School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 429 Yuhan's Power of Time and Space

Chapter 429 Yuhan's Power of Time and Space

Holding the Seagod Sword, Mebius jumped and disappeared into the distance. When he appeared, he had already slashed on the body of King Haipajingu with the attack of the Seagod Sword. The violent sparks accompanied the sound of metal strikes. When the sound sounded, a long stripe appeared on King Haipa Kingu's scales. Lin Yi, who was bathed in the light, twitched the corners of King Haipa Kingu's eyes as he looked into his eyes.

"This Haipa Jingu King... is so weak..." Mebius couldn't help complaining.

Compared with the Haipa Jingu King 3000 million years ago, this Haipa Jingu King is really too weak, and the real strength is the peak of the late S-level, right?How could it have the power of S+?
No, this energy fluctuation is not the mid-term peak of S+... more like...

"Ultimate Fusion Beast, King Haipa Kingu, strength level: the peak in the late S-level." Xia Yuhan in the GUYS command room looked at the King Haipa Kingu who was beaten by Mebius and scurried away, and sighed slightly. Only the first summoner has such power. I spent a lot of effort to deal with that fusion beast.

"Peak in the late stage of S-level? Isn't it exactly the same as Galatron's strength?" Long's eyes widened immediately. He still remembers that Galatron almost destroyed this place back then, but in his memory I can't remember how it was eliminated. Since the last time the legendary Xeon appeared, I always feel that something important is missing in my memory. Many places are very vague. If I think about it, my head will feel like Pain like an explosion.

"Amigo, aren't you going?" Zhenzhi crossed his arms and looked at the unmoved Xia Yuhan.

"Me?" Xia Yuhan pointed at himself, waved his hand, and said, "With him here, what do you want me to do? I'm just a strong mid-S rank peak, and I can't beat King Haipa Kingu."


"It's okay, let's watch his performance." Xia Yuhan nodded with a smile, "He will let you know what power is."

Xia Yuhan put his hand into his pocket, and squeezed the memory display device that Lin Yi gave him when he left. Although the creatures in this universe have forgotten you, I will never forget that you once desperately saved this universe. !

You are a real hero!
Only you, the Temple of Chaos, are worthy of the word hero.


King Haipa King roared, and immediately used the power of space to disappear in the same place. Seeing this, Mebius just smiled coldly. If the peak of the late S-level meets me, don't even think about leaving. Use the power of space to disappear , After a few seconds, two huge figures fell from the space, King Haipa Kingu's body quickly stabilized, and Mebius looked at the embarrassed King Haipa Kingu.

Just now with my own hand speed, I swung at least thirteen swords, tsk, this King Haipa Jingu can't do anything else, he is quite resistant to beating.


"What's your name!" Mebius instantly appeared behind Haipa Jingu King. Before Haipa Jingu King had time to use the power of space to escape, Mebius punched his abdomen, and Haipa Jingu King's abdomen Immediately, a huge crack was smashed out of the scales, and the sound like a carapace cracking reached Mebius' ears.

"That's...the power of space..." Zheping stared wide-eyed at Mebius and King Hypajingu who kept disappearing, appearing, disappearing, appearing, disappearing, and reappearing on the screen. Not sure, but it is so frequent now that it is enough to prove that this is the legendary power of space!

"Yes, the power of space." Xia Yuhan nodded, and said: "The power of space is something that few people have, and I have it too, and my power of space is even higher. The power of time and space, as the name suggests, is time. The combination of power and space power."

"The power of space can only travel in one space, such as in the universe. If your power of space is strong enough, you can even travel from one end of the universe to another part of the universe. The power of time is different. The power of time The appearance must be based on the power of space, and only with the power of space can you have the power of time," Xia Yuhan explained: "But among the powerful in the known universe, only I have the power of time, and the power of time can Take you to travel through various time planes, such as going back to the past, this is the function of the power of time, if your power of time is strong enough, then you can even go to the future."

"Theoretically speaking, cosmologists believe that there is a thing called a time rift in the universe. In the time rift, you can go to other planes, just like the space rift, but that is only theoretical, and no one has discovered it. Time crack, even if a time crack is found, time will not allow people without the power of time to enter the crack of time." Xia Yuhan pointed to Mebius on the screen and said: "He doesn't have the power of time, but the power of space The power is terrifyingly powerful, and it can support crossing from one universe to another."


Of course it's amazing, he is the son of chaos, the first caller.Xia Yuhan smiled without saying a word.

"Ha!" Mebius appeared behind King Haipa Kingu in an instant, and a sword fell. With the generation of bright light, King Haipa Kingu's tail was cut off directly, and an unknown viscous liquid like oil trembled from it. Falling down, unusually disgusting.


King Haipa Kingu roared in pain, turned around and raised King Kingu's hand to slap Mebius' body, and slashed down with his sword again, followed by the sound of 'bang' However, the sharp Seagod Sword only cut half of the arm, and got stuck in that half.

"Oh?" Mebius was a little surprised, and with a sudden force on his right arm, the Sea God's Sword slashed at the cosmic void, and the broken arm fell downwards, and would be wiped out by cosmic radiation in a short time.


King Haipa Kingu was not in a hurry, and quickly used the remaining section to extend a Haipajiedon death sickle. The dark death sickle exudes a cold light, and the light will be emitted in the void of the universe. call!call! 'The sound of breaking through the air.

"Ah? Can it be regenerated? It seems to be similar to the power of Impreza." Mebius, who appeared a few miles away, looked at the Jadon Death Scythe and shook his head, "It doesn't matter. No matter how many times you regenerate, I can blow you up!"


Before Mebius could use the power of space to attack him, King Hypajingu appeared beside Mebius, raised the Jaden Death Scythe in his hand, and swung it at Mebius' arm, A cold light flashed past, reflecting Mebius' cold eyes.

"'s just a trick..." Mebius looked coldly at Jayden's death scythe flying in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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