School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 404 The Embarrassed Fusion Beast

Chapter 404 The Embarrassed Fusion Beast
I don't know how long it has been, Dijia only knows that he is tired, and he sits limply on the top of Fanlu Mountain, looking at the yellow sea of ​​flowers that is missing a piece below, and clenched his fists.


Several black shadows descended from the sky, like an intercontinental missile, hitting Fanlu Mountain heavily, immediately raising dust all over the sky, some places even collapsed, and rolling stones rolled up the things on the road like a landslide and rolled down the mountain.

Dijia raised his head and glanced at the figure in front of him blankly. It was like a gigantic pterosaur, with a pair of huge wings that were 20 meters long, and there were yellow patterns on the wings, which looked very much like Qijiela. Its delicate waist is comparable to that of Tiga in the air. The color of the whole body is mainly black and brown, supplemented by brown, and there are two sharp toes on the curved upward feet.

Devil Bird - Zoga!
Strength level: A-level mid-term peak!
"Heh..." Dijia smiled coldly, "Do you dare to bully me even with a mere A-level scum... You really underestimate me, Dijia..."

Standing up from the ground with some displeasure, he patted the dust sticking to his body, pointed at the number of Zoga in front of him and roared angrily: "Just because you want to kill me Dijia, it's 2 years too early!"

"Ha!" Dijia stepped forward with his slender legs, without switching shapes, leaving deep footprints on the ground one after another with his long legs, raising his hands and firing dozens of light bullets.

The speed of the light bullet was so fast that even the group of Zoga bombarded his body before they had time to react, blasting each Zoga into fragments all over the sky.

The massacre ended soon, and it took only ten seconds. Di Jia also made a rough estimate on the way. Rounding it up, it was about seventy Zorga, but it was like a decoration, and even his most common light bomb They couldn't resist and were smashed to pieces.

Shaking his hands angrily, Dijia sat back to his original place with a face of disdain, and kept complaining in his mouth: "These guys who don't have long eyes really think that I, Dijia, is a vegetarian. The opponent of S+ is difficult, but it doesn't mean I, Dijia, can't even beat a few A-level scum."

A slight breeze passed by, and the Zoga fragments on the ground floated up from the ground little by little. The shaking frequency was almost the same, and began to condense around a Zoga's chest.

Legs and hands poured down from the light ball, and a pair of wings tens of thousands of times more handsome than before inserted out of the light ball, and soon the light ball condensed on the body disappeared, and an appearance appeared.

The handsome black figure is outlined with yellow patterns, and a dark golden helmet is worn on the pointed head. The whole head is surrounded by the helmet, only the dark eyes are exposed, and the bird's beak has been evolved and disappeared. , the slender tail behind him is even more handsome than that of Hypageton.

Super Fusion Beast - Gabazor!
Strength level: S-level mid-term peak!
Compared with the independent unit just now, it has been upgraded by a whole stage, and its strength can be described as advancing by leaps and bounds!

Dijia felt a very weak breath of life coming from behind, turned his head to look, and immediately snorted coldly, "Is it resurrected like the third fusion beast, but this looks much better than before, just Just like the knights in the middle ages of human society, but unfortunately, the strength is still pitifully weak."

A flicker appeared behind Garbazor, his palm was already on Garbazor's waist, and he leaned against Garbazor's ear, and said in a cold voice: "Scumbag is still trash, don't think that you have changed a vest You can turn over scum, even if you turn over, it’s just a scum on the new side, just let you see how powerful I am Dijia.”

The muscles on the right arm contracted violently, and the five fingers touching Gabazor's waist turned into a fist with lightning speed, striking Gabazor's slender waist with such force, and immediately blasted Gabazor Flying out, gliding close to the ground for hundreds of meters, leaving a deep gully before stopping, whimpering incessantly, and slapping the ground with both hands, that funny appearance made Dijia speechless for a while.

"Heh... You must have tried the feeling of flying in the sky, right? But... You must have never tried flying in the beautiful universe, right? Let me help you, but please don't thank me, because you will regret it Yes." Di Jia patted his hands, ignoring Garbazor's feelings at all, lifted Garbazor up like a chicken, and threw Gabazor into the sky with a throw.

A low whimpering sound came from Gabazor's helmet. The huge throwing force made Di Jia's eyes widen. It would take him at least 1.5 seconds to catch up to the distance Gabazor was thrown in this second. Going up, he had to switch to the air form, and caught up with Gabazor in an instant.

Grabbing its ascending body, staying in the center of the stratosphere, said: "Do it again, let you experience the feeling of anti-gravity for a while, because you will soon have or not enjoy the feeling of flying in the sky. "

From the stratosphere to space, if you want to go up in one go, the air form is definitely not good, so Dijia resolutely switched to a powerful type, and the dancing flames rushed towards the surroundings, and some flames even fell on Gabazzo On Er's body, the intense heat made Gabazor whimper.

"Look at my powerful blow!" Just as he was talking, Di Jia had already made a posture of throwing a baseball, exerting force with one hand, and threw Gabazor out in an instant. The huge force made Gabazol The speed of ascent was accelerated hundreds of times, and it flew to the thermosphere in just an instant, and the scene in the universe was already clearly visible.

Garbazor kept flapping his wings, trying to forcibly change the trajectory of his movement, but the force Dijia exerted on him was too great, to the point that it had overwhelmed his force by hundreds of times. .

Mebius, who was far away on the moon, frowned slightly, and slowly stood up from the ground. He felt that there was a not-so-weak breath of life flying towards the moon from the earth, and it was too late to talk to the moon god Diana. He flew out of the orbit of the moon, and a black dot in front of him magnified in his eyes. He saw that it was a monster he had never seen before, and his strength was pitifully weak. It's so big, it's no big deal to lose a monster. Immediately, it swung a beam of light and bombarded Gabazor's body, blowing it into pieces in an instant.

Looking at the empty space in front of him, Mebius nodded in satisfaction. Just as he was about to return to the moon, he sensed an extremely powerful aura flying towards him. That aura was at least from an S+ level powerhouse !
Mebius was startled in his heart, and instantly summoned the Seagod's Sword, ready to stare ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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