School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 427 GUYS! SALLY GO!

Chapter 427 GUYS! SALLY GO!

In the next scene, Diana, the moon god, shrank her pupils sharply, and saw the energy compression centered on the place where the Xuanbing God King disappeared, and immediately emitted a terrifying energy response. A small space vortex was in the realm of the moon god. Rotating within, endless high-energy reactions escaped from the vortex.

"Oops, it's too late..." Moon God Diana finally understood how she was killed. The God King Xuanbing was desperate to activate energy compression and use self-destruct to blow up the God's Domain. Although God's Domain is invulnerable, what era is it now?The energy intensity of the outside world can't suppress the violent energy reaction in the domain of gods.

The speed of the self-explosion was very fast, and I saw that the entire domain of gods was filled with white light. The moon god Diana hurriedly protected Mebius, and used everything to block Mebius' body, and exploded here. Among them, Mebius will definitely be wiped out, but at least his soul can be preserved.

Just hearing a loud bang, the vortex exploded, and endless energy filled the entire God's Domain like a wild horse in an instant, tearing the surroundings with a violent energy storm, and the outer wall of the God's Domain Tiny cracks start to appear.

Energy is pervasive, as long as there is a crack, it can continuously expand that crack, and eventually disintegrate the entire domain of gods, and the domain of gods is destroyed from the inside, and the moon god Diana will also be strongly affected. The damage caused the bursting of the power of space in the body to explode, causing an explosion of energy, and the occurrence of various chain reactions will destroy this divine body!

In the universe, no, the entire solar system, a huge visual feast is being staged. I saw a flash in the empty space, and a huge circle of light bloomed, and the circle of light carrying the halo was spreading towards other places in the universe. Go, a stream of purple light flashed across here, and the huge energy reaction was immediately shaken off. The out-of-control purple light stream fell towards Mars. Masaki Keigo was trying to control the magic mirror of the void to adjust his body, but he was helpless. What's more, this is the energy of a god, how can a mortal be able to resist it.

Just like a supernova explosion, the intense light covered the sun's rays, and the entire solar system instantly lost the term night. They seemed to be bathed in light, and the entire God's Domain exploded. The exploded God's Domain Let a crack appear in that cosmic space, but the universe will not let this crack tear down, endless dark energy pours in, repairs this huge crack, and heals at a speed of a few centimeters per second, endlessly The space storm blown out from the space rift, blowing the surrounding planets off their orbits, and even blowing them apart directly.

A huge figure flew out from the crack in the space, and a beautiful woman lay in the arms of the shining Mebius, that was Diana, the moon god.

At the last moment, Diana, the moon god, injected all her remaining energy into Mebius' body and forcibly revived him, but she fell due to the chain reaction of the loss of energy and the power of space in her body. The breath of life, but the soul is kept because of its own god seal, and only enough energy can revive it, and the energy that can support the recovery of a god body, except for the energy produced by the most powerful person destroying the field, only the god Only then can he be saved!
It's just that in this world, the only god Mebius knows is Diana, the moon god.

Glancing at the crack in the space, the Xuanbing God King ran away through energy compression. At the moment of self-explosion, the soul was separated from the body, and what was blown up was only the energy and body. He is not dead yet, "Wait Go! I will come back and destroy you! You god kings have killed me over and over again, the most important thing, I and you, we cannot live together!"

"Clearing the world's memory about the master..."



"call out!"

A blue beam of light was elongated, and disappeared into this universe with a sound of 'swoosh'.

The kingdom of light universe.

GUYS command room.

"There is a huge energy reaction in the orbit of the moon, and the space is distorting. It seems that a huge life body is about to come out of the space." Zhe Ping, who has always been honest all the way, tapped his hands on the keyboard quickly, and adjusted the screen before he finished speaking. Out.

On the orbit of the moon, a space vortex visible to the naked eye is gradually forming. Captain Sui Shui put down the coffee in his hand, and all the GUYS team members put down their work and stared at the picture on the big screen. A few minutes passed. Greatness emerges from it.

——Jetton Fusion Beast!

King Haipa Jingu!

"That's... what..." Zhe Ping jumped up from his seat in surprise, pointed to King Haipa Jingu on the screen, and said: "A monster that has never been seen before. It has the characteristics of Jayden on the chest, and the stomach and King Kingu The characteristics of the king, the tail is exactly the same as that of King Airi, what kind of monster is this..."

"Ultimate Fusion Beast..." Xia Yuhan stared at the monster on the screen and clenched his fists. This monster was very similar to the Belial Fusion Beast he had defeated in his own universe. It was also a few monsters The more powerful life form constructed by fusing the power of the two together, I almost died in the hands of the fusion beast at the beginning.

"Eh?" Mu Zhimei looked at Xia Yuhan with some doubts, and said, "What is that?"

Xia Yuhan turned his head and took a look at Mu Zhimei, then pushed Zhe Ping away, tapped the keyboard quickly with both hands, and fixed the picture of King Haipa Kingu, and several red circles appeared on the picture of King Haipa Kingu immediately, "This The monster has the physical characteristics of four monsters: Jayton, King Jingu, King Aire, and King Red, but Jayton is not an ordinary Jayton, it is something from Hypageton, and King Jingu is not an ordinary Jingu Wang, that's EX-King Kingo."

"Aren't King Ailei and King Red the same as King Ailei and King Red?" Future asked Xia Yuhan as he approached him.

Xia Yuhan glanced at the future angrily, and said, "Of course, King Ailei and King Red are ordinary King Ailei and King Red, but Jayden and Jin Guqiao are a little special."

"How is the strength of this monster?" Long pushed away the future and asked, "It doesn't matter whether he is special or not, strength is the most important thing."

"It's not good, there's another abnormality. It's also in the orbit of the moon. There's a huge energy reaction. It seems that a huge life form has appeared." Zhe Ping looked at the beating data on his computer screen and exclaimed.

"My God, what kind of monster is the earth facing?" Captain Sui Shui's expression was a little scary, but he quickly corrected himself and shouted: "GUYS! SALLY GO!"


(End of this chapter)

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