School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 405 Mebius' Guess

Chapter 405 Mebius' Guess

The Seagod's Sword didn't vibrate, not even a ray of light appeared, which made Mebius frowned slightly. According to past experience, whenever there is an enemy, the Seagod's Sword is the most excited one. Ah, but why is there no movement at all now?
Could it be showing surrender to the opponent...


Is this really possible...

The Sea God's Sword is the weapon of the ancient sea god Poseidon, one of the eight great artifacts in the mouth of the moon god Diana, with a proud soul, how could it be possible to be afraid of a mere S+ powerhouse...

Then why is there no movement...

This direction is the direction of the earth, S+ flying from the earth...

Mebius suddenly realized, put away the Poseidon sword in his hand with a wry smile, knocked on his head, and said softly to himself: "I'm really confused in battle, I have to relax, even the environment It is not a good sign to conclude that it is an enemy without observing it..."

The three Zedon fusion beasts have made Mebius so nervous that he has lost the most basic ability to judge. If Mebius did not wait, but directly used the Sea God Sword to attack, for example, Frozen heaven and earth that disagree with each other, or the powerful Xuantian ice meteor are also powerful divine punishments like bugs...

If he really did this, Mebius would really regret it and kill his companions, and the enemy would probably like it.

The next scene made Mebius rejoice that he didn't take the lead. A familiar figure magnified in Mebius' pupils. Who else could have that purple body except Di Jia.

Dijia nodded at Mebius, looked around, but found no trace of Gabazor, and asked with some doubts: "Mebius, have you seen a monster? A very weak monster, I just threw him into space, and after catching up, I didn't find him."

"There are no weak ones, but I saw a monster at the peak of the mid-S rank, flying from the direction of the earth. I thought it was a monster that had done something bad and escaped from the earth, so I killed it." Mebius shrugged helplessly, rejoicing in his heart, but at the same time feeling sad for the monster that he easily killed.

You said that it is not good for you to trouble someone, but you want to trouble Di Jia. Don't you know that he is a strong player in the later stage of S+?It's almost half a step to the top, and you, a bird at the peak of the mid-S rank, dare to trouble Di Jia.

Although Dijia is a bit powerless to deal with the powerhouses in the middle stage of S+ and above, but against a mere S-level character, Dijia can easily kill him. He is not a vegetarian, he will not die unless he dies. .

It's the monster at the mid-term peak of the S rank.

"It's been killed, I want to play with him more." Dagu, who was bathed in the light, pouted, scratched his hair, and continued: "It's been so long, nothing happened in space, right? ?”

Mebius shook his head and said, "Since the third Zedon fusion beast was killed by us, no fusion beast has entered the solar system, but I always feel that someone is watching our every move. It makes me extremely uncomfortable, I suspect that the most powerful person did it, sending fusion beasts to the solar system one by one, in order to kill us, or...kill the earth..."

"I also guess that it's the work of the strongest person hiding in the dark. May I ask, in this universe, besides the powerful person who has the ability to create S+ life, are there other independent S+ life forms?" Di Jia said self-consciously: "What's more, the fusion beast is a new species that has never appeared before. It is impossible to exist independently in the universe. It must be a biological weapon created by a certain authority."

"It's just that the strongest man can do it. How powerful he must be to easily create such a powerful S+ fusion beast..." Mebius subconsciously thought of his enemy, the three gods. king.

The high-sounding god-kings helped him kill the enemy he couldn't kill one second, and killed the woman he loved the next second. They are so powerful, they control the life and death of others, and they are the destruction of thousands of lives. However, the current Xeon can easily create an explosively powerful ultimate fusion beast. If a few of them fight, I don't know who will win.

One side is the powerful God King series, and the other side is the ultimate fusion beast with terrifying S+.

According to Dijia's battle, an ultimate fusion beast at the peak of S+ in the middle stage, whoever can beat a strong man in the late S+ period, and an ultimate fusion beast in the late S+ period is still worth a strong man in the late S+ period.

One ultimate fusion beast is nothing to those god kings, but a hundred?A thousand?What about [-]?
How to fight how to win?

What's more, the shadows in the entire column of the god king have already been killed by themselves, and they lack a powerful helper. It should be very easy to kill hundreds of ultimate fusion beasts with Ying's phantom in an instant.

Moying instant kill, this move at the beginning blew up his own God Slaughter Demon Realm, now thinking of Ying's move of Moying instant killing Mengbius makes his heart palpitate.

Glancing at the position of Neptune, Dijia nodded at Mebius and said, "Since nothing major has happened in the universe, I'll go back first. I have a hunch that the recovery of the evil god Gatanjae is almost here. It’s close at hand, if there is any big event in the universe, you can call me directly with Ultra Mind Power, if I am not entangled by any difficult things, I will appear by your side in the next second.”

"But if the evil god Gatanjah revives, the earth will be shrouded in billowing darkness. At that time, you must come back quickly. My strength alone cannot defeat the evil god Gatanjah." Di Jia is very serious Looking at Mebius, with the blessing of the magic mirror of the void, Dijia is 30.00% sure to kill the evil god Gatanjae, but now, after the first three battles, Dijia has come to a conclusion that he is now facing the evil god. Gatanjeh, the winning rate is estimated to be less than [-]%.

"Yeah! We will definitely. We are both descendants of the Temple of Chaos. Even if we go through fire and water, I will not hesitate." Mebius nodded heavily at Di Jia. When Di Jia left, Mengbius Us yelled at the discovery of the earth: "Di Jia, you must be extremely careful!"

Watching Di Jia's figure disappear into the thermal layer, Mebius returned to the moon, sitting on the original crater, staring at the endless void of the universe in the distance, it is really beautiful...

Are those starlights emitted tens of thousands of years or even tens of millions of years ago?I don’t know if those stars still exist, the universe is always so great, but there are always people who want to kill you, just like the battle of the gods, beautiful mysterious space, all this is really ironic...

(End of this chapter)

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