Chapter 439 Combat
This time, Dimaga's violent temper was revealed. Dimaga sprinted and knocked Xx away with the horns on his head. Heavy pressure on Aix's body.

The earth in the data space roared in pain, and the internal organs were continuously stimulated by the pain as if being crushed, and the earth only felt as if a machete was slashing at its abdomen.

"Earth? Are you okay?" Aix staggered up from the ground, and the pieces of the house on his body kept falling.

Dadi gritted his teeth and said, "It''s okay...I can still hold it." Saying that, Dadi supported his body and climbed up from the data space.

"Tick, tick, tick." The "X"-shaped energy indicator on Aix's chest began to flicker, and the data space was also filled with red light. Dadi looked around and said with some doubts: "Aix, Why is it ticking? Are you all right?"

Aix shook his head and said: "Probably the limit of our integration is about to be reached. If this is the case, then you and I can only integrate for 3 minutes, and we will disintegrate after 3 minutes, so we only have 3 minutes." Battle time."

"It seems that there is still one minute, should it be enough?" Dadi looked at Dimajia in front of him.

"Ah." Aix nodded, before he could move forward, he was overwhelmed by Dimaga.

"The cooling fan has been restored." Hayato's voice came from the Blue Sky Musketeer to the XIO Operations Center.

"Can the Vatican photon cannon still be used?" Captain Shenmu asked.

Hayato glanced at the co-pilot A'Du, the attack was controlled by A'Du, he was just flying the plane, seeing A'Du nodded, Hayato replied: "Yes!"

"Cover that giant of light." Captain Shenmu said firmly.

"Eh?" Deputy Captain Tachibana behind Captain Shenmu looked at Captain Shenmu in front of him in surprise, and Hayato and A'Du didn't dare to attack for a while.

"This is an order!" Seeing that Hayato and A'Du did not move for a long time, Captain Shenmu shouted immediately.


A'Du shot down the scope, and Hayato controlled the Blue Sky Musketeer to gradually approach Dimaga, pinching the distance from the scope, and A'Du immediately launched an attack: "Vanton Photon Cannon! Launch!"


A series of red light bullets poured out from the front of the Blue Sky Musketeer, precisely bombarded Dimaga's chest, and the sparks even engulfed Dimaga's upper body. Seeing this, Aix immediately threw Dimaga Ma Jia was kicked away, a carp stood up and said: "You are really a reliable partner."

"Yeah, let's do it too!" Dadi smiled and nodded, and as he said that, a faint colorful light appeared on Aix's body. Aix crossed his hands in front of his forehead, and then slid down, The flashing energy indicator on the chest immediately burst into golden light, stopped flashing, and the red light in the data space was replaced by golden light. At the same time, the colorful light on Aix's body became more and more It's getting stronger.

"It's this time, let's go! Dadi!" Aix's voice reached Dadi's ears, and Dadi stood up straight immediately. On the data barrier, Dadi's chest depicted a shining golden light The "X" shape, "Come on! Aix!"

Aix swung his right arm back, arched his body, and swiped his left foot back, forming a data field. Endless energy condensed on Aix's arms, dyeing Aix's arms gold.

"Shanadim light!" The shining blue light in the shape of an 'X' made a sound of piercing through the air, roaring and bombarding Dimaga's abdomen, and the huge recoil caused X's left leg to push the floor behind him Get up.

With a loud bang, a huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and the data energy dissipated in the air gathered together as if attracted by something, forming Dimaga's spark puppet.

Seeing this, the crowd below shouted loudly. The energy indicator on Aix's chest flickered again, and the data space was once again occupied by red. Da Da looked at his hands and said in surprise: "Just now... what happened..."

"This proves that you and I are fully integrated. It's not bad for the first battle, Dadi, please give me more advice in the future." Aix smiled. Although the performance of this battle was not very good, but after all In the first battle of the earth, everyone has a first time. If the first time is not good, it does not mean that it will not be good in the future. Battle experience is accumulated bit by bit. One day, the battle of the earth will become very beautiful.

X turned around and nodded to the Blue Sky Musketeers in the sky, which was also a thank you to them for saving him just now. The giant nodded towards him, and was also very pleasantly surprised in his heart. The two clapped their hands together and laughed.

Ax ran forward a few times, his body vacated immediately, and flew into the sky at the speed of sound. His hands cut through the air and left a cloud of sonic boom, which soon disappeared into the sky.

In the XIO combat center, Captain Shenmu saw Xx flying into the sky, and immediately issued an order: "Mobilize all satellites to monitor the giant's movements."

Hearing this, Matsudo Chiaki immediately began to mobilize the military satellites in the Earth's universe and the cameras there, but there was nothing but the air and the black smoke that soared into the sky just now: "The giant disappeared. It cannot be tracked."

"What!?" Captain Shenmu stared at the screen with an unbelievable expression on his face, "Even our vision can disappear?"

Matsudo Chiaki said: "Judging from the material left by the giant's cut through the air, nine out of ten are sonic boom clouds, so it is speculated that the flying speed of the giant is seven or eight times the speed of sound, and according to military satellite reports. , The giant should have disappeared at a distance of more than 5000 meters from the ground, so the giant did not leave the earth, so we cannot trace the whereabouts of the giant."

"Well, since you haven't left the earth, forget it. According to the actions of the giant of light 15 years ago and the giant of light now, it can be preliminarily inferred that they are not evil, they are friends of mankind, otherwise they would not I have helped humans clean up the spark dolls over and over again." Captain Shenmu nodded while talking to himself.

Vice-captain Tachibana was also very shocked by this. Captain Shenmu is notorious for not trusting others easily, and the giant has only met the giant twice. Captain Shenmu believed in him so much, and even sacrificed Adu and Hayato by crashing the plane Consequences to support the giants.

(End of this chapter)

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