School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 426 The Final Jihad!

Chapter 426 The Final Jihad!

Ultimate Beria glanced at the four giants of light surrounding them. Their strength is very low, only A-level, but now they are troublesome. After all, they are from the Kingdom of Light. What are they going to do? Ultimate Beria It can be judged by their actions, turned to Di Jia and said: "Tsk, I am going to be abandoned, Di Jia, since we are going to die... let's die together! I am Beria! Undead Bei Leah! Eternal life!"

The Ultimate Rem Ray!

Endless thunder and lightning fell from the sky, controlled by the ultimate Beria, condensed with his own dark energy, and suddenly formed an 'L' with his arms. To Tiga.

Di Jia is also a person who has been here, so he will naturally know what they are going to do. Although he wants to leave, it is too late now. His energy is gathering. Ya's light came flying, and he had no time to dodge it.

He gave You Lian a hard look, he now understands, he understands the meaning of the words of the Dark Demon God Dimojeer before he died, don't trust this old woman You Lian, now, Di Jia finally sees through this woman, All she did was to seal herself!
The King Arthur of 10,000+ years ago, the current You Lian is just a piece of stuff.

Gritting his teeth, he released the supreme spiritual flash condensed on the body, and the endless energy impacted the surroundings, making the giant of light occupying the four points slightly unable to support.

Under the feet of Tiga and Ultimate Beria, the earth split open and next time, the endless dust was disgusted by this powerful energy, and the glass-like viscous liquid slowly squirmed.

"Extreme Ice Xingtian, hurry up! Take the time!" You Lianjiao shouted, now two giants who destroy the world are facing each other, and they can't be distracted. Although the energy emitted by the light is very terrifying, it is enough to wipe out a planet.

Ji Bing and Xing Tian looked at each other, nodded and said, "Old Xing, this may be the last time I call you like that."

"Ah," Xing Tian smiled and nodded, waved his hands nonchalantly, and said, "Who cares about you calling it that way, our last cooperation must be successful!"

"En!" Ji Bing nodded heavily.

This time, we must succeed!

Because the target is Tiga, the ultimate Beria!

It's the two destructive S+s!

Two beams of light fell on Tiga and Ultimate Beria one after another. Tiga and Ultimate Beria did not dare to remove the light in their hands, and could only allow themselves to be caught by the two scum. At this moment, they seemed to be The fish on the chopping board was left to be slaughtered by Ji Bing and Xing Tian.



An incomparably dazzling golden light erupted from the chests of Ji Bing and Xing Tian. Seeing this scene, You Lian closed her eyes slightly, and a gleam of tears broke out from her eyes, "I'm sorry, High Priest of Fallen Leaf; I'm sorry, Di Jia , Xingtian, Jibing; I'm sorry, Mebius, Lord Luna; I'm sorry, the people of the Holy Land of Light, I really... tried my best... Only this way... can the fire continue..."

In the sky, several golden rays of light burst out of the atmosphere. They were fighters selected by You Lian. They are very talented and should not stay in such a place.

The bodies of Tiga and Ultimate Beria are wrapped in two golden lines, like silkworms spinning silk, and the bodies of Ji Bing and Xing Tian are gradually burning with the color of concrete...



The endless golden rays of light were absorbed by the four giants of light, and beautiful rays of light emitted from their hands condensed in the sky, falling down like celestial maidens scattered flowers, giving glory to the four giants of light in the formation...

As the light curtain becomes thicker and blurred, the light of Tiga and Ultimate Beria is gradually fading, and the color of concrete gradually appears on their bodies.

The four stone statues stood in the translucent ultimate cross barrier. You Lian seized an opportunity to arrange the four giants of light. Tiga and Ultimate Beria were in the middle, and Jibing stood on the left side of Tiga. , Xing Tian stood on the right side of Ultimate Beria, the light in their bodies had disappeared, and the four giants were dead.

And after the four stone statues were placed, the four people who cast the ultimate cross barrier also came to an end, and they finally turned everything into light and integrated into the pyramid.

This is just an unformed ultimate cross barrier, so it is pyramid-shaped.

You Lian looked at the surrounding stone statues with an extremely heavy heart, and finally pulled out the light from those stone statues and merged them into the pyramid. With the disappearance of the last bit of light, the pyramid also disappeared and hid itself. Only the future Only when a specific moment and a specific person appears, the pyramid will appear again.

You Lian didn't know what to do with the stone statue of the Giant of Light in one place. The Holy Land of Light was completely destroyed, and Qijiela was also dead. He was killed in the fight between Tiga and Ultimate Beria in the sky Yea, the Qijiela flower that grows in the Holy Land of Light is also naturally obscene.

Sea water gradually poured in from the ground, You Lian turned into a beam of light and entered the time capsule at the last moment, and the capsule turned into a stream of silver light and rushed out of the earth, together with a beam of purple stream of light that rushed out of the earth together... …

The entire Luluye, no, sank into the sea together with the Dark Holy Land.

The ultra-ancient civilization was thus destroyed and came to an end.

The universe, the realm of the moon god.

The body of Mebius lay in the arms of Diana, the moon god, while another blue body fell on the icy space of the domain. I was able to stand up from the ground, looked at the beautiful space around me, and laughed miserably: "It's a pity! It's a pity! Everything so beautiful will eventually perish!"

"You bastard, you are already dying in the wind, what do you want to do!?" Diana, the moon god, looked coldly at the Xuanbing God King who was madly laughing, and the Xuanbing God King said coldly. Looking at the moon god Diana, said: "Now, you are about to know what I am going to do!"


The energy in the body of the Xuanbing God King continued to compress until the body of the Xuanbing God King disappeared, and the existence of the Xuanbing God King could no longer be seen. The Moon God Diana could not even perceive the Xuanbing God in the domain space. The existence of the king, this is her domain!Everything in the domain, the moon god Diana can know the location of that person as long as she thinks of it, but now, dealing with it is as if the world has evaporated.


Does this guy want to...

(End of this chapter)

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