young man, young man ,What’s wrong with you?"

After hearing her husband's urgent voice, Liu Shunrong hurriedly put on a dry dress and came out. Her man was being pinched by a man. Seeing this, Liu Shunrong ran to his side, squatted down, and asked: "Who is this young man? Why did he appear in our store?"

"I don't know. When I was moving the goods just now, this man fell at the door of our store. It was raining outside. If he was left alone at the door, he would definitely get sick." Luo Huaping carried him into the store , After setting up a bed with a box, he put him on it, and let out a long breath, "Well, if the rain hasn't stopped later, you can pick up your son, and I'll make him a bowl of ginger soup Warm up."

"Yes." Liu Shunrong nodded.

After a while, the dark clouds cleared.The rain stopped, and the sun appeared again. The bright afterglow fell on Lin Yi's eyes. Occasionally, the breeze would blow Lin Yi's bangs, making rustling noises. A rainbow crossed the city without warning. Everything seemed to have never happened, and peace seemed to be restored again. Advent.

The place affected by the fighting has been filled with debris of houses, and the ruins that have introduced sadness are constantly emitting white smoke. The smell of burning lingers in the ruins, and the unpleasant smell can be smelled tens of meters away. Lost The people at home knelt by the ruins in a daze, even if the people around them pulled and comforted them, they couldn't cheer up the people who lost their homes.

The place baptized by the battle has been filled with despair. Vehicles in twos and threes left here with despair of life. Soon, this area was blocked, not only because of the ruins, but also many roads ahead. It was ruined and needed to be rebuilt.

This incident of the Cosmic Man caused an uproar on the Internet, and some unique remarks were undoubtedly discussing the incident of the Cosmic Man. Those who got the video posted those videos and photos as evidence on the Internet.

There are so many evidences, videos and photos taken from all corners, colliding with people's sight again and again, forcing those who don't believe it to believe, and this incident has also attracted the attention of various countries, many satellites are flying across China When it was in the sky, we began to pay close attention to the Taiwan area.

"It's cleared up." The moon god Diana closed her eyes and opened her hands, as if she was enjoying the feeling of the breeze blowing over her body. She took a deep breath, and the slightly moist air was mixed with the fragrance of soil, golden The light shone on the face of the moon god Diana, and the golden light outlined the body of the moon god Diana, making her look like an angel at this moment.

"It's so beautiful..." Lin Yi's eyes were hooked by the moon god Diana in an instant. How could such a beautiful woman appear in the world? Beside God Diana, said: "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Luna Goddess Diana turned her head and asked, the moment she turned her head, her fluttering long hair brushed against Lin Yi's face, and the slightly fragrant hair made Lin Yi's heart agitated.

The power of the movement frost forcibly suppressed the restless flame, and thought: Damn, what should I do if I follow such a seductive woman in the future, sooner or later my chastity will be lost.

After exhaling slightly, Lin Yi looked at the sun after the ** rain. The moist clouds reflected the sun's brilliance, making the sky golden, and the water on the ground was also shining brightly. From a distance, it looked like As if glowing, he pointed to the sun and said, "Look, what a beautiful sunset."

"Let me teach you how to sing." Luna Diana looked at Lin Yi expectantly.

"Eh? What does this have to do with the sunset?" Lin Yi scratched his face in confusion.

"Oh, watch it carefully, study hard." Luna Diana pouted slightly and forced Lin Yi to learn. After seeing him nod, Luna Diana sang the first line: "You are the son of chaos , gentle warrior."

"You are the Son of Chaos, a gentle warrior." Lin Yi sang along speechlessly.

"The eternal hope, the bond of seven colors and judgment gave birth to the supreme chaos, that incomparably dazzling warrior." Diana, the moon god, sang with a smile.

"The eternal hope, the bond of seven colors and judgment gave birth to the supreme chaos, that incomparably dazzling warrior."

"One Day, you disappear in the traces of time, even if it's full of scars, it's not about, win or lose cause, we all lose."

"Uh... so embarrassing..." Lin Yi scratched his head shyly, "I'm tone deaf, let's forget it."

"No, you must be able to sing this song and be able to open your mouth." Diana, the moon god, approached Lin Yi ferociously.

"Okay, okay, I'll sing, I can't sing." In order to avoid the incident of forced kissing from happening again, Lin Yi had to choose to compromise, and opened his mouth to sing: "One Day, you disappear in the traces of time, even if it's devastated, it's Not about, win or lose cause, we all lose."

"Exchange your strength with strong protection to achieve a sacred body and an unquenchable flame. Use your power to save the common people, full of the power of redemption, and break through the sky." Diana, the moon god, sang very devotedly. Before I knew it, I recalled the time when Lin Yi taught me to sing this song. It was also the sunset of the day. Lin Yi stood beside me very kindly, half hugging myself, leaning my head on Lin Yi's shoulder, watching The beautiful sunset is gradually replaced by the night, and the bright moonlight adds a sadness to the cold night. Lin Yi's singing surrounds my ears, and I gradually enter my dream...

That night was so beautiful, so harmonious, everything was like a dream, but when I woke up from the dream, everything was shattered, and the monstrous flames burned that beautiful picture. Lin Yi wanted to do something, but it was too late, the pain of the beauty's passing filled his heart, like a lone star from the sky, every girl who was with him would end badly.

"Exchange your strength with strong protection to achieve a sacred body and an unquenchable flame. Use your power to save the common people, full of the power of redemption, and cut through the sky." Lin Yi looked at the face of the moon god Diana, She seemed to be caught in a fond memory.

(End of this chapter)

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