School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 411 Zigera's Mutation

Chapter 411 Zigera's Mutation
Gabazorul, who was wrapped into rice dumplings, seemed to be whimsical, thinking that he could block the flying kicks from the two S+s, only to see that the two S+ carriers passed through the Gaba Zorul with the momentum of lightning. Bazorul's head, the head was directly exploded, and the blood mixed with the brain splashed into the air, and then fell.

And its huge body slowly fell towards the rear, smashing heavily into the sea, splashing the water column soaring into the sky, Tiga and Mebius, who stabilized their figures in mid-air, nodded in tacit agreement, Plunging into the ocean, if the corpse is left in the ocean, there is no guarantee that the hatred of the evil god Gatanjah will occupy the corpse and resurrect it.

The two quickly swam to Gabazorul's body, Dijia's body glowed with a dazzling red light, while Mebius's body glowed with a black light, and the Pluto's blood armor on his body also emitted A gloom, supporting Gabazorul's body, quickly flew into space.

The huge body was propped up by two small points and flew into the space. The few sentries below who hadn't left saw this scene, and immediately knelt down in shock. The only person who can support such a guy is Di Jia With Mebius...

"This guy is so heavy..." Mebius gritted his teeth and said, just now in the sea, with the buoyancy of water, it didn't appear to be so heavy, but now it loses buoyancy, but it feels like its weight has doubled several times.

"It's okay." Dijia nodded. He is now a strong type, and he is also a strong man in the late stage of S+. It is still possible to deal with these weights. Durham's strength is not a child's play.

Mebius's trembling hands supported Gabazorul with all his strength. He didn't think that such a big thing could be moved by himself with Tiga. His sore hands made Mebius a little unable to support it, and he gritted his teeth. He said to Di Jia: "Let's break down his body here... I really can't hold it anymore..."

Dijia glanced at Mebius, saw his slightly trembling arms, nodded, and said, "Forget it, let's start."


Di Jia and Mebius ran Gaba Zorul at the same time, and they began to gather energy.

"Dirasium Light!"

"Destruction Lightning!"

Two terrifying rays of light bombarded Gabazorul's corpse high in the sky, strangling the corpse instantly like locusts. None of the corpses were more than three meters in size. Looking at the huge corpse in front of him Disappeared, Mebius shook his somewhat exhausted hands, and let out a long breath, "Oh, I'm going, I'm exhausted, this guy is really heavy."

"Okay, the troubles of the earth have been solved." Di Jia lowered his hands and said, "Those Zoga are no longer to be feared, and the evil god Gatanjae is also dead. The most powerful person in the universe, here, leave it to the people of the Holy Land of Light."

"Yeah." Mebius nodded, "Although nothing major happened in the universe right now, I always feel an unexplainable feeling in my heart, which is very depressing."

"Where is Luna Diana? Are you on guard in the universe?"

"Well, after all, it won't be peaceful for a while. Someone must stay in the universe. When the people from the wind group found me, I rushed here immediately, and then I saw you finish the evil god Gatangie." Said Then, Mebius patted Dijia's chest jokingly, and said: "You can, you can't beat a strong man at the peak of S+ in the middle stage, but you can kill a strong man in the late S+ stage, and you also got new power , tut tut."

"Don't mention this, it's too embarrassing." Di Jia waved his hand, thinking of that battle, Di Jia wanted to dig a hole to hide, it was really embarrassing.

"Haha." Mebius smiled, this is probably a big stain in Di Jia's life.

After talking with Tiga, Mebius returned to the moon, and didn't let Tiga follow him. He still wanted to spend a little longer with Diana, the moon god, but he didn't want to be disturbed by a light bulb by his side. How inconvenient it is to guard the universe with Luna Diana.

Di Jia looked at the figure of Mebius going away and returned to the Holy Land of Light, but Di Jia frowned. Not only did the Qijiela flowers in the Holy Land of Light not decrease in the slightest, it was twice as much as before ,how so?
Frowning and crossing the area of ​​Qijielahua, Di Jia obviously felt that the Qijielahua's aura was twice as strong as before. He raised his head and looked at the enchantment. The strength was obviously reduced, and it was after absorbing light Is it the light energy of the Holy Land...

Walking along the way, almost all the people in the Holy Land of Light were jogging, moving very quickly, adding a sense of tension to the peaceful air.

No one paid attention to Di Jia, many people ran quickly, because there was not so much time for them to see other giants of light, Di Jia walked to the palace unimpeded, before going to the stone room, he heard a voice , "Hahaha, Di Jia, you are really amazing, you killed the evil god Gatanjae alone."

Di Jia turned his head and saw that the man was Xing Tian, ​​followed by Ji Bing who kept applauding, Di Jia nodded and said: "It's okay, if the evil god Gatanjae fully wakes up, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle on the way." It's inevitable, but it's a pity that he hasn't fully awakened yet, and I also took advantage of this loophole to kill the evil god Gatangie."

"No, no, no, if you can kill him, it means that your ability is still there. You have solved an urgent need of our Holy Land of Light." Ji Bing is as happy as he wants now, "Now we just need to focus on it wholeheartedly." Deal with Zoga, the devil bird hovering in the sky, and Zigera, which grows in the Holy Land of Light."

"By the way, talking about Qijiela flowers, I just made a discovery," Dijia pointed to the enchantment above his head, and said: "This enchantment is getting weaker, but the Qijiela flowers on the border are growing abnormally fast. , I suspect that those Qijiela flowers that grow in the Holy Land of Light have the ability to absorb light energy and transform it into nutrients, and grow themselves by absorbing the light energy of the Holy Land of Light. This is a skill that Qijiela flowers have never shown before. I guess, the Qijiela flower was mutated due to the influence of some factors."

"Huh?" Xing Tian frowned slightly, "Is this true?"

"Of course, this is what I saw with my own eyes." Di Jia nodded, "My mission has been completed, and these matters are left to you to deal with. This is related to the survival of the entire Holy Land of Light."

"I understand, I will report to the high priest immediately, and summon teams C and D to strangle Qijie Lahua in the Holy Land of Light, and the captains of teams A and B will lead the warriors of light to encircle and suppress the demons in the sky The bird." Xing Tian nodded, then strode into the palace, watching Xing Tian and Ji Bing gradually disappear on the ground, Di Jia also shook his head.

Let's go to the Dark Holy Land, I haven't been to the Dark Holy Land for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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