Chapter 430 Killing
He raised his right arm and pressed it against the joints of Jayden's Death Scythe, took over the Seagod Sword in his right hand with his left hand, and slashed at Jayden's Death Scythe with a violent spark. It fell down in an instant, turning into a cloud of purple particles and dissipating in the void of the universe.

Immediately afterwards, Mebius grabbed King Hypajingu firmly with his right hand, and a flicker disappeared in place.

"Disappeared..." Zhenzhi stared at the empty void on the screen with wide eyes, and they escaped his eyes this time!The previous few times when they used the power of space, they could at least see a little vibration in space, but this time they couldn't see it at all, but Xia Yuhan said, "It's okay, don't worry."


Poseidon domain.


" my world!" Mebius raised the water-splashing Sea God Sword, and swung a sword energy horizontally at King Haipajingu. The sword energy was frozen into sharp ice during the flight blade.

The ice blade exuding bursts of cold air was enough to freeze King Haipa Jingu.

"call out!"

A huge fireball flew out from King Haipa Kingu's chest, and the surrounding coldness kept pressing down on the mega-degree fireball, forcibly lowering its temperature, and the beating flames also decreased accordingly. At this time, the mega-degree The fireball might not be as powerful as one-third of before.

He took the ice blade and directly passed through the mega-degree fireball, the cold air from the ice blade froze the mega-degree fireball, turned into an ice ball, fell and gradually dissipated in the sea god's domain.

The unabated ice blade is already lingering with blue light, which is the energy produced by friction with the Seagod's domain, but this energy is attached to ultra-low temperature, not only did not melt the ice blade, but even made the ice blade stronger. Roads of beautiful frost have been sprinkled on the outside of the ice blade.


King Haipa Kingu showed a terrifying expression. Ever since he entered this sea god domain, he found that this domain was destroying his life, and restricted his actions and the power of his skills. Just as the Zeydon barrier appeared, it was frozen into a transparent ice wall by the temperature in Seagod's domain.


The ice blade easily penetrated the ice wall as if walking in the back garden of his own home. The sharp ice blade penetrated King Haipajingu's body. It passed through the body of King Haipa Kingu in an instant, and then dissipated in the Seagod Domain.

Haipa Jingu King's body was instantly frozen from the inside out. Lin Yi, bathed in the light, took out from his pocket the three cards he had obtained when he killed Pedanim Jiedun. Jiedun, Jinguqiao, Pangdun , he is now thinking, if King Haipa Jingu is killed, will he also get the corresponding card?After all... they are all ultimate fusion beasts!
Mebius nodded, waved the Seagod Sword in his hand, and shouted: "Now I will send you down to meet Pedanim Jiedun!"


Immediately, Mebius' body burst into dazzling blue light. Mebius, wrapped in the blue light, seemed to be soaked in the sea, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards King Haipajingu. The sea god in his hand The sword slashed straight across the body of King Haipa Kingu, and with the sound of "click", King Haipa Kingu's body was split into two instantly, and disappeared into broken ice.

However, to Lin Yi's disappointment, King Haipa Jingu left nothing behind after his death. The cards had been destroyed and disappeared in the explosion.

Slightly disappointed, but it’s okay, it’s just a few cards, I don’t want my own cards or Ti Jia’s cards, what do I want a few monster cards for, a slight blue light glows all over my body, and the surrounding Sea God domain fades like a tide .

"Here it is, where is King Haipa Jingu?" Jin Nai searched for King Haipa Kingu's body on the screen, but heard Xia Yuhan say: "It was killed, it is in the domain."

"Field?" Zheping's eyes widened immediately, "Is it using the power of space to break open the surrounding space and fill it into an independent space? This is something that only exists in theory."

"Hmm, I have it too." Xia Yuhan unhurriedly took out the evolution trustee in his hand, nodded at them, then pulled out the evolution trustee, turned into a silver streamer and rushed out Phoenix nest, flying towards the universe.

"What an afterthought, Mengbius only transformed after he killed the enemy." Long pouted with some dissatisfaction, "How can such a person become an Ultra warrior?"

In the future, he patted Long on the shoulder helplessly. Although he had a lot of questions in his heart, he still kept them in his heart, waiting for Xia Yuhan to answer them when he came back.


Mebius lifted Luna Diana from the moon, looking at the pale face and dehydrated lips in his embrace, Mebius felt distressed for a while, and gently stroked Luna Diana's face, After tidying up her messy hair, she said, "Wait, Diana, I will go back to the past soon, put your soul in a good place, and wait for your resurrection."

Just when he was about to inform Zhibao to teleport him away, he felt a force of light flying from the earth. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the earth, only to see a silver beam of light cut through the void of the universe and landed on the moon. After the light was condensed, it retracted, revealing the appearance of Nexus.

"Mengbius, Lin Yi, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see." Mebius nodded, "Earth... Marina... are they okay?"

Nexus nodded and said, "Do you want to go back and have a look?"

Mebius glanced at the earth behind Nexus, hesitated for a while, but still shook his head, and said, "I won't go back, there is no need for me to go back, I have to go back to the past."

"By the way, why did the moon god fall? Is there someone who can kill gods in the current world?" This is also the purpose of Nexus' trip. Whether the moon god falls or not has nothing to do with him. , Was the moon god Diana murdered?

Mebius shook his head, "It's not a guy from this time plane, but a person from 3000 million years ago. You guys know each other too, so you can be regarded as old friends, God King, Xuan Bing."

"God King!?" Nexus was shocked, "God King woke up?"

Through Noah's memory, Xia Yuhan knew how much effort it took for the four of them to seal those god kings back then, otherwise the King of Ultra wouldn't have been reduced to the present level. How could he not be shocked after being revived, and even if he was revived, he would kill the gods, which is not a good sign.

(End of this chapter)

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