School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 287 Coincidence

Chapter 287 Coincidence
"What's the matter with you?" Luna Diana didn't sing the following line for a long time, Lin Yi felt something was wrong, because Luna Diana was giggling, so he shook his hand in front of Luna Diana.

"It's nothing, let's continue," Luna Goddess Diana woke up from her memories after being messed up by Lin Yi. The past has passed, and the one who taught herself to sing is dead. There are countless time interruptions, and only one can exist. He, that he is the present one. Now he has nothing, and the only wealth he has left is this person whom he will entrust to his whole life in the future. He will always be with him until the day when Lin Yi dies in battle. Anna would not have the desire to live, shook her head, seemed to shake off all the troubles, then the moon god Diana continued to sing: "For Yi Ren willingly abandons the light and falls into darkness, falls into the altar of light, I would like to use my protection in exchange for the veins of evil spirits, so that everything will be surrendered under your feet, filled with the power of revenge, destroy everything."

She looked at the moon god Diana with some worry, and found that she was normal now, so she continued to learn: "Because Yi Ren is willing to abandon the light and fall into the darkness, fall into the altar of light, and is willing to use the guardianship in exchange for a body of evil spirits." , Let everything submit to your feet, full of the power of revenge, destroy everything."

When the moon god Diana was about to sing the next line, Lin Yi waved his hand and interrupted the moon god Diana: "Diana, why did I memorize this song after learning it once and I can sing it just like you? It’s weird that it’s not out of tune.”

Diana, the moon god, smiled without saying a word, and said in her heart: Idiot, because this song is about yourself.

"Let's continue," Luna Diana smiled and nodded, "The frost that is exchanged for loneliness, a crystal clear frosty heart, a heart that will never melt, belongs to the power of loneliness, and freezes all evil."

"Frost exchanged for loneliness, a crystal clear frosty heart, a heart that will never melt, belongs to the power of loneliness, freeze all evil."

Looking into Lin Yi's eyes, she found that she was so innocent. Diana, the moon god, shook her head slightly. If you don't understand the lyrics, it is really too difficult to understand the meaning of the lyrics. Sigh slightly After taking a breath, he continued to sing: "Embrace the darkness, regain the light, accept the baptism of light, annihilate all the sins, exchange the destruction for the sacred posture, the successor of the light, with the blood of light flowing, climb to the top of the altar of light again, Hopeful blood, tear the darkness apart!"

"Embrace the darkness, recapture the light, accept the baptism of light, annihilate all the evil, exchange the destruction for the sacred posture, the successor of the light, flow the blood of light, re-climb the altar of light, blood full of hope, Tear up the darkness!" Lin Yi learned it very seriously, not only because the song is good, but also because the song is memorized after listening to it once.

Diana, the moon god, frowned and thought for a moment, and decided not to sing the line 'Ultraman Mebuis'. It cannot affect the Venerable, nor can it affect the Great Thousand Universe, otherwise all the worlds will be messed up. "The gods should not exist, the gods Yin should not be alive. End the world of the gods, this is your time. In the name of infinity, let the world enter reincarnation. You are the warrior of light, end all this with the power of love, the world full of sin, go forward !Accept the baptism of chaos, chaos is supreme! You will become a brave man, cut through fear, and become an immortal myth in the realm of eternity, a warrior full of light!"

"The gods should not exist, and the gods should not be in this world. End the world of the gods, this is your era. In the name of infinity, let the world enter reincarnation. You are the warrior of light, end all this with the power of love , A world full of sins, go forward! Accept the baptism of chaos, chaos is supreme! You will become a brave man, cut through fear, and become an immortal myth in the eternal realm, a warrior full of light!" Lin Yi said in amazement: "Light Warrior? Is this song about an Ultra warrior?"

"Yeah." Luna Diana nodded and said, "This song praises a very great Ultra warrior. He dedicated himself to the mysterious space and the great universe, and gave everything he had to a Man, although his fate is doomed, he has no complaints at all. Although the end is doomed, he still fights without hesitation. He is a very great Ultra warrior."

"It's amazing." Lin Yi's eyes lit up, and he said, "Can I add some lyrics?"

"Hmm... You should take a closer look first, and I'll see if it suits you."

Lin Yi smiled slyly, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, let me narcissistically add the phrase Ultraman Mebuis after the blood full of hope, tearing the darkness apart, tearing through fear, breaking through eternity The world is transformed into an immortal myth, and after the warrior full of light, add Ultraman Mebuis, and then add Ultraman Mebuis at the end, okay?"

"Pfft." Hearing this, the moon god Diana burst out laughing. Is this a coincidence?There were these few lines in the lyrics, but now he added them in. He shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It's ok, if you are narcissistic, you can be narcissistic. If you are narcissistic, I will love you too."

"..." Lin Yi's smiling face froze immediately, but Diana, the moon god, ignored the stiff smile and continued to sing: "Like a shooting star, piercing through fear, hero full of light, together with your partners, protect The legend of the gods, a bright future full of hope for tomorrow, a shining planet, courage, protection, destruction, frost, brilliance, chaos! Ultraman Mebuis!"

"Hey..." Lin Yi laughed like a three-year-old child who got candy after hearing that Diana, the moon god, really added his name, "The hero who cuts through fear like a shooting star, and is full of light, and Together with your partners, maintain the legends of the gods, hope for a bright future, a shining planet, courage, protection, destruction, frost, brilliance, chaos! Ultraman Mebuis!"

"How's it going, have you learned it?" Luna Diana looked at Lin Yi expectantly.

But Lin Yi frowned, and said, "It's not's really not right..."

"Eh?" Luna Diana was a little nervous. Could it be that Lin Yi discovered something?Immediately, the heart of the moon god Diana rose.Lin Yi's words confirmed Diana's thoughts even more, "Courage, protection, destruction, frost, brilliance and chaos, these words, four words correspond to my power, the brave of flames and the shape of the brave. Courage, the guardian of the guardian form, the destruction of the dark form of destruction and the new power, the frost of the frost form, although I don’t know what the light and chaos are, but the lyrics are really strange.”

"Uh..." Luna Diana stammered, "It's a coincidence."

"Yeah." Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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