School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 423 The Final Jihad

Chapter 423 The Final Jihad ([-])

"That's...not enough..." Luna Diana sneered, and waved her right hand casually. When the glazed ice land was less than half a meter away from Mebius, it was enough to kill Mebius in seconds. The Glazed Ice Realm shattered, shattered from the inside without warning, like a bunker that was blown up from the inside, no fragments were left, and the entire attack was disintegrated from head to toe.

The crisis was resolved, and Mebius no longer gave the Xuanbing God King a chance to make a move. A flicker disappeared in the distance. Knowing the coordinates of Mebius' appearance through space fluctuations, he quickly raised his own crystal ball and collided with Mebius' Sea God Sword, making a crisp sound.

Without too much hesitation, Mebius disappeared again, and when he appeared, he had already slashed down from the air with the Seagod Sword emitting ice blue light, and the unexpected move made the Xuanbing God King slightly stunned. The dead corner of Xuanbing God King's defense is almost impossible to resist. He can only produce something similar to a barrier by exploding the energy in his body.

None of the three god kings had barrier skills, and they only heard a 'bang' sound, accompanied by bursts of particles splashing, the Seagod Sword that could have been cut on the Xuanbing God King was only cut on the materialized body. In terms of energy, the materialized energy was cut to pieces without any accident.

The Xuanbing God King finally couldn't bear it anymore. At the moment Mebius was about to disappear, he stretched out his left hand like lightning and grabbed Mebius' right foot, forcibly pulled him out of the space, and smashed him heavily into the realm of gods. On the ground, he kicked it flying, and Mebius, who lost his balance, was out of control.

"Give it to me, go die!" The tornado at the feet of the Xuanbing God King suddenly burst into brilliant light, the dazzling blue-white light wrapped the Xuanbing God King in its entirety, and a pair of illusory eyes opened from the light , the mouth of the lion phantom lingering on the right shoulder of the Xuanbing God King continuously spit out bursts of energy light waves, and the ripples spread out like ripples.

"Absolute zero!"

In the entire domain of gods, snowflakes that were as big as human beings to giants fell without warning. The snowflakes danced in the beautiful domain of gods, adding a touch of romance to this magnificent domain.

A gust of cold wind blew past, and everywhere it passed was filled with a layer of shimmering ice crystals. Such a beautiful scene even made the Xuanbing God King unable to bear to destroy it, surpassing the extreme temperature!

Seeing this, Diana, the moon god, hurriedly controlled Mebius' body and placed him down. Mebius sneered, "Absolute Zero, don't think that you are the only one who can do it!"

"What!?" The next scene stunned the Xuanbing God King.

I saw Mebius shaking the Seagod Sword in his hand, with the Seagod Sword as the center, the charming light spread towards the entire realm of the gods, and the snowflakes created by the absolute zero of the Xuanbing God King had now turned into lumps. Shaped ice crystals, cold plus cold, is not as simple as 1+1=2.

Its temperature is definitely far beyond the lowest temperature that humans can recognize. Even touching the ice crystals directly, not only can you not feel the slightest cold, but you can also feel a little bit of warmth. This is the result of completely restrained power to the extreme.

The two absolute zero degrees are intertwined together, and the terrifying cold temperature is superimposed together, even making the Xuanbing God King and Mebius feel the coldness is terrible, the biting cold wind beats on the body, even on their bodies. They were all stained with a layer of transparent ice crystals, and the ice crystals had covered their bodies.

The two forces directly offset each other, and the two tigers fought, and both sides suffered losses.

Quietly, the two colliding absolute zeros did not make any sound, just like a drop of water dropped into the sea and disappeared, everything returned to the distance again, the cold air and ice crystals left in the air declared that absolute zero had once appeared ...

"You bastard! You actually learned absolute zero!" The Xuanbing God King pointed at Mebius, and he couldn't believe it. Absolute Zero, that is the unique skill of the Xuanbing God King. He has never seen an iceman release Absolute Zero, so he concludes that only himself can possess the bug-like skill of Absolute Zero.

"Heh... don't think you are a special one, let me tell you, there are many things I know!" Mengbius raised the mysterious ice breath in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Form switching! Bewitching dark bloodline, please bring your endless power of destruction to me! Give me... the power to destroy everything!!! Darkness... the form of destruction!!!"


A thunderbolt slashed fiercely in the air, making a loud bang like heaven and earth shattering. The darkness lingered on Mebius' body, and the tumbling black mist swam like a thunder snake. As the black mist dissipated, it gradually revealed I saw the appearance inside, the gorgeous black body, the lingering lines, and the domineering, ghostly, and frightening armor!

Dark Destruction Form!
Mebius' most powerful form!
Combining the most evil dark bloodline and the blood armor of Pluto who loves to kill the most, the two most powerful darknesses meet together, just like two absolute zeros, not as simple as 1+1=2.

"Hehehehe, it's the same as when I left, but I put on a set of armor... armor... I'll wipe it!" The more the Xuanbing God King looked at the suit of armor, the more something went wrong, and finally burst out a foul language, "This Isn’t Teemo’s blood armor from Osiris, the god of the underworld? When did you get the armor of Osiris, the king of the underworld?”

"I understand! I understand! I understand!" Based on the truth of the important thing said three times, the Xuanbing God King glanced at Mebius. Because of the Pluto blood armor on his body, he can use Kamigawa Because the ancient Pluto Osiris was a member of Kamigawa, wearing the armor of Pluto Osiris and using the power of Osiris is absolutely no problem!
The Seagod's Sword can release the Seagod's power, so this Pluto's blood armor is not the evil spirit of Pluto...

My time! ! !
If the fight continues like this, I have to face three gods all of a sudden, one of them is enough for me, but now there are three gods all at once, how can I fight!
If the Moshi guy knew about Mebius' current achievements, he would probably be overjoyed, right?

He likes darkness, and at the same time he is full of guilt towards Mebius, and he wants to train Mebius to be a strong man, otherwise he will not sacrifice Shadow, nor will he come to seek himself and Guangyao.

Although Moshi is dark, he is much better than Guangyao. He is really not the same as me and Guangyao.

(End of this chapter)

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