School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 413 The Final Jihad 【Subscribe! 】

Chapter 413 The Final Jihad ([-]) 【Subscribe! 】

"Baby, it's up to you... you're still too young..." The dark demon god Dimojeh sneered, and the lightsaber made of black mist in his hand immediately lit up, and he walked with his slender legs like Tiga's. The legs ran towards Di Jia, and the two lightsabers, swords and swords, burst into violent sparks in the air. Masaki Keigo, who saw this scene in the distance, shook his head and said: "Forget it, I'll go find Qijie Lahua, he Absorbing human desires and fears, the darkness is already delicious..."

Then he used the magic mirror of the void to break open the space, looked back at Di Jia who was fighting with Dimoje, and sneered: "I hope you don't die, no one can take your life except me, you, I Yes." Without looking back, he stepped into the space crack, and as the crack closed, the place returned to tranquility, as if Masaki Keigo had never been here.

The universe is empty.

Mebius was lying on the moon, crossing his legs and looking at the thousands of stars. A blue streamer immediately attracted Mebius' attention. According to the spread of this breath of life, it was at least near Neptune, but in The streamer near Neptune can be seen on the moon, which undoubtedly did not shock Mebius.

Immediately stood up, and said to Diana, the moon god, "Diana, there is a situation. The light energy emitted by a life near Neptune has been observed on the moon with the naked eye."

"Yeah." Luna Diana nodded, and said casually: "I have noticed him a long time ago. He just entered the solar system not long ago. When he broke into the orbit of Pluto, I was perceived. It wasn't until Neptune. Seeing his light, according to the speed of light, he is now between Uranus and Saturn."

"What?" Mebius frowned. The Jaden Fusion Beast could only feel its breath of life in that position. If you want to see it, you have to observe it with Ultrasense power, but this guy who broke into the solar system It is really incredible that it can be observed directly with the naked eye.

"Can you sense the enemy's strength?" Because the distance was too far, Mebius couldn't feel his strength at all, so he moved forward rashly, what if the enemy's strength was stronger than his own, should he run?Can you really escape?

Diana, the moon god, opened her eyes and said, "It shouldn't be wrong. In the late stage of MAX, the Xeon hiding in the dark finally couldn't help but make a move."

"What!?" Mengbius immediately widened his eyes, a flash of blue light flashed in his hand, summoned the Sea God Sword, and exclaimed: "Max Late Stage!? Are you sure?"

"It's unmistakable, and only MAX has the ability to observe his light from such a distance." Luna Diana nodded, a little hesitant, but couldn't help but walked over and hugged Mengbiyou from behind Si, said: "Perhaps... I fell because of your battle with this supreme being..."

Mebius was taken aback for a moment, and clenched his fists unconsciously. We have only been together for a few days, and are we going to separate again...

Damn...I still can't protect anything...

Can't you make me stronger... If Dad's weapon can be used, that would be great...

Mebius closed his eyes, perceiving the clumps of light in the sea of ​​consciousness, the same as when he left the Temple of Chaos, but condensed a little space, if all the clumps of light are condensed, he will probably be able to use his father your weapon?
Shaking his head, he clenched the moon god Diana's hand, and said, "Sorry, I can't change your fate, and I'm also powerless to face this supreme being. S+ is very difficult, not to mention this is a strong person..."

Diana, the moon god, shook her head and said with a smile, "It's okay. If it were you, I wouldn't regret it. Anyway, after 3000 million years, we won't be separated, will we?"

"Yeah, 3000 million years later, but that me is not the real me..." Lin Yi, who was bathed in the light, showed a miserable smile, "I am very envious of another me 3000 million years later, who can have you."

"You still have another me, she will always be with you, and accompany you to do things that I have never done." Luna Diana quietly embraced Mebius, resting her head on Mebius and said: "But you must not forget me, you have to know that at a certain time, there is a person who loves you very, very much."

"En!" Mebius clenched the jade hands on his waist, and said firmly, "I will never forget you."

Luna Diana, Lin Yi really loves this woman very much. To him, he has no loss at all, because before he met Diana, he didn't even know that there was such a No. [-] person, but after meeting Diana, but She was with her every minute and every second. Even if she fell in the fight with the strongest, it was only the moon god Diana of this time plane who fell. After leaving this universe, the moon god in her bracelet Diana will appear.

So, being sealed in the abyss of chaos for 3000 billion years and sealing in the moon for [-] million years is only for the moon god Diana, and for me, it is a matter of an instant.

The guilt in my heart became more and more intense, and I could only pray that my self 3000 million years later would not be like me, who was hot and cold towards the moon god Diana, and even wanted to drive the moon god Diana away, that would be too hurtful Diana's heart was broken.

He shook his head, took Diana's hand away, turned around and gently hugged her into his arms, and said, "I'm sorry, we will be separated for another 3000 million years, but believe me, 3000 million years will soon be over." It will pass, you have to seize the opportunity of that big explosion, only the energy generated by that explosion is enough to revive you."

"Yeah." Luna Goddess Diana nodded, and said, "I will seize that one and only chance, shall we... go to fight?"

Mebius nodded and said: "Okay, what should come will always come, let this end as soon as possible."

Although extremely reluctant, but there is no way, the fate is like this, if you can't break the fate, you can only succumb to the fate, after being reluctantly separated from the moon god Diana, Mebius regained his sea god Sword, turn your gaze to the distance, it would be great if there is a catastrophe in God's Domain now, but, there is the power to fight...

Together with the moon god Diana, they turned into streamers to meet the strongest man.

Like a moth facing a candle flame, the faster it flies, the closer it is to death.

The strongest man in the blue streamer passing Saturn smiled, stopped his moving body, and said: "I am finally willing to come, Mebuis, our grievances, let's end here, but before again, please and allow me to do one thing."

From the hurricane at the feet of the most powerful, a beam of light was separated, and that beam of light flew far, far...

(End of this chapter)

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