School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 289 The Playful Baltan

Chapter 289 The Playful Baltan
One side of the sun had already set, and looking from the horizon, it looked like a pumpkin pie that had been sliced ​​off by a knife.

"Let's go."


"Of course I went to Life Trading Company. I promised Ron yesterday that I will definitely go to him." Lin Yi spread his hands helplessly, "Hurry up, time is running out, this is far away from Life Trading Company."

Life business.

"Hiss!" The Baltan star rubbed his forehead and sat up from the container. Hearing the movement behind him, Luo Huaping hurriedly put down the beer box in his hand, turned around and said, "You're awake, wait a minute , I’ll make you a bowl of ginger soup.”

Before the Baltan star could refuse, Luo Huaping walked into the kitchen.

Looking at the clothes covering him, the Baltan star smiled bitterly. After getting off the container, he walked to the door. The sun was about to set. He looked back at the store and found a cabinet on the east side. Soft glue of the first generation, a Tiga, an Uub, a Cyro, Hypageton, and Baltan.

The layout of the soft rubber is that the first generation stands beside Tiga like a pine tree. Tiga's right hand is slightly raised, his left hand is clapping with Uub's right hand, and Hypageton's right pincer is raised towards Uub's back. , the Baltans stood on a box, and Sai Luo stood on the highest radio speaker and looked down at the five of them.

There are also many Ultraman stickers and hand-painted pictures around, and there is even a picture of the original Ultraman bombarding the Baltan Stars with Spethium rays.Next to it hangs an original mask.

Go up and grab your own soft glue, grab the soft glue of the first generation Ultraman, sit on the stool, put the two soft glues on the table, and the right-hand manipulator, Baltan Starman, controls the first generation Ultraman, and starts 'fighting'.

"Haah, Baltan Stars, lead to death, look at me, Spethum Rays!!!" Baltan Stars directed and acted on their own, twisting the arm of the first-generation Ultraman, posing a way to release Spicer The look of the ray of light.

Then put it on the table, picked up the soft glue of the Baltan Starman, opened the two big pliers, and roared with teeth and claws in his mouth: "Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho yurs away. Do you want to defeat my great Baltan star, you underestimate me too much, look at my white destruction and death light!"

"Shhhhhhhhhhh~" gesticulating with that voice, the Baltan star grabbed the Baltan star man's soft rubber, stepped on the chest of the first generation Ultraman, stepped on the ground, and said in his mouth: "Oh! Ho Ho Ho, now you know how powerful I am, if you dare to fight against me from the Baltan Stars, there will be no good end."

"Next, I'll send you to hell~red condensed light~"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" made another sound, and when the word 'boom' came out of his mouth, he let go of his left hand and dropped the soft glue of the first generation of Ultraman on the ground, while his right hand held it high. Picking up the soft glue of the Baltan Starman, "Oh Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho, the first generation of Ultraman, oh Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho."

After masturbating, the Baltan star put away his smiling face, bent down to pick up the soft glue of the original Ultraman, grabbed the soft glue of the Baltan star, and put it back in its original position. At this time, outside the door A man and a woman were staring at the Baltan Starman with serious faces, and the Baltan Starman's movements became stiff, because one of these two people was the man who kicked him away before, and the scene of his transformation was still vividly remembered by the Baltan Starman. However, that woman can take him away in an instant and has the power of space.Although I have changed my appearance now, as long as I am a cosmic being, I can sense the cosmic breath from my body.

Sure enough, Lin Yi's words made the Baltan Starman's heart skip a beat, "There is nowhere to find it in the world, and it doesn't take much effort to get here. The Baltan Starman finally let me beat you."

"Bang!" None of the Baltans caught, and the soft rubber of the original Ultraman and the Baltans fell to the ground, " are you talking about...why...can't understand..."

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Stop pretending, Baltan star, is this interesting?"

"Uh..." The Baltan star was a little overwhelmed, and cold sweat broke out one after another.

Lin Yi smiled disdainfully, and flew to the side of the Baltan Starman. Seeing this, the Baltan Starman stopped pretending and rushed towards Lin Yi. Lin Yi dodged, and with a bang, Bartan Starman The Tanstar fell to the ground and ate a mouthful of dust.

"This time, I'm serious." Said, the Baltan Starman rushed towards Lin Yi again.

Lin Yi couldn't help but feel ashamed when he looked at the Baltan alien who was making a scene like a three-year-old child in a speechless manner. Who would have thought that such a weak alien would be an S-rank strongman? , How did you fight Neos for so many rounds, shook your head slightly, Lin Yi grabbed the Baltan Starman by the collar, and then swung a punch, hitting the Baltan Starman's right eye heavily, knocking Baltan Starman The Tan star was beaten up in a mess, and he staggered up from the ground. The Baltan star rushed to Lin Yi again, "This time, I will definitely not fail."

"Enough is enough for me!" As he said, Lin Yi pinched the Baltan Starman's collar again, almost lifting him up. At this moment, Luo Huaping came out from the kitchen with a bowl of ginger soup, and saw a The strange man pinched his collar, and said in a daze, "What are you guys doing..."

"Uh...we're...we're...beating mice, yes, we're beating mice." As he spoke, he glanced at the Baltan star, who also nodded quickly when he saw this, and said in mourning, "We're beating mice. of a mouse."

"Oh." Luo Huaping didn't doubt what they said. It's normal for mice to appear in the store, so he put ginger soup on the table and said, "Drink this bowl of ginger soup, I'll go find some rat medicine .”

"En." Lin Yi glared at the Baltan star, and then let go of his collar.

The Baltan star who accompanied the smile walked to the table nervously, picked up the bowl of ginger soup, stuck out his tongue tentatively, and drank them all in one gulp after feeling that there was nothing wrong.

The moon god Diana followed Lin Yi to the opposite side of the Baltan star, and asked, "Tell me, why did you appear on the earth in the form of a human being?"

"If not, wouldn't I be killed by Naios?" As he said that, the Baltan star pouted a little dissatisfied.

"So you can wreak havoc on Earth!"

Hearing the words, the Baltan star vetoed, "I didn't!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Lin Yi pointed at the Baltan Starman and said, "I've seen it all. You chopped off a woman's head with your hands, and then destroyed it in the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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