Chapter 403 Vent
deep in the universe.

The most powerful man slowly raised his ice-blue arm, and his ethereal voice resounded in this endless space, "It's a failure, even if you accept my energy and advance to the late stage of S+ in one fell swoop, you still can't defeat them!" Two, it seems that I still need to do it myself..."

The strongest man pondered for a while, then laughed loudly: "No, there is no need, the guy on the earth is about to wake up, Mebius, TIGA, I will pray for you, don't die in his hands, really The main course is still behind."


A beam of silver-white streamer escaped into the earth and came to You Lian's residence, condensing the appearance of Dagu. After putting away the spark prism, Dagu looked at You Lian with a serious face, and said: "I need to change. Stronger!"

"Oh?" You Lian looked at Dagu with some doubts, looked him up and down for a while, and then said: "Don't you have the most powerful power in the world? Why do you want to get a more powerful one?" What about power?"

After listening to You Lian's words, Dagu laughed at himself, shook his head and said, "No, this is really too weak, I need a fighting method that suits me, after experiencing these three life and death wanderings, I understand, I am too dependent on weapons, the degree of dependence even reached the point where I cannot fight without weapons, and I am not afraid of your jokes, I was even almost killed by a mid-S+ powerhouse."

"Huh?" You Lian looked at Di Jia in disbelief, his eyes seemed to say, 'Are you kidding me? ’, then said, “Is what you said true?”

"It's absolutely true." Dagu nodded expressionlessly to indicate that what he said was absolutely true.

"How could it be like this..." You Lian frowned immediately, the folds that shrunk together made the beautiful You Lian look a little old, and some of her hair was already dyed a layer of silvery white , "It shouldn't could a late S+ player be overwhelmed by a strong mid-S+ player...the difference in strength between the two is not even a star...but why..."

Youlian glanced at Dagu again, approached Dagu with some doubts, then took out the sparkling prism from Dagu's arms, as if talking to himself: "It shouldn't be... Di Jia His power has not regressed...nor has he been restricted by the scepter crystal...So, the problem lies with Dagu..."

"Ah! I understand!" You Lian suddenly exclaimed in surprise, then returned the spark prism to Dagu, and said excitedly: "The power of the human body is directly proportional to the power of the giant of light, the stronger the power of the human body If the giant is strong, the power of the giant will be stronger, on the contrary, if the power of the giant is very strong but the human body cannot keep up, then the power of the giant will be pulled down."

"Dagu, all of this should be because you rely too much on the Void Mirror and light skills, and rarely use your body to fight, which directly leads to your fighting ability not keeping up with Tiga's strength level. As a result, it almost fell into the hands of a strong man in the middle stage of S+." You Lian nodded and said, as if he was affirmed by his conjecture.

"Well." Dagu nodded and said: "I understand. In the past, I had the help of Dyna, Gaia, and Yimeng. In the past, I had the overbearing skills of the dark form. In the past, I had the terrifying Void Mirror. Now I have nothing, I don’t even know how to fight anymore, I am so conceited that I finally tasted the taste of failure, completely defeated, completely lost. I want to be strong, I want to be strong, I want to get The same power as Mebiusna!"

"Sorry, I really can't do anything about it. The fountain of life has been exhausted, and there is no way to transform you. In terms of fighting ability, there is no one in the Holy Land of Light who can accompany you. Of course, except for Mebius, all this is just I'm really sorry that I can rely on you to explore alone."

"That's it..." Dagu squeezed the spark prism on his right hand slightly, and said, "Damn it, why should I be so conceited!"

In his heart, Dagu has already scolded himself once, the young man does not work hard and the boss is sad. At the beginning, he didn't care about his fighting ability, thinking that his skills and the magic mirror of the void could be invincible all over the world, but now I realized how ridiculous I was back then, compared to the big universe, I was still too small.

Looking up at the mysterious space, one must have a heart of reverence for the great universe, not a heart that is superior to the great universe.

Somewhat disappointed, holding the spark prism in his hand, his body flew into the air and turned into a beam of silver streamer and landed at the foot of Fanlu Mountain, condensing a composite figure of Dijia, punching and kicking Qi Jielahua in front of him , Hundreds of Qijiela flowers became broken under Di Jia's hand knife, falling to the ground in pieces, and even the vines were cut off by Di Jia.

"Ha!" With the right hand pointing forward, there is a beam of energy light. The red beam of light bombards the group of Qijiela flowers in the distance. The soil pillar raised is more than [-] meters high, and the energy explosion even makes the ground tremble. , but the burning flame was not like a spark that started a prairie fire. Just after a fire started, it was extinguished from the bottom up, as if it was the hand of the life conceived below.

Like a lawn mower, Dijia shuttled through the ocean of Qijella flowers. Thousands of Qijella flowers instantly turned into mud. The petals of Qijella flowers were thrown into the sky and fluttered with the wind. Seen from a distance, the dilapidated Qijiela flower looks like a yellow carpet, but this yellow carpet is composed of the devil's flower Qijiela flower.

"Damn it!!!" Di Jia vented his dissatisfaction with Qijiela Huahai to his heart's content. The anger in his heart rushed towards Qijielahua in front like a tsunami, like an ogre monster descending on the world. Tiga's crazy reaper has an endless sea of ​​Qijela flowers, but this reduction is not worth mentioning for this endless yellow ocean, and it is almost negligible.

The phantom shuttled back and forth in the sea of ​​flowers, leaving behind a strip of flattened soil. The remaining flowers of Qijiela had been buried by the soil, and the fragrance of the soil and the smell of the pollen of Qijiela flowers remained in the air. At this time, Dijia is like a scavenger. There are no standing Qijiela flowers in the past. The burnt smell lingers in the air and refuses to dissipate. All kinds of smells are intertwined. , Have you ever smelled ammonia? The smell in the air is [-] times worse than ammonia!It was simply mixed with Xiang's ammonia water.

(End of this chapter)

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