Chapter 500 Meeting

Ultraman Zero floated in the void with his hands drooping naturally. He looked at the satellite facing him in front of him speechlessly. There was an urge to kill this satellite in his heart, but he forcibly held back it. Is it really okay to monitor yourself so swaggeringly?Won't your conscience ache?After all, I am also an Ultra warrior, so it’s fine if you don’t treat me well, but you still use satellites to monitor me, do you really think that we Ultra warriors have no temper?

Finally, the tormenting minute has passed successfully, a beam of blue streamer rose rapidly from the earth, and stopped 1 meters in front of Sai Luo, Sai Luo shook his head with some dissatisfaction, and complained : "Hey, hey, you are too slow, how far is this place from the ground? It took you so long, if you are a second or two late, maybe I can't help but kill the front That satellite."

Before Xx could speak, Sero waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's get down to business. Are you the Ultra fighter who protects this planet?"

"Yes, my name is X, Ultraman X." X nodded, and Sai Luo introduced himself: "My name is Sai Luo, and I belong to the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light."

"I've heard about this, did you come to this earth after following that cosmonaut?" Aix's slightly puzzled tone came to Sai Luo's ears.

Sero didn't answer Aix's words, but looked towards somewhere in the universe, and said to himself: "Ponteiro is now on the planet Guillermo, and the little girl from your team is also there, thanks to you A radio wave from a friend led me to find that guy again, thanks."

Saying that, Sai Luo turned around, Dadi saw that Sai Luo wanted to leave immediately, and immediately shouted: "Wait a minute!"

Sai Luo glanced at Aix, Dadi continued: "I want to save my friend Lui, please take me with you!"

"I won't hold you back! Please take me with you!" Dadi said sincerely.

"I asked you to come to the stratosphere. I just want to tell you that your friend is on the planet Guillermo. As for taking you there with you... It's just based on your strength. If you want to not be squeezed out by the cracks in space, you still have time to go." It's 2 years." Saying that, Sai Luo's hand was like a pair of scissors, and Aix complained speechlessly: "You are still 2 years earlier... exactly the same as what the senior said..."

"Don't worry, I will bring her back. You just need to wait for my good news on the earth with peace of mind."

As he said that, before Aix could speak, Sai Luo had already released the space tunnel, turning into a stream of silver light and rushing in. Lin Yi on the ground shook his head helplessly, and said, "Ah, it's indeed my home. My little nephew, if his tone stops being so arrogant, he won't be my little nephew anymore."

Looking at the gradually disappearing space vortex in the universe, the land in the data space lowered its head a little bit disappointed, in a very bad mood, as if its chest was blocked by something, Aix couldn't stand it anymore, and comforted him : "It's okay Dadi, although we can't go, Ultraman Zero will bring Lui back, trust him, he is a strong S+, he won't lie to us."

"S+..." Dadi suddenly remembered Lin Yi, raised his head hastily, and said, "Yes, there is still Senior Lin Yi here, let Senior Lin Yi go there, and Liu Yi will be rescued!"

"Aix, let's go back!" Saying that, the earth flew to the ground before Aix nodded.

T-9C area.

A blue streamer fell in front of Lin Yi, and the earth rushed out of the light quickly,
"The negotiation failed, but don't be angry. My little nephew does things like this, but what he said is not bad. If you don't have the blessing of space power, even if you enter the space crack, you will be affected by the powerful space force inside." It was crushed, he didn’t take you with him, it’s for your own good.” Lin Yi patted Da Di’s shoulder gently, and said: “With Sai Luo’s strength, it’s a good idea to kill King Black and the people from Star Naker. Minutes."

"You have also seen that it took only one move for Sai Luo to kill King Black. Although the spark doll of King Black was snatched away, even if the Nakel resurrected King Black, it would only be able to survive in Sai Luo's hands. Trick, that Naker star is not much better." Lin Yi looked at the ground comfortingly.

But Dadi shook his head, and said, "Senior, that's not why I came to you. Senior, please act. I hope you can go to Planet Girelman and bring Luyi back."

Hearing this, Lin Yi seemed to have heard a big joke. After laughing a few times, he said, "Don't you believe in Sai Luo's power?"

Dadi nodded desperately, and said: "Although Ultraman Zero is also a senior, his defiance of everything makes me feel that he does not look like a warrior who has experienced many battles. There should not be something in a warrior who has experienced many battles. With that look of belittling others, Ultraman Zero is more like a fledgling person."

"Hahahaha..." Lin Yi smiled helplessly, pointed to the ground, and said, "You, you, if my little nephew hears what you say about him, I'm afraid he will send you to Wangwang Xing Brother Leo training, although my little nephew is not very mature and stable, he is only 5900 years old after all. Converted to your human age, he is only 16 or 17 years old. To what extent do you expect him to be stable? "

"At that age, when he was young and impetuous, he was able to be as stable as he is now because he has experienced too many battles." Lin Yi explained with some amusement: "Although my nephew is very young, his strength is It's completely trustworthy, even Bei Laohei has to be in awe, so there's really nothing wrong with Star Naker, just give Lui to Sai Luo with peace of mind."

Dadi hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said: "No, I still can't let go, Senior Lin Yi, you should go to the laboratory with me, Bemonstein spark dolls and Zero Ultraman cards must not Without you, you will discuss the power of space with Dr. Gurman later, you must develop Ultraman Zero armor or Bemonstein armor in the shortest possible time, and Lui can't wait that long."

"If anything happens to Liu Yi, I'll be so guilty." Da Da pulled Lin Yi's arm and ran to the XIO base. Lin Yi was dragged by Da Da helplessly. let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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