School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 290 The Person Chosen by Light

Chapter 290 The Person Chosen by Light
"I didn't!" The Baltan star vetoed: "I was just hungry, and I stole two buns from that woman, and that woman wanted to beat me, chased me for a long time, and insulted me with harsh words, you You know, every S-level powerhouse has pride, how can he suffer such a big humiliation? Besides, if you hadn't appeared, how could I have become huge? Once I become huge, I will be killed by Naios Grab it, and a life-and-death battle is inevitable.”

"As a cosmic person, you also know that battles will inevitably lead to destruction. Do I want to affect the people on Earth? I just want to eat and find a place to hide." Saying that, the Baltan Starman closed his eyes Tears welled up, "Is it easy for me? I have been chased by Naios in the universe for hundreds of years. I finally found a place to rest, and I was caught by you."

"..." Lin Yi looked at the Baltan Starman speechlessly, "He is already an S-level powerhouse, why is he still like a child?"

" don't kill me...I won't do this..." The Baltan star squeezed his hands together nervously.

"Dangdang Langlang..."

As the school's bell tower began to strike, the sound of reading in the school had stopped.

"School is over, Ron, Liao Hao, Xu Hao and Cheng Hong, you four stay and clean the classroom, after school." The head teacher put away his things and strode out of the classroom.

"goodbye teacher."

One after another, students left the classroom and said goodbye to each other.

"Hey, Ron, have you stayed up all night watching Ultraman?" Liao Hao walked up to Ron who was concentrating on sweeping the floor with a look of ecstasy.

"I didn't." Ron glanced at Liao Hao, changed to a place far away from him, and continued to clean.

Ron didn't want to make trouble, but Liao Hao's two younger brothers seemed to be deliberately embarrassing Ron, "Since there is no one, why are you late in the morning?"

"I...I missed the bus."

Cheng Hong raised his eyebrows: "Then why did you miss the bus?"

"I... I have diarrhea."

"Wow, what a novel reason." Xu Hao smiled disdainfully, "Do you think we will believe it?"

"Then what do you want?" Ron didn't look at them, put down the broom in his hand, and said, "My work is done, I'm going home."

"Go home?" Liao Hao seemed to hear a big joke: "Such a naive person can still do such a little work? Go, wipe the blackboard and windows too."


"Hehe, are you still being stubborn?" Cheng Hong rolled up his sleeves, looking like he was going to beat him up. Seeing this, Ron strode out of the classroom, and Liao Hao cursed, "Chase over, Beat him up."

"Yeah." The two nodded and rushed out of the professor. After hearing the footsteps behind him, Ron knew what they were going to do. These three were well-known bullies in the school. There is a background, the school teachers have nothing to do with the three of them, they know what they do, but they can only turn a blind eye.

Running quickly in the aisle, a little boy with eyes was holding a book, walking slowly along the aisle, Ron ran past him like a gust of wind.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Liao Hao pushed him to the ground at once, and the books in the boy's hands fell scattered on the ground. The name on it was Jiang Zimo.

He hurriedly picked up the books from the ground and tidied them up. When he looked up, he saw the three school bullies surrounding that person.

"Damn, if I tell you to work, you will work for me, won't you? Hit me!" Liao Hao grabbed Ron's collar with one hand and knocked Ron's schoolbag on the ground. Man's mask fell to the ground. Seeing this, Liao Hao smiled disdainfully, stepped on it, and crushed it flat.

"My mask..." Ron looked at the broken mask on the ground, glared at Liao Hao, put his left hand and right hand together, and put on a light-emitting pose: "Haha!"

"Damn it." Seeing Ron's gesture, Liao Hao raised his fist and hit Ron's face. Cheng Hong, who was standing beside him, clapped his hands and applauded.

Ron huddled on the ground, enduring their punches and kicks.

A few minutes later, as if they were tired from playing, the three school bullies gave Ron a pooh, then turned and left.

The mask of the first generation fell aside, with a clear footprint on it.

Jiang Zimo walked over slowly, knelt down and picked up the first-generation mask, wiped the dust off the mask with some distress, stood up, walked to Ron who was shivering and curled up beside him, and touched his shoulder , Ron slightly removed the arm covering his head, and Jiang Zimo smiled at him gently, and put the mask in his hand beside Ron, "How can a warrior who has been selected by the light look like this?" .”

"Huh?" Ron looked at Jiang Zimo in confusion.

Jiang Zimo shook his head, "There is a faint light in your heart, as if it was left by Naios."

"Huh?" Ron looked like you were joking.

Jiang Zimo smiled and said, "Ultraman... really exists."

"Eh?" Jiang Zimo's words made Ron even more astonished.

Under the setting sun, Ron put the mask on his face, as if he wanted to keep the beautiful sunset, Jiang Zimo nodded and disappeared in front of Ron.

Looking blankly at the person who disappeared out of thin air, Ron hurriedly took off his mask and rubbed his eyes, but the person did disappear, together with the book that fell on the ground.

"Are you dazzled?" Ron began to suspect that what he just had was his hallucination, then he shook his head, picked up the books on the floor, patted the dust on his body, and left the school gracefully.

He still doesn't know what happened outside, because the battle didn't spread to the school, and the sound of the battle and the flames didn't spread to the school.

After returning home, he saw Lin Yi and a beautiful big sister talking to a brother in black. After putting down the book in his hand, Ron ran to Lin Yi and asked happily: "Brother Lin Yi, You're really here."

"Yes." Lin Yi smiled and patted his head. Ron pointed to the moon god Diana and said, "Brother Lin Yi, this sister is so beautiful. Is she your girlfriend?"

"'re a kid, where did you hear these things?" As he spoke, Lin Yi patted Ron's head pretending to be angry.

"Not a girlfriend." Luna Diana shook his head. Hearing this, Ron nodded, grabbed a bottle of marble soda, and moved towards the can in his mouth. All the soda was sprayed out, "It's not a girlfriend, it's a woman."


Lin Yi didn't do anything, and fell off the stool, and the Baltan star beside him was a little ashamed.

(PS: The following plot may be a bit nonsense, but don't spray ==)

(End of this chapter)

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