School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 422 The Final Jihad

Chapter 422 The Final Jihad ([-])

The universe, the realm of the gods.

The white light floating in the realm of the gods has faded, revealing its original appearance, only to see a blue and white figure being supported by the moon god Diana, the crystal on the body and the energy indicator on the chest are flickering flickering, it seems that the energy has been exhausted.

In this realm of gods, even if there is sharing, it will be suppressed by the realm of gods. Mebius, who is already weak, enters the realm of gods. After being suppressed, he can release Kamikawa Frost Dawn. Si's limit has been reached, but looking at the Xuanbing God King, his condition is not much better.

Blue ice crystals gushed out continuously from his body, which seemed to be the blood of the Xuanbing God King, the speed of the tornado under his feet also slowed down slightly, and the sound of heavy breathing came from his body, and the two diamond-shaped diamonds floating on his shoulders The crystal is also rotating nonsensically at this time, and the frequency is close to the same as the tornado under its feet. The phantom of the lion also opened its mouth at this time, as if spitting the injury of the Xuanbing God King from the inside to the outside to treat it. Xuanbing God King.

"Ha...ha..." After taking a few deep breaths, the Xuanbing God King seemed to have recovered, and said to Mebius: "I'm going, you don't want to die... It's so dangerous for children to play. What are you doing? I’ll go, I almost lost in seconds, this realm of gods is really scary.”

Indeed, if it weren't for the Divine Realm to suppress the Divine Ice King, with the terrifying strength of the Divine Ice King in the late MAX stage, it would be impossible to end up in such a mess, even if it was the power of Shenhe that you said.

MAX is MAX, and it is impossible for MAX to be killed by such a move in the early stage. The main credit is in the divine domain of Luna Diana.

Diana, the moon god, supported Mebius, and input her own energy into his energy indicator. In just two seconds, the energy rose like a tide, and instantly wiped out the energy that Mebius had lost. At the same time, the flashing crystals and energy indicators on Mebius' body also returned to normal. It seemed that everything was back to before Kamigawa Frost Dawn was released, as if Kamigawa Frost Dawn completely It has never appeared in the realm of gods.

Mebius nodded gratefully at Diana, the moon god, and said, "Thank you, Diana, without your energy, I should be dead by now, right?"

"It's okay, this is what I should do." Luna Diana nodded, completely ignoring the angry expression on the face of the Xuanbing God King.

After wiping the corner of his mouth, Mebius turned his head to look at the Xuanbing God King, and said disdainfully: "Hey, you guy, it doesn't feel good to be hurt by Kamigawa Frost Dawn, right? You, you can still Can you hold it?"

"Heh... just because you, a young brat, want to kill my Xuanbing God King? Don't be kidding!" Just as he was talking, a burst of ice blue burst out suddenly on the Xuanbing God King's body. "Let you taste it, my Xuanbing God King is amazing!"

"Crack it! Endless ice! This is a feast of extreme ice!" The lion head on the shoulder of the Xuanbing God King suddenly flashed, and endless ice spewed out from its mouth, roaring like light feathers Rush towards Mebius.

Extreme Ice Feast!

"Heh, do you dare to show your hand even if you have a small skill? You don't think much of me!" Mebius waved the Seagod Sword in his hand, and the sharp sword energy flew out from the Seagod Sword. A single slash of sword energy cut off several ice blades, and the midair was occupied by endless explosions for a moment, and the shattered ice slag fell down, and then turned into little stars and disappeared in this huge realm of gods on the way down. middle.

Seeing that his Extreme Ice Feast was easily resolved by Mebius, the Xuanbing God King stood there in a daze, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that his Extreme Ice Feast had become so weak, but soon He discovered that it wasn't that his Extreme Ice Feast had become weaker, but that the sword in Mebius' hand was too powerful!

"Your sword..." Xuanbing God King looked at the familiar sword with a cold face. That sword was the sword of the ancient sea god Poseidon!One of the eight great artifacts famous in the universe!As for where this Seagod Sword ranks among the eight great artifacts, the Xuanbing God King has no way of knowing.

But the Xuanbing God King knows that even the weakest weapon among the eight great artifacts will attract endless competition from the strongest, and the weakest weapon can easily kill him.

Although he doesn't know where the sword of the sea god in Mebius's hand came from, and he doesn't know why Mebius has the sword of the sea god, but he knows that he may be in danger today, because the situation he faces Not Mebius, but two gods!
One, Diana, the god of the moon; one, Poseidon, the god of water.

The threat from Diana, the moon god, is this damn god's domain, and the threat from Poseidon, the sea god, is one of the eight great artifacts that has attracted the envy of the world—the sword of the sea god!
"The Sea God's Sword, one of the eight ancient artifacts, the weapon of the Sea God Poseidon, has made countless powerful men fearful. Today you are lucky to see this legendary sword, and I will also use this sword. Come to kill you." Mebius raised the Sea God Sword in his hand, and pointed at the shocked Xuanbing God King in front of him.

"Even so, I won't catch it without a fight." Mebius' words confirmed the guess in the heart of the Xuanbing God King. This is the Seagod Sword, but now is not the time to shock the enemy's equipment.

A blue ray of light was refracted from the crystal ball in the hands of the Xuanbing God King. Wherever the blue light passed, even the air was frozen, and the air was filled with a cold breath. If a creature breathes here, its internal organs may be frozen through.

Glazed Ice Realm!

When the three god kings recovered, the Xuanbing God King directly froze through a planet by virtue of this glazed ice environment.

Mebius' pupils constricted sharply. He was also ice. Even before the attack came, he still felt the terrifying threat from Lanmang. He knew that if he was hit by this move, he would be crippled even if he was not dead. !
Hastily put down the Seagod Sword in his hand, propped up the ice barrier, but is this really useful?
I saw the glazed ice realm bombarding the ice barrier, the extremely terrifying cold air even made the spotless ice barrier form frosty air, it seemed that the entire ice barrier was frozen by the glazed ice realm of the Xuanbing God King Well, there was a crisp sound of 'bang', and the entire ice barrier was shattered. At this moment, Mebius knew that he was wrong, a big mistake, he overestimated his own ice barrier.

When the glazed ice was about to wrap around his body, Mebius felt the breath of death again.

(End of this chapter)

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