School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 432 The Fall of Ultraman

Chapter 432 The Fall of Ultraman
Two beams of light shuttled through the Milky Way at high speed, blowing up many asteroids on the way, and violent energy storms blew all around. The red light ball caught up with the purple light ball, and they would all hit the purple light ball violently Several times, countless particles are splashed.

The weird laughter was still coming from the ball of light. The purple ball of light flew to the side of the red ball of light and hit the red ball violently. Violent light particles burst out from the ball of light. In this way, they collided with each other and broke into the solar system.

The two balls of light flew near Saturn in an instant, and the ghostly laughter continued. From this seductive laughter, it was enough to see how scary the guy in the purple light ball was.

The red ball of light discovered that there was a sun in this star system, and immediately made up its mind to force it into the sun. A dazzling red light bloomed on the whole red ball of light. Only then did the purple ball of light discover that, I fell for it, but it was too late, the red light ball slammed into the purple light ball, crashing it into the sun.

Such a guy broke into the calm sun, the terrifying high temperature melted the purple light ball, and the fire tsunami set off was tens of thousands of meters high, and the endless flames engulfed the red light ball...

The red light ball was immediately destroyed by the solar flare, revealing the Ultra warrior glowing with white light inside. Under the impact of the powerful electromagnetic wave and the solar flare, the Ultra warrior was decomposed into particles from right to left and drifted towards Earth……


This night, a weird scene.

At first, two balls of light flashed across the earth in an instant. Three seconds later, auroras appeared everywhere in the sky above the earth, whether it was New York, London, Paris, or BJ, Shanghai, Tokyo, etc., the skies all over the country A strange aurora appeared, and it was a purple aurora.

"What is that……"

"very scary……"

"Is it the end of the world?"


Cosmic Radio Research Institute.

"Dadi, you must not take Gomora out before that aurora disappears!" Dakong Takashi panted heavily, and put the container in Dakong Dadi's hand.

"What about you, Dad?" Da Sora asked.

Dakong Yingzhi warned: "I'll save your mother, you stay here, don't move, understand?"

Seeing Dadi nodded, Dakong Takashi patted Dadi's head, and said kindly: "Good boy, Dad will definitely bring Mom out."

After speaking, he turned and ran towards the research institute.

The earth hugged the container half as high as itself, and watched helplessly as the research institute in front of him was wrapped by something similar to an energy array, turning into data particles and flying into the sky.

The violent shaking disturbed the earth, and they shouted loudly: "Dad! Mom!"

No matter how he called, how he screamed with all his strength, he still couldn't stop the disappearance of the research institute. At the place where the research institute was located, a huge pothole replaced the original flat one, and a spark doll lay tightly in the ruins. middle.

At this time, the earth seemed to hear the sound of electromagnetic waves from the headset, and put on the headset with some doubts. Those immature hands were placed on the headset, and a strange laughter came from the headset...




In the big pit, a burst of purple light enveloped the spark puppet, and with the sound of 'click', accompanied by the flash of white light, Bermuda immediately stood up from the big pit, and several gravels fell from hundreds of Mu La's body fell down.

Due to the super flare of the sun, the mysterious super ancient spark dolls sleeping all over the earth were materialized and began to destroy everywhere.

A blue light poured down, and the light quickly converged, condensing the figure of Mebius, Mebius rolled back a few times, and put on a fighting posture: "Haha!"

"Giant of Light..." Meng Mengda looked at the tens of meters tall creature in front of him, and couldn't help saying this term. At the same time, the Gomora in the container in his hand began to shake, but the earth did not let go He, his father, said that Gomorrah could not be released until the aurora disappeared.

"Haha!" Mebius' left fist lingered with a blue light, and he took a sudden step towards the screaming Bermuda, killing him with one punch, followed by the flames all over the sky. Splashing out, several data particles in the air condensed together, condensing the spark puppet of Bermuda.

Without too much hesitation, the body disappeared in an instant, and appeared in the next place, killing the two fighting monsters with one punch, and turned into a spark doll again.

In the next place, repeat the same action to kill him.


This night, the earth is destined to be restless.

somewhere in Tokyo.

A stream of blue light condensed Lin Yi's figure, looking at the GUYS uniform on his body, Lin Yi squeezed the 'GUYS' badge tightly, stretched his waist, "I'm exhausted, although those monsters are not very good It’s the same, but there are too many things, if they are together, just one light will be enough for a second.”

"So, you are still too weak." On Lin Yi's left hand, the pink bracelet turned into a pink streamer and landed in front of Lin Yi, condensing the body of the moon god Diana.

"Well, you still hurt me as always." Lin Yi touched the head of the moon god Diana, and said: "Let's find a place to sleep first, I haven't slept well in the past few days. "

"It's all S+, why do you still like to sleep like a lower creature." Diana, the moon god, pursed her mouth a little dissatisfied.

Lin Yi looked at Luna Diana with a dark face, rolled her eyes, and said, "I'm used to the appearance of a human being. It's actually very refreshing to sleep at night. It's really good to feel the dawn."

"Convince you, what about this world? When do you plan to find out? There are also fusion beasts, don't you care?" Although in the super ancient times, the moon god Diana was unable to appear due to the power of the law, but He can still see the outside through Lin Yi, and he can also see the 'other' himself being killed.

Lin Yi shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said: "Tomorrow, anyway, there shouldn't be any powerful guys in this world. By the way, it is necessary to go to the sun to see tomorrow. An Ultraman fell on the sun. A monster thrown into the sun."

"Don't you hate light? Why are you so concerned about others now?" Luna Diana looked at Lin Yi strangely.

Lin Yi coughed a few times, and said: "I'm going to see how the monster is doing, to see if he is dead, and give him a knife if he is not dead. Forget about that Ultraman, it's just an Ultraman anyway. It’s just Ultraman, there are so many Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light, one more is not too many, one less is not much.”

(End of this chapter)

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