School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 425 The Final Jihad

Chapter 425 The Final Jihad ([-])
A tragic roar came from the monstrous flames, and the two elders only felt that their abdomen and lower body were separated. The severe pain accompanied by splashing light particles stimulated the pain nerves of the two elders, and the ultimate Beria Throwing Di Jia's body aside casually like throwing garbage, Di Jia's body hit the ground heavily, where was the powerless limp, and finally Beria looked coldly at Ji Bing and Xing Tian beside him, and said: " The scum should not come out to embarrass people and make people annoying, understand?"

"Damn it..." Ji Bing and Xing Tian supported each other so that their bodies would not fall backwards. Their crumbling bodies were like a half-broken tree on a cliff, which made people worry that he would fall in the next second. It won't just fall down like this.

"Ultimate's not over yet..." Tiga struggled to get up from the ground, and the flashing energy indicator on his chest indicated that Tiga had suffered a very serious injury just now. After hearing Dijia's words, Ya turned around in surprise, looked at Dijia's not-so-good body, and sneered: " can't stand up, do you still want to fight with ...It's not worthy..."

"Damn it! I was laughed at!" Tiga gritted his teeth and stared at Ultimate Beria, and roared, "Didn't you look down on me, Tiga, if you jumped to conclusions so early!"

Shine·Infinite Superposition·Zaipelio Light!

A dazzling golden radiance bloomed from Di Jia's body, like a set of golden light armor attached to the surface of Di Jia, looking from a distance like a small sun, especially dazzling, full of light The darkness covering the Holy Land of Light has been dispelled, revealing the sky behind.

The incomparably bright golden light rushed towards Ultimate Beria like a dragon sailing out of the sea. Ultimate Beria was taken aback for a moment before reacting, " is it obviously have no energy...why do you still have extra energy? The power to release light...this light...what's going on!!!"

"I will... let you understand... the strength of my Tiga! I don't rely on weapons! And it's... the strength of my heart!" The golden light condensed on Tiga's body surface shined again, and the already bright shining light was even more intense now. dazzling.

The magnified golden light in the pupils quickly made Ultimate Beria react. Now is not the time to be shocked. He hastily put away the dark spark gun in his hand and waved his hands. Endless blood-red energy condensed on Ultimate Beria. On the energy indicator on the sub-chest.

"Let you have a taste too, I'm Beria's power!" The ultimate Beria roared, and the flashing red light was heavily bombarded with the shining, infinitely superimposed, Zapelio light—Dark Diss flash!
At the center of the light collision, the golden and black-red energies disintegrate each other, but the golden Zapelio light is pushing the dark Desi flashing towards the direction of Ultimate Beria. This scene makes Ultimate Beria extremely terrifying.

He is also a seasoned warrior. He fought against countless giants of light in his early years. This scene means that his light is being disintegrated, and it is very likely that he will be hit by this golden Zapelio light. It will even be killed by Di Jia.

"Damn it!" Ultimate Beria desperately increased the energy in his body, and more and more energy was condensed on the energy indicator. The color was so deep that Ultimate Beria's chest was dyed black. Now, even the blood-red energy indicator on the chest is gone.

Finally, the Dark Diss Flash did not disappoint Ultimate Beria, and has already pushed the Shining·Infinite Superimposition·Zapelio light towards the center, even faintly overshadowing the Shining·Infinite Superposition·Zapellio light, Fly towards the side of Di Gana.

Seeing this, Ultimate Beria still didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, now is the key to desperately, not to be distracted, fortunately, I have seriously injured the two bigger ants just now, and now I am already doing what I did just now. Fortunately, they don't have the energy to bother themselves now.

"Ultimate Beria!" Tiga roared loudly, "I'll let you see and see, the power from my heart!"

That incomparably dazzling soul, the soul that shines with the light of hope, please awaken at this moment, and give me a stronger and purer power to Tiga!
Di Jia's body suddenly brightened, and the shining form had been replaced. Instead, the body was carved with large and small crystals, shining against the golden light. It was so beautiful and dazzling. The golden lines are outlined, and the blue energy indicator on the chest is even more golden, and the golden light is blooming, and there is a diamond-shaped crystal on the forehead—Tiga!Psychic form!
After several life-and-death struggles, Tiga finally understood the true meaning of power, not for killing, but for better survival. All power is scum, and the only powerful one is the power of the soul. After he understood this, he, At this moment, the second spiritual light of the universe is awakened!

Tiga's light of mind is this powerful mind form. As long as Tiga uses the light of mind, he will become like this, extremely charming. His light of mind is not comparable to that of Camilla. Camila's spiritual light is only useful to men, because her spiritual light is confusing, and only men can be seduced by women.

"What kind of power is this..." Ultimate Beria looked at Di Jia who was different from before, his pupils shrank sharply, and this was the case again!It's that nasty light again!

Back then, Sai Luo was invaded by himself, and because he understood the power and awakened the light of the soul, he used the light of the soul to open up an extremely powerful glorious form, and put himself down in two or three strokes. Now , I helped an Ultra fighter to awaken the light of the soul. At this time, the ultimate Beria was very resistant, and he wanted to curse!
"Just let you see, our... the power of the Ultra fighters! Our... the power of the Chaos Temple!" The cry from the light of the soul, the cry from Tiga, finally erupted at this moment, and the whole body The crystal began to condense energy, and the shining crystal was constantly beating. You Lian, who was watching the battle, finally seized the opportunity and shouted loudly: "Quick! It's now!"

The captains of the four teams looked at each other, nodded to each other, and instantly flew to the center of the battlefield, forming four points around them. The remaining light giants took out their own lights and dedicated them to the captains of the four teams for their use. .

The ultimate cross barrier begins...

(End of this chapter)

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