School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 414 The Final Jihad

Chapter 414 The Final Jihad ([-])

Several cards were revealed in the blue streamer.

Demon materialized!





Super Gaube

Super fit!
Five Kings!


In the cosmic void, five strips of black mist revolved around a center, and the center of the circle was sunken inward, and bursts of thunder struck the cosmic void, as if they were about to shatter the cosmic void.

A huge figure fell from the middle, and finally formed a card.

Five Kings!




Ultraman Belial!


The Ultimate Fusion Beast - Chimera Bellos!
The black mist lingering on Chimera Bellos' body has dissipated,
Beria's head, chest and arms, the lower body of the beast-shaped Zog and the wings of King Faib (Five Emperor Beast), a blood-red energy indicator on the chest, and several sharp spikes growing outward from the extremely thick legs. The sharp red barbs have constructed this Beria fusion beast, which is also the ultimate fusion beast-Chimera Bellos!
Beria Fusion Beast - Chimera Bellos!
Strength level: S+ late peak!

It is 54 meters tall and weighs 5 tons.

The body is characterized by thick legs, the pair of wings behind him and Beria's upper body. His signature skill is the flash of Chimeras, which is powerful enough to destroy a white dwarf.

Feeling the breath of life coming from the front, the strongest man let out a sinister smile, "Yes, yes, that's it, little guy, go to the earth, where is your prey, ahahahahaha..."

Like a puppet, Chimera Bellos flew towards the earth stiffly, leaving a long trail of energy in the universe...

Let's go back ten minutes in time.

This Xeon entered the solar system. This is the place where the two Jayden fusion beasts fell. The first fusion beast, King Haipagin, was killed by himself. Extract the energy of the fusion beast, and then add your own energy to switch the cards. I thought it would be impossible to make anything interesting, because there is no character like Jayden in the fusion formula, so Xeon is not very optimistic.

But when the result came out, it surprised the strongest. A Belial fusion beast condensed by Faib King, a beast-shaped Zog, and an Ultraman Beria could actually reach the terrifying peak of the late S+ stage. This is a half-step Xeon, a super ancient civilization, I already know that it died out like this...


Dark Holy Land Die.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Two lightsabers, one gold and one purple, were constantly intersecting in the air, sparks burst out like money, and the strong energy squeeze made the space and the ground tremble, as if they were about to split open.

Deep cracks had already formed under Tiga's feet, which seemed to be about to collapse. On the other hand, the dark demon god Dimoje was very good. Although his fighting ability had not been used for hundreds of thousands of years, it was already rusty. A few, but it is more than enough to deal with Di Jia, a rookie in fighting.

Seeing the tricks, the dark demon god Dimojee pressed and beat Dijia, Dijia swung his lightsaber to the left and slashed at himself, and the dark demon god Dimodege immediately stabbed the lightsaber at Dijia, But Tija had to retract his lightsaber to fight the lightsaber that pierced his chest.

If he didn't do this, Dijia would have no doubt that the sword could not pierce his chest.

The Dark Demon God Dimojeer didn't swing a sword, so Dijia had to step back to have extra space to swing his lightsaber to block. Finally, Diga ushered in a counterattack, and grabbed the Dark Demon God Di The moment Mojeh adjusted his direction, he swung the lightsaber in his hand and swept towards the Dark Demon God Dimojeh.

Dimodie immediately bent back at [-] degrees, and Dijia's sword flashed past Dimodie's body, and the extremely messy sword energy slapped Dimodie's body which was close at hand. His face gave Dimoge a chill in his heart. He still underestimated Dijia. After all, his strength was one level higher than his own, and he still couldn't despise the strong of this era.

When Tiga's sword was fully swung, Dimojeh deflected the lightsaber in his hand and stabbed Tiga's waist with a sword, which immediately cut through Tiga's skin, and the endless light particles were like a fountain. Swelling from the wound, the severe pain made Di Jia loosen his hand, and the lightsaber turned into energy particles and dissipated before it fell to the ground.

Dimodjeh immediately stood up and kicked Tiga's abdomen. The huge force hit his body like a shell and knocked him back more than 20 meters before falling to the ground. Dijia clutched himself. Squatting with his waist bent, the wound on his waist has gradually healed, and no energy particles are emitted.

Looking at Di Jia who was squatting on the ground, Dimojero sneered and said: "Xiaowa, you are not my opponent, and I don't want to take your life. Human beings who have taken my power, but you have provoked troubles regardless of right and wrong, and you have humiliated me, today's shame, I will definitely avenge it!"

"You are a giant of light like that woman You Lian, but compared to You Lian, you are really too weak, you can't even withstand my lightsaber. In this world, only that woman You Lian is worthy of being My opponent, and only she can fight against me for ten days and ten nights, you are still too tender." The lightsaber in the hand of the dark demon Dimojeh made a burst of sound and rested on Tiga's neck, as long as she With one stroke of the sword, Dijia's main artery will be cut, and Dijia will die.

"I suddenly had an idea." Regardless of Dijia's expression, Dimoje put away the lightsaber in his hand, turned around, turned his back to Dijia, and said, "I want you to take me to Seeing that old woman You Lian, who has been sealed for more than 50 years by her for more than 50 years, I must avenge it! Xiaowa, if you are willing to take me to You Lian, I will let you go."

Listening to the disgusting female voice coming from the front, Di Jia endured the pain of being blasted through his stomach and stood up from the ground, switched to the powerful type, and immediately there was a fiery fire on his fist, and he slammed against the person with his back facing him. Dimojere, and shouted: "You are daydreaming! Do you think that I, Diga, are vegetarians! Haha! Go to hell with me!"

"Dillasium Bombing!"

The blazing energy lingering on the fist immediately exploded on Dimoje's back. The terrifying high temperature melted the earth into a viscous glazed object, and the terrifying high temperature continuously impacted the surrounding environment. Things that were quite close to the battlefield also melted into a viscous liquid.

The flames lingered on the bodies of Tiga and Dimojeh, and they were wrapped in flames like a cocoon of fire, making it impossible for the outside world to spy on the internal situation.

(End of this chapter)

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