School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 431 The New World

Chapter 431 The New World
"Yeah, he recovered, but it was in my world. I don't know why, but he also went back to the past. You should know Dijia, right? In the era of Luluye, I was in Dijia with the Xuanbing God King. Fight against the Ice God King in Anna's Divine Realm." Mebius hugged Diana, the moon god, in his arms.

"I understand, the Divine King Xuanbing can't beat you, and the current universe can't suppress the strong energy reaction in the Realm of God. The Divine King Xuanbing chose to explode himself and forcibly destroyed the Realm of God. Only then did it fall due to the backlash from the other domain." Nexus nodded in a sudden realization.

If this is the case, then there is nothing to be shocked about, it is just a clown who can't win a battle with a strong man in the early stage of S+ in the domain of gods, how can such a guy be called a god king? Compared with before, the Xuanbing God King is far behind, and he is really getting back as he lives.

"What about the future now?"

Nexus nodded, and said, "Don't worry, that kid is very smart and powerful, and he is now a fighter with peak strength in the middle of the B-level."

Mebius nodded when he heard the words, "The strength has been promoted to a stage compared to when I left. I have been promoted from the peak of the early B-level to the mid-term peak of the B-level, and I am one step closer to the A-level."

"Yeah, he is now able to fight alone."

"Where's Hikari?" The one I can't forget the most is the Hikari who has saved me many times. "Is Hikari okay now?"

"It's good. When you parted from him, he has regained the heart of Ultra, and now he is a righteous Ultra warrior."

"That's good, that's good." Mebius let go of his hanging heart. In fact, he really didn't know what to do. He was afraid that his intrusion would affect Hikari, and he was afraid that he would be overwhelmed by the power of darkness again. Infected by the power of revenge, but after hearing what Nexus said, he was relieved. With Nexus here, there is no need for him to worry.

"I'm leaving. In addition, help me take care of them." Mebius nodded at Nexus, and several strands of blue light immediately lingered on his body. Nexus is also a person who has the treasure, so naturally Knowing what this means, he waved his hand at Mebius and said, "Goodbye, the first caller. I hope we can meet with the most powerful us in the near future." We, But this mysterious space is the last trump card...

"Clearing the world's memory about the master..."



"Spatial detection..."

"It is confirmed that there is no mistake, the transmission is complete."

As the light on his body burst into dazzling brilliance, Mebius glanced at the earth, and with the sound of 'swoosh', the entire beam of light disappeared.

Looking at the empty moon, Nexus sighed long, and looked out of the solar system with some concern. The appearance of this ultimate fusion beast today is definitely not accidental, there must be someone planning behind it There is a conspiracy!
When you get the chance, be sure to check it out!
The God King has already recovered, and it is uncertain when Xiao Jiujiu will be placed on the God Seal again. Now they don't have the power to seal the God King, and they probably won't be able to survive the three moves against the God King.

It turned into a silver streamer and returned to the earth.


The kingdom of light universe.

Time: 3000 million years ago.

At this time, no higher life forms have appeared on the earth, and the earth should be ruled by some plants, insects, birds, and mammals, and the earth in Tiga’s universe spawned such a powerful civilization 3000 million years ago , In comparison, this earth is really weak.

Fortunately, it has nothing to do with the moon, the moon is very stable, greedily glanced at the moon god Diana in her arms, "Diana, you can sleep here first, soon, soon Save you!"

The crystal on the body of Mebius immediately burst into gorgeous colored light. The light gradually enveloped the body of Luna Diana, sealed her soul, and pushed her hand towards the direction of the moon. The body gradually merged into the moon, and with the flickering of light, everything returned to calm again.

But Mebius was able to see that the moon was protecting its own god, constantly absorbing energy input from the universe to the moon god Diana, and bowed to the moon, "Thank you, Moon."

In the central part of the moon, the center of a huge energy array is occupied by a group of colorful light cocoons. Inside the light cocoon is the dead moon god Diana. Although she has died, she is gradually recovering just like a living person. His complexion was like that of a Sleeping Beauty, as if he had just fallen asleep.

Glancing at the moon with some nostalgia, Mebius smiled, unknowingly surrounded by a ball of light, and was about to be teleported away again, everything here has been done, and it's time to leave.

It's just the next place, where will it be...

"Clearing the world's memory about the master..."



"Space detection in progress..."

"It is confirmed that there is no mistake, the transmission is complete."

Alien universe.

A strange laughter came from the purple ball of light. Behind the purple ball of light was a long tail of particles. Behind this ball of light was the same ball of light, but the color was red. While chasing him closely, the red ball of light catches up and hits him from time to time, and the tug-of-war between the two is in progress.

Unknowingly, it has crossed many galaxies and entered the Milky Way. Weird laughter continued to come from the purple light ball, and the strange laughter kept echoing in the void of the universe. The people in the ball were upset for a while.

He has been chasing this guy for hundreds of years, and every time he fights with him, he will escape. This time, he can't remember how many times he has caught up with this guy, but he still remembers the last time he When she was thrown off by him, she landed on a planet and rescued a little guy. That little guy was very cute, and there was a long cat tail behind her. At that time, she was being killed by a The monster was being bullied, and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I went up to drive the monster away, and then played with the little guy for a few days.

He remembered that the little guy's cry was so cute, that he had a kind of power that could make others forget him, and he almost fell for it, but fortunately he remembered that there were two big cat ears on his head, and two short cat ears under his tail. At that time, I felt the guy in the purple light ball, and when I was about to chase after him, that little guy was crying.

If I remember correctly, that little guy's name should be Mu, right?
(End of this chapter)

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