School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 410 The Perishing Evil God

Chapter 410 The Perishing Evil God

Infinite superposition. Zapelio's light bombarded the tomb of giant corpses on the bottom of the gray sea like torpedoes. The terrifying energy immediately tore the pair of stone statues into powder and bombarded the golden ultimate cross barrier below. superior.

How could the extremely fragile ultimate cross barrier withstand such a huge energy impact? It immediately disintegrated and fell like a domino. Endless golden particles flew out of the gray sea as if fluttering with the wind. Looking from above, you can see the golden light shining on the bottom of the sea.

The thick light precisely shot at the thick scales of the evil god Gatanjae, sparking violent sparks. The thick scales had already made a cracking sound, and the endless darkness emerged from the spider web-like Fleeing out of the crack, disappeared in the water of the gray sea.

"Ah!" The evil god Gatanjae has not yet fully awakened at this time, and let out a cathartic roar, a feeling of powerlessness permeated his heart, helpless, now that he has not been fully resurrected, he cannot release his skills to resist this horror at all The light can only let it destroy his body.

"Go to hell! Haha!" Dijia, who was floating in the air, strengthened his own light again. In an instant, the brightness of the infinitely superimposed Zapelio light doubled, and its power also increased a lot. Destroying the thick scales on the body of the evil god Gatanjae, it floated in the sea like a lump of mud and rose with buoyancy, but was soon molecularized by the aftermath of the light.

"Hissing!" The strong pain stimulated the heart of the evil god Gatanjae. The smell of blood mixed with the stench of the sea water, which seemed so disgusting. The pink and tender meat was exposed to the sea water, accepting the devastation of Tiga , bursts of heart-piercing roars came from the mouth of the evil god Gatanjae, and the dancing tentacles kept slapping on the bottom of the sea, splashing the sediment on the bottom of the sea.

Dijia's face already reflected the dazzling brilliance of the light, and the endless energy output caused Dijia's chest to heave violently, and the energy in his body gushed out like a tide, but even so, Dijia still persisted, he must Kill the evil god Gatanjae before it fully recovers!
"Absolutely, absolutely can't bring you back to life!" Di Jia's body immediately glowed with a layer of golden light, emitting dazzling and bright golden light from top to bottom, standing in the sky like a small sun, "Disappear!"

Feeling the endless energy in his body, Di Jia only felt that his current state was amazing, hundreds of times stronger than the dark form!
Shine·Infinite Superposition·Zaipelio Light!

On the basis of the infinitely superimposed Zapellio light, the light that was shining with white light was immediately dyed golden, which was very dazzling from a distance, "Ugh!"

The energy output increased by a few percentage points again, and the shining Zapelio light was twice as thick as before, and its power increased exponentially. The evil god Gatanjae on the bottom of the sea roared in pain, and a huge vortex formed from the gray sea. Endless waterspouts rolled up into the sky, and a tsunami like the end of the world was several thousand meters high and swept across the coast of the Gray Sea. The secret sentries planted here hurriedly appeared one by one and ran back to report to the team leader.

The output of light is still going on. Tiga saw the painful evil god Gatanjar through the water quality of the gray sea. His weakness is light. All the attacks in the current shining form are not based on energy, but on light. foundation!
The light is annihilating his cells, disintegrating his body, and burning his soul.

His carapace has been killed, and with his fragile body, he can't resist Di Jia's attack at all. After a few seconds, the golden light that appeared on Di Jia's body disappeared, and the shining infinite superposition Zapelio light also disappeared. Disappeared, and disappeared along with it, and the evil god Gatange who hadn't come yet recovered...

Tiga fell from the sky in a state of exhaustion, but was caught by a beam of blue streamer flying from the sky, and the beam of blue streamer landed steadily on the coast of the Gray Sea, placing Tiga on the ground , Stretched out his hand, and endless blue light sprinkled from it to the energy indicator on Tiga's chest. After a while, Tiga recovered.

After pulling Di Jia up, Mebius patted him on the chest and said, "Hehe, it's quite majestic. You actually only brushed the evil god Gatanjae. I don't know whether these Holy Lands of Light should cry or laugh. , moved up and down, but in the end, he could only return in resentment, tsk."

"Hey, it's okay, take advantage of his illness and kill him. If he recovers, I may not be able to kill him." Dijia spread his hands helplessly, and said: "The sentinels of the wind group and the shadow group are also now It's time to go back and report back, let's get rid of those flies in the sky."

"En." Mebius nodded, and the two jumped into the sky, starting a grand massacre party.

The endless Zoga, the devil bird, fell like a meteor, and the ground was already covered with the corpses of Zoga, the devil bird. On the ground, the bodies of those fallen Zoga were the same as Mount Fanlu, and the broken corpses were combined together. Together, it condenses a head as high as 678 meters and weighs 67 tons!

The huge figure stood tall above the sea, covering the sky and the sun, and with its wings spread out, it directly covered the entire sky. The huge shadow was projected on the sea surface, covering tens of thousands of sea miles.

Super Fusion Beast - Gabazorul!

Strength level - the peak of the late S level!
Mebius and Tiga, who were flying in the sky, glanced at each other and nodded towards each other. Tiga switched to a powerful type, while Mebius switched to a dark and destructive form, wearing the Pluto mask. armor.

To deal with such a huge enemy, just kick him to death.

Anyway, it's just rubbish at the peak of the late S-level. Both Ji Bing and Xing Tian can kill him. His size has improved, but his strength has not improved at all.



Mebius kicked towards Gabazorul's head from the left, black light lingered under his feet, and the armor of Hades on his body was also emitting a dim light at this time, as if trying to devour this huge The soul of living beings.

Dijia kicked Gabazorul's head from the right, and a terrifying flame lingered under his feet.

The high-speed flying kicks of the two turned into two beams of light and kicked at Gabazorul's head, but Gabazorul propped up his thousand-meter wings, and the hurricane swept around and slapped the sea below. There was a splash of water, but under the sweep of this hurricane, the speed of the two did not weaken at all, but kicked towards Gaba Zorul at a faster speed.


Gaba Zorul's wings tightly wrapped Gaba Zorul's body, even wrapped his head in, like a rice dumpling, seemingly indestructible.

(End of this chapter)

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