School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 415 The Final Jihad

Chapter 415 The Final Jihad ([-])

The flames gradually dissipated, but the heat wave still remained here, and it never dissipated at all, revealing the situation inside. The dark magic stone Dimojeh was no longer far away, leaving only Tiga's fist in the air, but for the But Di Jia didn't seem worried at all, because he was sure that his punch had hit the target.

Withdrawing his fist, he raised his head and looked forward. The dark demon god Dimojehe had already been blasted three or four kilometers away by a punch, and smashed hard on a huge building, leaving a hole on that building. With huge spider web-like ripples, Di Jia sneered and said: "In this world, I am the ruler, and no one can shake my position, even you, Dimoje, I will not allow anyone to say that others are much better than me." Otherwise, this is the end."

Tiga coldly summoned his own lightsaber, and walked towards Dimojero step by step. The dark demon Dimojero was trying to mobilize energy to prop up his body, and the armor on her body had cracks. It can be said that the bombing power of Dirashum, Dijia, is very powerful, and it has deeply hurt the dark demon god Dimoje.

The shocking crack was particularly exciting, and her distressed appearance was quite different from that of the dark demon god Dimoje who was talking big just now. They were basically two people. She was majestic and majestic just now, but now she is as embarrassed as a tramp.

Seeing Dijia walking towards him step by step, the dark demon god Dimojero smiled miserably, spat out a mouthful of blood, raised his right fist to wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth, and looked at the condescending Looking at his own Dijia, he said: "I have to say, the suppression of strength is really terrible. I admit that the old woman You Lian is not as good as you, and I am not your opponent, but that is only limited to me now! If my energy hadn't been taken away by that damned human being, how could I be in such a mess! It would be you, not me, Dimodie, who was trampled underfoot!"

"Oh? Please take a closer look. Now, who is being stepped on by whom!" Di Jia stepped on Dimoje's chest, and the huge force has already made Dimoje's numb. That's right, the pain of that punch just now is hundreds of times more painful than the pain of the current kick. It's like the pain of giving birth and the pain of an injection, there is no comparison at all.

But Di Jia still has to complain, why is it so flat when he stepped on this woman's chest...

Dimojero closed his eyes as if resigned to fate, lay on the ground, and said, "If my power hadn't been taken away by that damned human, I wouldn't have ended up like wouldn't have ended up like this... "

"Human?" Di Jia frowned slightly. She had mentioned this matter three times. Could it be that Dimoje's sudden resurrection was also related to the human who stole her power?But at this time, haven't all human beings been killed by Qijie Lahua?Why are there still humans?

Besides, who in the human city can come to the Dark Holy Land and find Dimojeh deep underground, even if they can’t do this, how can they steal her power? Humans don’t have the genetic support for stealing power at all, right?

"Who is that human...?" Tiga stepped on the chest of the Dark Demon God Dimojeh, half bent down, and asked, "Tell me, who is that human."

Humans with this ability immediately made Tiga interested, not in that human being, but in that human beings stealing the energy of power, because this ability and his own Void Mirror are too powerful. It's like, now that I don't have the blessing of the Void Mirror, my combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. If I find this human being and learn his ability to steal power, then I will be no different from when I had the Void Mirror.

The Dark Demon God Dimoje shook his head with his eyes closed and said, "I don't know... I've never heard of such a No. [-] person before. I didn't even know that human beings can absorb our energy, and I don't know who he is. If I find him, I must tear him to pieces!"

Di Jia looked at Dimojehe who was stepped on by him and released his excitement, and said speechlessly: "Please, you woman with no brains and no breasts, see the current situation clearly. Step on your feet, how do you go to seek revenge from that human being? I found out that it was nothing more than that, and I couldn’t even take a single move.”

"You...!" Dark Demon God Dimojeh glared at Di Jia, but sighed in the next second, and said, "Forget it, anyway, I am also a dying person, Xiaowa, please persuade me, You Lian is not A good woman, don't be tempted by her beauty, after all, back then... she belonged to my team of dark giants, I don't want to see my people being played around by that old woman."

"Please take a good look at the situation. Who are your people?" Di Jia kicked Dimojeh and shook his head, "Forget it, let's kill you, so as not to disturb people's ears."

With both hands accumulating power, he released the infinitely superimposed Zapelio rays, completely suppressing and killing the dark demon god Dimoje with his strength. I have to say that Dijia is going to complain again. The two evil gods on the earth, Gatanje, Di Mojieer, Di Jia thought they were very, very powerful, but they were nothing more than that, they were also instantly killed by their own light.

However, the evil god Gatanjae is hundreds of times stronger than this so-called dark demon god Dimojee. Gatanjae at least forced out his own potential before being killed, and this is said to be miraculous. The dark demon god Dimojeh with the most advanced skills is useless at all, it can be said that he was directly dropped by his own punch.

Shaking his hands and rubbing his swollen belly, Dijia sat cross-legged and began to think about the words of the dark demon Dimojeer before he died. I still understand, she told herself not to believe You Lian, Di Jia really couldn't figure it out.

After a few weeks of contact, You Lian gave Dijia the feeling that he loves his people, is willing to go through fire and water for his people, and does not have such a big shelf, willing to put down his figure and status. Face-to-face dialogue, which other leaders do not have, at least on this point, Dijia thinks he is not as good as You Lian.

When he was king in the dark holy land, he was capitalist. He seemed to disdain the dark giants with low strength and status in the holy land. The people of the people are killed, at least, they won't be wiped out, right?

(End of this chapter)

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