School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 440 Ultraman X

Chapter 440 Ultraman X
The cooling fan has just been restored and has not been tested. If you fly into the sky or even launch an attack rashly, there is a high chance of crashing.

The giant of light who suddenly appeared 15 years ago, Vice Captain Tachibana, also met once. Although he helped humans clean up the spark dolls, it was something unknown to humans after all, so Vice Captain Tachibana did not rashly choose to believe in the Giant of Light. , After all, people who are not of my race must have a different heart.

What if this is a play planned by those huge creatures, directed and performed by themselves, just to attract humans to take the bait.

It's just that Vice-Captain Ju really thinks too much. If those huge creatures want to invade the earth, what else do they need to do?They can just sweep the earth, that would take so much trouble, with their current technology, apart from atomic bombs, there is no weapon capable of harming huge creatures.

Dadi leaned over and picked up Dimaga's spark doll, and said, "The light just now turned Dimaga into a spark doll, X, your strength is very powerful."

"No, to be precise, it's your and my power." Dadi's XIO terminal, no, it should be called the XIO terminal now, and the digital Ultraman on the XIO terminal flickered a few times.

"Fighting side by side with you, I can capture those monsters without harming them. This is my dream." Da Da smiled and looked at the X terminal.

"I like this terminal very much. As long as I stay here, I can integrate with you again. I will teach you more in the future, Dadi." Half of the digital ultra fighters on the X terminal turned into data and disappeared from the bottom up. The screen went dark again.

Seeing this, Dadi smiled and didn't think too much about it at all, but quickly realized, "Eh? Are you going to stay here forever? Hey! Hey! Hey!"

But no one answered his question, and he pouted a little bored, "Just talk and go, Aix, you are really too, to live in the XIO terminal all the time, it's not good for me. It's convenient."

In another place, a sad female voice came from the ruins surrounded by black smoke: "Earth! Respond to me quickly! Please..."

At this time, Adu and Hayato also got off from the Blue Sky Musketeers and ran to Asuna's side, "Asuna, are you okay?"

Asuna shook her head, and said with some choking: "But the earth..."

A'Du froze for a moment, he was impatient and not good at hiding his feelings, so he immediately yelled at the surrounding ruins: "Earth!"

But no one responded, and when the three of them were almost desperate, a familiar voice came from the front: "Hello!"

Covered in the radiance of the sun, the earth moved towards the three of them, and waved Dimaga's spark puppet at the three of them.

A'Du immediately ran over, patted Dadi on the shoulder, and said, "You kid scared us to death."

"You won't be allowed to play this kind of disappearance next time." Hayato also echoed A'Du's words.

Just when A'Du and Hayato were happy about Daichi's 'near death', Asuna went up and cursed at Dadi: "You bastard! Do you think this is fun! I thought you were dead!"

Dadi stared at Asuna closely, feeling a little moved in his heart, holding Dimaga's spark puppet in his hand, and said: "It was the giant of light who saved me."

"Hey, where did you come from?" Hayato looked at the spark puppet of Dimaga in Dadi's hand with some astonishment, "Obviously we don't have the technology to turn monsters into spark puppet?"

The earth shook his head and explained: "It was the giant's power, his light turned Dimaga into a spark puppet, and it was the giant who protected me, so I survived."

"Dadi, who is that giant of light?" Captain Shenmu's words came from the Aix terminal, and Dadi picked up the Aix terminal that was dyed gold, "It cannot be classified, although it is in the XIO database. There was a record once, but after all, there are too few records. The giant of light only appeared for less than 15 minute 1 years ago. In addition, the information about this giant was not paid attention to at that time, so the collected data was very little. It is impossible to estimate the current giant of light with previous examples, and he is an unknown superman."

"The unknown superman..." Captain Shenmu lowered his head in disappointment. He thought that the earth would know something. Recently, he began to regret that humans didn't pay attention to this giant of light 15 years ago, so now he doesn't know anything about the new giant of light, and he doesn't know whether to classify him as a monster or where. Once it comes, even the file cannot be built.

On Aix's terminal, Aix's digital image flickered for a moment. Although Aix did not speak, Da Da understood Aix's meaning, turned around, and said: "In short, his The name is X, Ultraman X."

"Ultraman X..."

"Yeah." Da nodded and explained: "X means doubt, unknown, perfect, and it couldn't be more appropriate to use it on the body of the giant of light."

Captain Shenmu nodded, and said: "In this case, the code name of the newly appeared Giant of Light is Ultraman X, team member Yamagishi, it's up to you to record this Ultraman X and perfect Aix. Max Altman's file."

"Yes." Takeshi Yamagishi nodded.

somewhere in the city.

Gina shook her head and said: "Although this newcomer is very weak, the strength of the spark dolls is also very weak. If they are all C-level and B-level guys, how can they be with the Kingdom of Light? If the four guys fight, the Gu'a Empire will definitely be wiped out, so we have to think of other ways and recruit some powerful subordinates."

Saying that, Gina turned around, tore open the space, and stepped into the space crack. The terrifying lightning and space strangulation were completely ignored by Gina. attention.


Lin Yi was lying on the sofa in Ge You's lying position, comfortably blowing on the air conditioner, watching the super-sized LCD color TV, and there were some fruits and drinks that he did not know where to 'bought' on the tea table. Diana was still upstairs Fifteen years ago, he said that he was a god and didn't need to sleep, but in the past 15 years, he has become more fond of sleeping than himself. Lin Yi also expressed helplessness about this.

It's almost noon, and the moon god Diana still hasn't woken up. She is really a lazy moon god Diana. If the previous Luna god knew that Diana likes to sleep so much now, she might come back to life and die again. .

(End of this chapter)

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