Chapter 447 Pregnant
XIO Aramis quickly galloped to the trident area. Barton's huge body could be easily seen even in the mountains. Barton held an iron tower with both hands and pulled it up from the ground.

"It's Barton." The earth swallowed nervously.

"Barton? Isn't it too scary?" Ah Shou looked at the ground behind him suspiciously.

"Of course it's scary..." Lui and A-Shou hurriedly pushed away from the ground and hid behind XIO Aramis. Lui poked her head out, looked at the huge figure, and said, "Barton is not only ferocious and terrifying, he even carries Very poisonous."

"Also, it's really scary to be able to spray flames from its mouth," Ah Shou added.

Captain Shenmu frowned slightly when he heard the words, this is going to be difficult, "Let's do the basic driving first, let it return to its original habitat."

"Experimental team, where is Barton's habitat?" Deputy Captain Orange asked.

"In the magma under the volcano." Lui looked up at the X terminal in Dadi's hand.

"But why did it suddenly appear on the ground?" Ah Shou racked his brains but couldn't come up with any reason.

Just as he was talking, Barton had already held the iron tower in his mouth and flapped his wings, which were almost impossible to fly, and flew up.

With some doubts, Da Da picked up the Aix terminal in his hand and pointed it at Barton. After the thermal imaging camera was activated, he found that the temperature of the abdomen was significantly lower than that of other parts, and immediately replied: "The temperature of its abdomen is very low. It is more than twice as cold as the temperature of the limbs."

"That's strange. You obviously live in the magma of a volcano. The temperature of your whole body should be very high. How could there be such a low temperature?" Ah Shou looked at the ground, hoping he could give an answer.

Liu Yi heard the words, her brain was spinning rapidly, and suddenly she had a guess in her heart, and she said to the ground: "Let me see."

Dadi squatted down immediately, and put the X terminal in his hand in front of Lui and Ashou, looking at the picture on the X terminal, Lui nodded thoughtfully, "That's right. Ah, it's an egg, it has eggs in its belly."

"So that's how it is. If it wants to hatch eggs, it needs to cool down the eggs instead of warming them up, and staying in the volcanic magma will only heat up but not cool down. That's why it came to the ground to build a nest. The ruins are where Barton hatched eggs. And built a home." Ah Shou quickly thought of the cause and effect.

"That's why he came to the ground to lay eggs." Da Da summed up Ah Shou's words.

Captain Shenmu looked at Barton who was casting a lair on the screen with a look of bewilderment. He only came to the ground for the sake of the child. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

"Hiss!" Barton yelled with some satisfaction after placing the newly acquired iron tower on the nest.

There was a burst of sound from the sky, and the Blue Sky Musketeer flew over. Looking from the sky, there was indeed a huge nest below, "It's really a nest, it builds a nest here."

A'Du clicked on his XIO terminal a few times, called out the thermal imager, looked at the red dots on it, and said: "There are people trapped in Barton's lair, no, there is a person in the lair active."

Hearing this, Hayato came closer, and a red human-shaped light spot was walking inside, as if looking for something, "There is really a person there."

"Find a way to rescue the people involved in that activity." Vice-captain Ju didn't care so much now, it was very difficult to rescue those trapped people. In contrast, rescuing the people involved in that activity was obviously much easier.

"Let's try to get closer to the nest." Hayato's voice was transmitted to the operation center through the XIO terminal.

"Be careful."


The sound of breaking the air sounded from behind Barton, and Barton immediately turned his head to the back, tongues of flame gushed out of his mouth, and a high-temperature fireball shot out of his mouth immediately, and Hayato controlled the Blue Sky Musketeer, sticking to the fireball dangerously But after that, A'Du said with some fear: "It's so dangerous, if we miss by one second, we will die."

"Barton is protecting the lair, we can't advance rashly, if we advance at this distance, we can't avoid Barton's fireball at all." After stabilizing the machine, Hayato reported the situation.

"If you attack Barton, it may cause harm to the trapped citizens, especially the active person." Vice-captain Tachibana walked in front of Captain Shenmu.

"What if we let XIO Aramis launch a photon cannon at close range?" Asuna said her plan while holding the XIO terminal.

"Can you lure Barton?" Captain Shenmu asked.

"I think it's worth a try." Asuna nodded.

Captain Shenmu hesitated for a while when he heard the words, and then said: "Asuna went to lure Barton away. After the target left the lair, the Blue Sky Musketeers aimed at Barton's wings and attacked. Don't let Barton leave that area. Fight for the experimental team." Save time."


Asuna ran to the trunk of XIO Aramis and took out the XIO bazooka. This is not an ordinary bazooka, but a bazooka that can launch a photon cannon. Asuna half-kneeled within the launch range, aiming at the land in front of the nest, "Launch!"

A blue plasma photon cannon instantly bombarded the land in front of it, and the explosive hurricane soaring into the sky hit the lair that Barton had finally built.

Lin Yi, who walked into the nest, bent down to avoid the falling clods, and cursed: "Fuck, I'm sick, don't you know there are people in there? What if it affects those ordinary people? Really It's too messy."

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!" Patton glared angrily at Asuna who fired the photon cannon, flapping his wings, a strong hurricane flashed from the wings and tore the nest below, Lin Yi had to hug the iron tower, Only then did he force his body not to be blown away, "XIO is really messed up... I must educate them next time... I was almost killed by you..."

The soaring body gradually stabilized under the effect of light energy. After patting the dust on his body, Lin Yi continued to search for a way, how to save those or the masses without exposing his own power. After coming out, the father and son whom he had rescued earlier drove away in a car with great interest.

"Asuna! Hurry up and hide!" Seeing Barton looking at Asuna, Dadi immediately yelled at Asuna.

When Asuna heard this, she immediately fled with an unusual bazooka, and Hayatohui in the hands of the Blue Sky Musketeer reported: "The target has left the nest and started to attack."

"Vanton Photon Cannon! Launch!" A series of light bullets were ejected from the front of the Blue Sky Musketeer. Although the light bullets did not hit Barton, they did a good job of attracting Barton's attention from Asuna to himself. .

(End of this chapter)

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