School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 499 Sai Luo's Video Chapter

Chapter 499 Sai Luo's Video Call
XIO base.

Takeshi Yamagishi's computer received a strange electromagnetic wave, and he tapped on the keyboard with some doubts, converting this electromagnetic wave into sound:

"This is Lui, can you hear me? Can you hear me? This is Lui..."

"Liuyi!" Ashou who heard this voice rushed over immediately, and Takeshi Yamagishi stared at his computer in disbelief. Hearing this voice, there were other XIO players. Lin Yi now Not in the combat center, but with Dr. Gurman, and Dr. Gurman is now in the XIO combat center, and no one knows that Lin Yi is now in the XIO base.

"Are you okay? Lucy, are you okay?" Asuna's eager voice came into Takeshi Yamagishi's communicator.

"I'm not well." Lui squatted behind XIO Aramis, complaining mournfully.

"Where are you now?" Hayato called out loudly.

"I don't know..." Lui shook her head, and said, "There are three suns here, so hot, hot like a desert, it doesn't look like the earth."

"The nearest triple star system is 6.4 light-years away from the earth, and human technology can't fly there." Dr. Gurman almost blurted out. Hearing this, A-Shou felt a little bad, "Then Lucy..."

"I want to go home..." Liuyi's mournful tone came from the communicator, and then Liuyi's choking sound came out. Hearing the crying sound, the earth felt a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously touched the To the terminal of Aix, the distance is 6.4 light years... At the speed of Aix, there will be no ten years to fly there, but how can Lui endure ten years...Damn it, if I am stronger , Lui won't be snatched away by the Nakers!
"I found the place where the message was sent. It's in the T-9...C... area..." Chiaki Matsudo's eyes widened immediately. This area is clearly on the earth, and it's still in Tokyo. How could it be a triple star system? ...

"Why not the other end of the universe..." A'Du looked at Dr. Gurman with some doubts, his eyes seemed to say, you are joking.

"The T-9C area is..." Dadi immediately thought of it, and he couldn't care less about it, so he ran out. Lin Yi, who had been waiting in the XIO combat center, saw Dadi's figure, and followed him quietly. up.

"The T-9C area is the father of the earth, the area where Mr. Takashi Ozora's Cosmic Electromagnetic Wave Research Institute is located." Captain Shenmu looked at the puzzled XIO team members and explained.

In the empty T-9C area, the former big pit has been covered by a layer of concrete floor. Probably no one will remember that there used to be a research institute here 15 years ago, a research institute that disappeared in the solar flare .

"Here is..." Aix's voice sounded suspicious.

"My father and my mother's research institute used to be here." Da Da looked around a few times, then squatted down, scanning the surroundings with the X terminal in his hand, and said anxiously: "Why is Lui's radio wave Will it be sent from here?"

"This may be a special place linking the three-dimensional universe and the parallel universe," Lin Yi's voice sounded behind Dadi, and Dadi stood up from the ground in astonishment, saying, "Senior, why are you here?"

Lin Yi automatically ignored the problem of the earth, and explained to himself: "15 years ago, the research institute here disappeared with the aurora created by the solar flare. The T-9C area of ​​the earth is this place, corresponding to the The coordinates of the T-9C area are also at this location, and at that time, it happened to be the time when Aix was engulfed by solar flares."

"The space in this place has been distorted. There are several minutes to several hours in a year that will link other spaces, and the electromagnetic waves of the two spaces will pass through each other. Today's time is just right when the space distortion occurs. It's time, although you can't see it, and you can't detect it with instruments, but I can see it."

"Correspondingly, the place where the little girl Liuyi is is also distorted in space, which happens to be connected to this place on the earth, so Liuyi's signal will come out from this place." Lin Yi's words were quickly heard. Dadi accepted it, and Dadi couldn't wait to ask: "Then can we rescue Lui from here?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "Although I have this ability, I will not use it, because my purpose is to train you, to make you a qualified Ultra warrior, from here to that place, only Relying on you or your partner's strength, I only provide some clues, not solutions and help."

"Then Aix, can we rescue Lui from here?" Dadi was not angry, but Aix's words disappointed Dadi, "I'm sorry Dadi, we don't have this ability yet. Power, as I told you, we don't have this special power."

The earth lowered its head in depression, and its brain was spinning rapidly. At this time, a very familiar voice came out from the Aix terminal, "You two have written depression on your face."

"This voice is... my little nephew!?" Lin Yi looked at the X terminal in Dadi's hand in astonishment. After hearing Lin Yi's words, Dadi immediately looked at the X terminal in his hand, "Wait... Wait a minute... what are you doing..."

Aix in Aix's terminal felt something pushing him aside, as if he wanted to occupy his field of vision. Soon, the screen turned, and Sero pushed Aix away, wearing a Ultimate Sairo in the ultimate armor greeted the earth and said, "I'll be waiting for you in the stratosphere, come and meet me."

"En." Da nodded, suppressing the doubts in his heart. Since Ultraman Zero wanted to see him, he must have something important to tell him. Then he looked at Lin Yi and said, "Lin Yi Senior, will you go with me? After all, he is your little nephew."

"Me?" Lin Yi pointed at himself, shook his head, and said, "Go alone, my nephew wants to see you by name, I'd better stay behind and wait for your news, if necessary, I will come forward, and I believe my little nephew will listen to me, after all, I am his uncle."

Hearing the words, Dadi nodded, raised the X terminal in his hand, and a stream of blue light soared into the sky and flew to the earth's stratosphere. Lin Yi shook his head slightly, looked away from the stratosphere, and said: "Little nephew, little nephew, what the hell are you going to do? With your power, you can easily find the Naker star and kill him, and bring Lui back. Now come see Aix It means a few things."

(PS: Why do you need three shifts? Because I am not Xiaoluoli and Xiaomeimei!)

(End of this chapter)

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