School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 448 Transformation

Chapter 448 Transformation
Barton began to target the fly in front of him, and kept spitting out high-temperature fireballs, but none of the fireballs hit the annoying fly. Hayato smiled, "This is my superb driving technique." ah."

The high-temperature fireball exploded in the air, forming unattractive fireworks, "Now is the time to counterattack, A'Du."

"Understood, Vatican photon cannon, launch!" Under Hayato's direction adjustment, the Blue Sky Musketeer faced Barton. A'Du aimed steadily this time, and the Vatican photon cannon accurately bombarded Barton's abdomen, although it was not too big. usefulness.

The Blue Sky Musketeer swooped down on XIO Aramis below, and Liuyi immediately widened her eyes and said coquettishly, "Ah, we're about to hit him."

A group of people immediately covered their heads and bent down. With a gust of wind blowing, everyone raised their heads this time, and Asuna shouted at the Blue Sky Musketeer: "It's very dangerous, really."

Hayato said to the crowd below: "Hurry up and hide, you will be finished if you are stared at by Barton."

Patton's voice came again, and after a head-on contact with Patton, Patton's high-temperature fireball still failed to hit the Blue Sky Musketeer, but the Blue Sky Musketeer's attacks hit Barton again and again, and after a few seconds of rubbing shoulders with Patton , Hayato manipulated the Blue Sky Musketeer to turn around.

The engine behind him spewed out a stream of blue flames, and under the action of this thrust, the Blue Sky Musketeer followed Barton's body tightly.

But it's a pity that no matter how fast he speeds up, he can't catch up with Barton in front, and the distance between the two is still increasing, until Barton's figure disappears from the field of vision.

"It's really stupid. It's very difficult for GUYS to catch up with Barton. It's just a daydream to catch up with Barton with your cruise mode." Lin Yi shook his head contemptuously. The cruise mode raced with Barton. It's like a cyclist racing a sonic plane, there is no suspense about the burden.

"Barton escaped." Hayato was overjoyed, it took so much effort to drive Barton away, it was really not easy.

XIO Operations Center.

Dr. Gurman, a Vatican star, suddenly appeared behind the two captains, thinking that the time limit of the transparent potion had passed, "No, I don't think the bird that is about to lay eggs will leave its nest. It’s not like Barton in our universe, but his habits should not be much different, and he won’t give up his home easily.”

"Yeah, so let's rescue the crowd as soon as Barton is gone." Da Da put down the Aix terminal in his hand, and immediately turned and ran away.

"Hey, wait a minute." Just as Asuna said it, Daichi had already run away.

"Wait a minute, Ah Da." Lui poked her head out of XIO Aramis, looking at the figure that was gradually receding from the ground.

"A'Du, have you seen Barton?" In the entire Blue Sky Musketeer, only A'Du's co-pilot position has an all-round 3D radar detector. With this thing, you can ignore the collision object and observe the things behind the collision object. Of course , that is just a thing created by Gurman imitating Sadaharu's eyes, and it does not have the same function as perspective.

The material needed for that thing is too scarce, so there is only one such thing on the entire earth.

"I didn't see it, and the 3D radar detectors didn't respond at all." A'Du mobilized the radar data in disbelief, and it wasn't until the radar range expanded by more than 6000 percent that Barton responded, saying: " Yes, Barton is now [-] meters away from the Blue Sky Musketeers, no, Barton has disappeared."

The moving light spot on the radar stopped for a while and then disappeared on the radar in an instant.

"What!?" Everyone in the XIO combat center was shocked, but Dr. Gurman didn't react too much.

Below the Blue Sky Musketeer, a huge body broke through the ground and rushed straight to the above Blue Sky Musketeer. A'Du was shocked and said: "Patton is below!"

"What!?" Captain Shenmu's eyes widened immediately. What kind of terrifying speed is this? In a few seconds, he jumped more than 1000 meters. In fact, it may be more. The previous second was tens of thousands. Meters away, you will be there in the next second.

Hayato tried his best to adjust the body, but was still hit by Barton. Violent sparks splashed from the bottom of the Blue Sky Musketeer. The whole body was hit by Barton, and immediately lost its balance. A large amount of black smoke slammed into the body from the tail. Dadi, seeing this, Lin Yi subconsciously stretched out his right arm, but after reacting, he retracted his hand with a wry smile. Now that his strength is restricted and he cannot transform, he gave this matter to him like this. I forgot.

"Not good!" After Da Da ran to a deserted place, he just looked up and saw the blue sky musketeer falling with black smoke.

"Dadi, hurry up and integrate with me!" Aix's voice came out from Aix's terminal, Dadi shook his head and said, "No, I'm afraid of heights."

"Now is not the time to say this. Have you forgotten what Senior Mebius said to you? You must overcome your fear of heights so that you can protect your own planet." Aix's stern voice came out.

"Okay... I can only bite the bullet." Da Da gritted his teeth, stretched out the Aix terminal, and slapped the button on the Aix terminal with his right hand, and the golden corners quickly disappeared. It formed an 'X' shape, and an incomparably bright blue light bloomed on the half-body digital Ultraman, and the endless data condensed in front of X's spark doll.

Dadi grabbed the Aix spark doll and buckled it on the Aix terminal, and a female electronically synthesized voice sounded: "Integrate with X Ultraman."

The earth suddenly lifted the Aix terminal high, and shouted loudly: "Aix!"

This roar is just the earth giving himself courage.

A huge golden light bloomed from Aix's terminal, condensing into the shape of 'X', Aix's body stood out from the huge 'X' light, and the electronically synthesized female voice sounded again: "Aixo Terman, the integration is complete."

The dazzling light rises from the ground and catches the falling Blue Sky Musketeer. After the light converges, it reveals the appearance of Ultraman X. Hayato and Aduben are ready to crash, but the white light in front of them After a flash, he found that the body hadn't moved. When he raised his head, he saw a blue 'X' shaped energy indicator.

"X...Ultraman..." Hayato swallowed in disbelief.

Aix nodded at the Blue Sky Musketeer in his hand, and slowly squatted down to put the Blue Sky Musketeer on the ground, while Barton was still hovering near the lair.

(End of this chapter)

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