School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 416 The final jihad [please subscribe, please subscribe]

Chapter 416 The Final Jihad ([-]) [Please subscribe, please subscribe]


The two books quickly approached the huge Saturn. Compared with the majesty of Saturn, Mebius and the moon god Diana seemed so small. An inconspicuous spot of light exuded a charming faint light, just like the universe. Like poppies, it attracts adventurers in the universe.

The blue spot of light kept enlarging in his eyes, letting Mebius know that he was not far from the powerhouse. He turned his head and nodded at Diana, the god of the moon. The sword energy of Duan Yu.

The sword qi rushed towards the light spot in the distance, and the most powerful man just waved his hand, and the sword qi, which was enough to drop S rank in seconds, instantly turned into an ice snake and shattered. This scene made Mebius Tongue-struck, he couldn't help but glanced at the Seagod Sword in his hand, he began to doubt whether he could survive three moves in the hands of this supreme being.

But he still clenched his fists and rushed up until he saw the appearance of that Xeon. He stopped his flying body because of shock, and looked at the familiar voice in front of him. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak. But the host said teasingly: "Why, Mebuis, seeing an old friend, why don't you say hello? The sword aura just now is not qualified to say hello."

Mengbius immediately clenched his fists, looking at the familiar figure, the whole body was ice blue, the armor on his body was a little noble white, and on his left shoulder was a lion transformed by the power of extreme ice. In the illusion, on the shoulders, there are two diamond-shaped crystals floating. The crystals are wrapped in a golden frame, and there are little snowflakes floating around the body. There is a blue cold hurricane under the feet, like a mount.

On Xeon's right hand, there is a blue ice ball floating, which is probably his weapon.Although his appearance is not very gorgeous, his weapon is extremely terrifying. Of course, it must be incomparable with the Sea God's Sword, which is one of the eight ancient artifacts.

"Xuanbing... God King...!" Mebius felt his muscles tense, gritted his teeth and said a few words, he is really an old friend, he should have thought of it a long time ago, full of ice Who could the most powerful person in the world be if he wasn't the Xuanbing God King...

God King, it's not that enemies don't get together.

You are against me everywhere, the Demon Killing God King killed Wan'er, and today you Xuanbing God King is going to kill the Moon God Diana again!Then the next Guangyao God King will take away another important person from my side!

"Tsk, what is this expression? We are acquaintances. I helped you kill many enemies that you couldn't kill. Oh, and who is that, who is it called?" Putting his hand on the next book, "Oh, I remembered, that King Haipa Jingu, the Jaedon fusion beast that escaped from Tiga, was killed by me."

Mebius remained silent, if eyes could kill, then the Xuanbing God King is already riddled with holes.

"Oh, I've said it all, don't put on a murderous expression, don't you plan to say something to me when we meet again after a long time?" The Xuanbing God King smiled nonsensically, and the behaving look on his face made him Mebius felt sick to death.

Mebius raised the Sea God Sword in his hand, pointed at the Xuanbing God King, and said, "I and you... no, I have nothing to say to you God King."

"Tsk, didn't you just kill a woman? As for you, Nong, there is a woman beside you who loves you more. By the way, respected Lord Luna, please allow me, Xuan Bing, to show you the highest respect." "The Xuanbing God King performed a ritual of the gods to the moon god Diana, and the moon god Diana turned her head away and said in a cold voice: "You are not worthy of this ceremony."

The Xuanbing God King was not angry, "Of course I am not worthy, this is the etiquette between gods and gods. I am a god king who can't stand on the stage, of course I am not qualified to use this etiquette, but I am still allowed to act like a god. You pay respects."

"Stop talking nonsense. If you want to fight, fight. I have already killed Ying. Now I am killing a strong man. It doesn't matter." Said, Mebius shook the sea god sword in his hand, and the blue Immediately, the black sword body glowed with a dazzling blue light.

"Tsk, fighting and killing is the most annoying thing. You and I are both ice, why do you want to kill all of them? Do you think that you can kill Ying with your own ability?" Xuanbing God King changed his face and roared angrily. : "Don't be ridiculous! Even if there are a hundred you, ten thousand you, ten million you, they will not be Ying's opponent!"

"Shadow followed our god king to fight in all directions, and the instant killing of the phantom shadow with one hand made countless powerful people frightened. You, a piece of trash, can kill the extremely powerful shadow!?" Xuanbing God King snorted coldly, "Really? It's a child who can't be taught, I really don't know what that guy Moshi thinks, he is willing to give his shadow to... grass for you!"

"Since you are in such a hurry to die, then I will compare with you to see whose ice is colder!" Xuanbing God King said, centering on his body, a burst of cold arrogance burst out immediately, that cold The wind even made Mebius feel deep fear. Stretching out in the cold wind, he only felt that it was extremely difficult for him to move. Looking at the body that climbed up the ice crystal, Mebius felt incredible.

He who absorbed the Binghua Nova, and he who had the Frost Spiritual Heart, actually felt the cold!
That biting cold!
The cold is colder than the cold in the chaotic abyss!

"Damn's still so powerful..." Mengbius originally thought that he killed Ying with the peak strength of the late S-level, and now he is already a strong player in the early stage of S+. , It should be much easier, but now, he knows that he was wrong, very wrong.

For a long time, he has been haunted by the pride of killing Ying, and he has forgotten how powerful and terrifying MAX is, and how powerless he was when facing the king of gods.

"Hmph, aren't you very capable? Didn't you kill Ying? Why can't you even resist a gust of wind now! Ah!" The Xuanbing God King appeared in front of Mengbius in an instant, and grabbed Mengbius with one hand. The strong force on Us' neck made it difficult for Mebius to breathe.

The moon god Diana on the side raised her foot and kicked the Xuanbing God King's waist, kicking him flying, and said coldly: "Don't take yourself too seriously."

The Xuanbing God King struggled to stabilize his figure, shook his head in embarrassment, glared at Mebius, and said: "If we have the ability, let's fight one-on-one! What kind of man is a woman with the power of a woman!"

"Tch, I'm not a fool. If I can't beat you, I'll fight you one-on-one, unless I'm out of my mind." Mebius curled his lips, and said sarcastically, "I think you're really out of your mind."

(End of this chapter)

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