School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 409 I'll Kill You While You're Sick

Chapter 409 I'll kill you while you're sick (third update)
In the sky, Di Jia's figure slowly landed in front of You Lian, and with the flash of strong light, Dagu's figure was condensed, holding the spark prism in his hand, walked in front of You Lian, and said: " I have a hunch that the evil god Gatanjae has recovered, do you have any countermeasures? There is no one suitable to cast the ultimate cross barrier right now."

You Lian nodded and said: "Yes, there is no suitable candidate now. You have your mission, so I handed over this important task to the captains of the four teams. The four of them will lead the release of the ultimate cross barrier .”

Dagu frowned slightly, glanced at the self-defense team in front of him, and said: "The four captains, if I guess correctly, they are only 13 years old, right? The captain of team A is at the mid-term peak of A-level, and the captain of team B is at the peak of A-level. The mid-term peak, the team C captain's A-level mid-term, and the D team's captain A-level mid-term, just four guys, you dare to give them such an important formation? Don't be kidding, okay, 10 years ago, Those old guys couldn't hold it when they released the ultimate cross barrier, and now you put this burden on the four children? I also convinced you."

You Lian is also a little ashamed. 10 years ago, if there were not so many giants of light to input light energy into the three S-level elders and that Bogut, there would be no seven S-levels from the Dark Holy Land to restrain them and the elder Ming Guang The restriction of the Apocalypse of Light, I am afraid that the four giants of light who cast the ultimate cross barrier will all die in the gray sea.

Now it’s just four A-levels who can’t stand on the stage. Going it alone, no, a group fight probably can’t kill a devil bird Zoga, just such a group of mobs, to take on such a big task, what Xing Tian said is [-]% success The odds are also flattering them.

Dagu looked at You Lian with the expression of a madman, and said, "Are you really crazy? Or are you a spy sent by the enemy?"

You Lian sighed for a long time, and said: "I can't find a fighter who is more suitable to release the ultimate cross barrier than the four of them. Xing Tian and Ji Bing need to organize personnel to defend against Zoga in the sky and the one on the ground. Qijiela, you and Mebius need to deal with the evil god Gatanjae, and only the four captains have the ability to release this ultimate cross barrier."

"For this reason, I also gave them 300 years of training time, holographically simulating the release of the ultimate cross barrier in the thinking AR, they should get used to this drastic change of energy, and they are also ready to sacrifice for the earth at any time Yes, they are the most suitable candidates for the entire Holy Land of Light." You Lian shook his head with a sigh of relief, the current Holy Land of Light is too weak, the fighters at the bottom of the box are only these four A-level fighters, and the others are generally There are B-level and C-level ones, and there are even many D-level ones.

The per capita level of the Holy Land of Light is only the pitiful mid-term peak of the B level. This is because of the two powerful S+s. If Tijia and Mebius are not counted, hehehehe... The per capita strength level may drop. One grade up.

"300 years, you pity, do you really dare to think that even if you give them 10 years, they will not be able to achieve what they were 10 years ago. Don't use them, let's go, me, Mebius, let's count Those two old guys, Shangji Bing and Xingtian, are just an ultimate cross barrier, which is easy." Dagu shook his hands impatiently, "This is much better than your four team leaders. At least the success rate is not so high low."

You Lian shook his head indifferently, and said: "No, Jibing and Xingtian have practiced the ultimate cross barrier, but you and Mebius have not. Even if you know this thing, you haven't worked it out yet. Ultimate The cross barrier is a very precise formation, and there cannot be a slight error in energy, otherwise the formation will collapse."

"In this way, you can't give such a dangerous thing to a few A-level children." Dagu stared at You Lian seriously: "You are too irresponsible!"

Seeing what You Lian wanted to say, Dagu directly interrupted You Lian, saying: "Forget it, since you are ready, I will not mix it up. The ultimate cross barrier can If you don’t use it, don’t use it as much as possible. I will fight the evil god Gatanjae myself. He is my lifelong enemy and an enemy I must experience. If I lose, I will go to the universe to invite Mebius, He is on the moon, so don't release the ultimate cross barrier unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Well." You Lian nodded, and had to follow Dijia's method, which is probably the best method at present. The ultimate cross barrier is the last choice for breaking the boat, and it is not a trump card unless it is a last resort, to save your life.

Let Tiga and Mebius take care of other things first.

Seeing the figure of Di Jia going away in the air, You Lian quickly shuttled through the huge building and rushed towards the altar.

The entire Holy Land of Light was empty, and they were all hit by the two elders around the altar. The buildings on the edge were entangled by Qijiela flowers, which had already covered the edge of the Holy Land of Light. Captured, the continuous absorption of light energy is converted into its own energy and sent to Qijiela in the egg.

As long as the last hour, as long as this one disappears, Qijiela can be promoted to the peak of the late S-level and come to this world!Let the world look up to him!
Looking at the yellow on the edge, Tiga, who was shuttled in the clouds, shook his head slightly. The Holy Land of Light is about to fall. The Holy Land of Darkness has no sense of life intruding into it because of the long sleep of the dark demon god Dimoge, so the darkness The ruins of the Holy Land were spared from the ravages of Zijlahua.

Looking at the turbulent gray sea, the soaring water column made Dijia feel chilled. It has only been 10 years, and the breath before the light recovery can overwhelm the river, and the evil god Gatanjae has become so powerful! ?
Without the magic mirror of the void, can I beat the evil god Gatanjae?

Forget it, take advantage of the enemy's illness and kill the enemy!

The evil god Gatanjae has not yet fully recovered, and it is an excellent time to kill him!
The hands cut through the air, and endless energy particles were sucked into the crack in front of them. This action was done dozens of times before it stopped, and the energy was bombarded out in an 'L' shape - infinite superposition · Zapelio Light!
Thick and infinite superimposition · Zapelio's light penetrated the surface of the gray sea, and the terrifying impact immediately splashed thousands of meters high waves, and there were constant "sizzling" sounds and white mist rising into the sky , The unimaginably terrifying high temperature evaporated the seawater of the Gray Sea at a rate of hundreds of tons per second.

(PS: Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is also Yimeng’s birthday. I want to ask for some subscriptions and rewards _(:з」∠)_. Let’s try to get a fourth or fifth update today. In addition, the super ancient chapter is also coming to an end. planning new episodes)
(End of this chapter)

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