Chapter 288 Eternal
Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Luna Diana heaved a sigh of relief. There should be no doubts. Luna Diana smiled and said, "Hey, sing it for me."

Lin Yi nodded confidently, snapped his fingers, and said, "Listen carefully, I won't admit that I'm a tone-deaf man."

"You are the Son of Chaos, gentle warrior..."

Lin Yi sang very expressively, and sang the climax of "the gods should not exist, and the gods should not exist in this world."End the world of the gods, this is your time. 'At the time, Lin Yi already felt his blood was boiling!

After the singing, Diana, the moon god, applauded appreciatively, and said, "You sang very well, with great temperament."

"Hey, that's right, don't even look at who I am." As he said, Lin Yi wiped his nose.

"Praise you twice, you are still flying, don't you?" Luna Diana stretched out her hand, and pinched Lin Yi's waist hard, making Lin Yi's gums tremble in pain.

"Hiss~" Feeling the pain from his waist, Lin Yi gasped, "Diana, how can you be so violent."

"Hmm." Luna Goddess Diana raised her eyebrows and put a hand on Lin Yi's shoulder, "What can you do to me?"

"..." Seeing the moon god Diana put her face in front of her again, Lin Yi's body stiffened again, the moon god Diana blew at Lin Yi mischievously, left Lin Yi's face, and said with a smile : "Look at you, you are still not a man."

"I...Of course I'm a man," Lin Yi pouted with some displeasure, and said, "Don't moleste me as agreed, but you still molested me."

The moon god Diana stuck out her tongue when she heard the words, "I didn't promise you the three chapters of the agreement, that's just your wishful thinking."

"..." Lin Yi glared at the moon god Diana with a dark face, then turned around and strode forward. Slow down, wait for me, can you stop walking so fast."

Luna Diana's hurried words reached Lin Yi's ears, and he smiled slyly, Lin Yi slowed down, turned his head and made a big grimace at Luna Diana, "Slightly, slightly, see if you can't adjust Molesting me. Hmph!"

Luna Diana was taken aback by Lin Yina's action towards him, and after a few seconds, Luna Diana burst out laughing, "Look at you, you don't look like an S-level powerhouse at all, more so Like a three-year-old child, are you immature in mind?"

"Huh?" Lin Yi was stunned when he heard the words of the moon god Diana, and then realized that he seemed to be less and less repulsive to the moon god Diana, and seemed to be inseparable from the appearance of the moon god Diana, even It seems... I fell in love with her, maybe it was from having the big spring and autumn dream, or from the moon god Diana kissing himself, or the moon god Diana said something incomprehensible to him, Lin Yi began to love her. He doesn't resist her so much, and often plays and fights with her.

Since when, her image has entered his mind irresistibly and deeply, when, her memory has been filled with every bit of him and her, laughing and playing, sharing troubles and happiness, every moment They were all so happy and joyful. She never dared to think carefully about this voice hidden in her heart, for she was afraid that she would be alienated from her care.

"Hee hee, it's nothing, I just think you are cute, silly, and naive like this." Luna Diana smiled and whispered: "I still like you very much, just like how much smoke is curling up from a kitchen, and Tangli is fried Snow and rain."

Swallowing slightly, Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Let's...don't talk about it. I won't accept you until I resurrect Wan'er, at least until I go back."

The moon god Diana walked up to Lin Yi gently, hugged Lin Yi back, put her chin on Lin Yi's shoulder, felt the temperature of her face, and said, "It's okay, I'm willing to wait for 1000 years. After a thousand years, if you Love her, she still remembers you, then I will wait quietly until you are tired of each other, nothing else, because there is no one behind me, you are my everything."

Lin Yi didn't speak, maybe the silence was a good answer for Diana, the moon god.

"Hey, when I'm not by your side in the future, cherish the time when you can be active as a human being, because life is a competition, but some people don't even qualify for the competition. In the future, tickets will become more and more expensive, and you may no longer be able to afford admission tickets.” Diana, the moon god, leaned into his ear and said softly, “You and Shangguan Wan’er have only been together for a hundred years. , 100 years later, you may never see her again, but I can afford to wait, so ah, in order not to leave any regrets, I will support you and her in this short 100 years, 100 years later, you are mine , and it will belong to me forever. Why would I not do such a cost-effective thing.”

Diana, the moon god, only felt ridiculous for saying such words against her will. There were 1 people in her heart who didn't want to, and 1 people didn't want Lin Yi to be intimate with other girls, but she said this sentence like a ghost. To comfort him?Or, subconsciously, I really don't mind?
Diana, the moon god, had no answer, and dared not have one.

"Diana, I have a question..." Lin Yi did not push away Diana, the moon god who was holding him. Lin Yi sympathized with her very much. He obviously possessed a power stronger than the peak of MAX in the late stage, and he might only rely on himself. There are countless lives in the universe, such a beautiful and powerful girl fell on me, and I don't know if it was a trick of fate, "Why... as an Ultraman, I have an infinite lifespan, but It's not like other Ultra fighters, they will die after a certain time..."

The moon god Diana said with a natural look: "Why not eternal life?"

"Diana, tell me, there is nothing eternal in the mysterious space, right?"

The moon god Diana was slightly stunned, " and I are eternal..."

"Nonsense, the mysterious space has collapsed, and we will disappear with it. What kind of eternity is this?" Lin Yi glanced at the beautiful face on his shoulder. How could such a beautiful woman be polluted by the world? .

"Uh..." Luna Goddess Diana shook her head and said, "Then I don't know. Eternal things shouldn't exist, right? Love will be pulled into the abyss of evil as the darkness envelops, and the light of hope will Defiled by darkness, darkness is the source of everything, and it is also the end of everything, regardless of whether the mysterious space exists, darkness will exist, eternal, perhaps it is the darkness that swallows everything, the endless void."

(End of this chapter)

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