School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 449 Doesn't Work

Chapter 449 Doesn't Work
"No matter what, Barton will lay eggs here." Ah Shou hugged his head somewhat helplessly.

"I can risk everything for the baby. If it was my mommy, she would do the same." Liu Yi felt sorry for that Barton for a while.

XIO Operations Center.

"This is the first time I've fought an individual with an egg in its belly." Captain Shenmu's tone was also a bit embarrassing.

"Compassion is not a reason to throw it to act recklessly. In the face of harmful organisms, the best way is to first reduce the number of its females." Deputy Captain Ju glanced at Captain Wood.

"I understand that we have to destroy it because it has eggs in its belly. Otherwise, more and more Bartons will be born in this world, and the lives of ordinary people will be lost." Captain Shenmu nodded. , Said: "Everyone, cooperate with Ultraman X and start fighting."


"Good... so high..." Da Da only felt his legs go weak, and he wanted to squat down again, but Aix forced himself to stand up. Standing there in Zamabu, Aix said helplessly: "Not high, not high at all, you must overcome your fear of heights, so that you can become a qualified Ultra fighter, Dadi, let's go! "

"Okay...okay..." Dadi desperately forced himself not to think about heights, just to concentrate on staring at the front, but he would always look down without feeling safe.

"Hey, Dadi, your voice is shaking."

"It's... not... let's go, Aix." The earth struggled to squeeze out an ugly smile, tried hard to overcome his fear, stood up hard, and slammed into the slowly falling Barton.

"That's right, newcomer, I'm trying to overcome my fears, come on, overcome your fears, you will become very strong." Lin Yi gave a thumbs up to Aix who was struggling to stand up.

With a bang, Aix's shoulder directly knocked Barton into the air, and the bodies of the two rolled on the ground for a few laps before stopping.

After Aix should roll over and get up, he suppressed the fear of heights in his heart and quickly rushed to Barton. Barton raised his arm and patted Aix's body. Aix could only defend passively.

But Aix seemed to have found it. He put his left hand on Patton's armpit, and grabbed Patton's arm with his right hand and swung it forward. To Barton, it's just that Barton won't make another mistake, and directly threw Ax to the ground with an over-the-shoulder fall.

Lifting his feet and stepping on Aix's stomach, Asuna constantly controlled the unusual bazooka to fire photon cannons one after another, but only slight sparks splashed on Barton's body. Patton said he didn't care at all.

Ax hurriedly grabbed Barton's foot and unloaded it to the left at the moment the foot stepped on it, while Ax rolled back and kicked Barton's head with a kick, kicking Barton with great force Ax learned to behave himself this time, instead of jumping at Barton, he directly grabbed Barton's huge beak.

In Barton's bird's beak, a thick green liquid kept coming out, like a matcha-like liquid, but don't look at that color, it is a highly poisonous venom, one drop can kill people, it is really home Travel, a must-have weapon for killing people.

Barton's bird's beak kept pecking at Aix, but Aix dodged it every time. He only heard a "pop" sound, and a huge spark hit it on Aix's left shoulder, and Barton Although the bird's beak was pierced, but he had no choice but to pierce it in. Ax snorted, grabbed Barton's beak with one hand, and broke it open.

The thick green liquid inside was really disgusting, and it hit Aix's body drop by drop, splashing white smoke into the sky.

XIO Operations Center.

Seeing X's difficult battle, Vice Captain Tachibana immediately turned his head and asked, "Doctor, is there a way to seal Barton's beak?"

"No." Dr. Gurman shook his head, but he remembered what Dadi said to himself. Aix exists in the XIO terminal in the form of data, and CYBER CARD is also composed of data to form monsters. CYBER CARD can Appearing on the XIO terminal, I just don’t know if Aix has the ability to accept data and materialize the data, but it’s worth a try.

"No, this method may be worth a try. Let me see." Dr. Gurman turned around, walked to a workbench, tapped on the keyboard, called up various data of CYBER GOMORA, extracted the data, Extracted the arms and chest of Electronic Gomora and merged them together to form a set of armor, saying: "It should be successful."

"Aim at Barton's red cheek pouch." Captain Shenmu's voice came through Asuna's XIO terminal.

"The distance is 400 meters, the wind direction is northwest, the wind speed is 3m/s, adjust it by three degrees, deflect it by two degrees, and launch!" In the unusual bazooka, a blue photon cannon roared towards Barton.

And Barton turned his head around again, a high-temperature fireball in his mouth canceled out the photon cannon, and then fired another high-temperature fireball at Asuna, Asuna immediately widened his eyes, and flew with the unusual bazooka Running up, the high-temperature fireball bombarded the ground, causing the power of several TNT explosions, and the huge air wave lifted Asuna into the air.

After doing all this, he kept nodding his head in satisfaction and straightened his head. At this moment, Ultraman Ax rushed forward, but Barton swooped down and overwhelmed Aix. Barton sat on Aix's seat On the body, the sharp bird's beak pierced towards Aix's head. Aix swung his head and avoided the blow. Barton's beak pierced into the ground, and when he pulled out the beak Brought up countless clods.

Several times in a row, it was important to stab Aix's shoulder for the fifth time, and the viscous venom flowed into Aix's body, and Aix's upper body immediately changed color. It exudes the color of magma, while the head is covered with green lines, and the wound is constantly emitting smoke, which is what it looks like when the venom evaporates.

Aix has no entity now, it's just a bunch of data. The venom doesn't have any effect on Aix, it just makes Aix hurt. Aix turned back and pressed Barton under him. The pain made the ground groan, and he grabbed Barton's beak tightly to prevent the beak from opening, while Barton raised his right arm and patted Aix down.

"Because there is no entity, does the venom have no effect on X? This is a unique advantage. If this fails, heh." Although he said so in his mouth, he still cheered for X in his heart. In Lin Yi's eyes, it was only a matter of time before Aix won this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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