Chapter 575 listen to you

In the past three years, the power in his hands has been gradually growing, even if the Jing family is no match for him now, and he has done so much just to protect her...just to let himself be with her, whiteheaded until old.

He didn't want what happened in the Gu family three years ago to repeat itself.

When he guessed that she would marry Jing's family, he began to plan.

Jing Shengchen knew how stubborn and pedantic those old men of the Jing family were.

These old men have been used to domineering over the years, and they like to control the overall situation. They say that one is one, and they must obey and cater to what they say and do. Just as they want Gu Xiaobai to divorce him, they must divorce him. Doubt!

So, even if he had a thousand or 1 ways to make the Jing family compromise, but in the end, he chose the most simple and rude method-to take all the valuables from the Jing family of the hermit family and the Jing family who is the head of the five major families in the imperial capital. The potential juniors were all arrested, and then directly threatened these old men.

Because he guessed that the talks between her and the Jing family would eventually collapse.

From the moment he fell in love with Gu Xiaobai, he went crazy. He was able to abandon the Jing family for her, this is not a casual talk.

Even though he was going to divorce her, he still put her affairs first in his heart. He was deeply afraid that if she was not careful, she would be bullied.

How can you be willing to be bullied by someone who you hold dear to your heart?How could she be willing to be wronged?

"50 billion Huaxia coins, please have someone transfer them to Gu Xiaobai immediately." He said without doubt, his tone was extremely indifferent, and his deep phoenix eyes were even more cold.

Gu Xiaobai looked at him quietly, looking at his tall and straight body, he seemed to be attracted by magic, and she couldn't bear to take her eyes off him.

In the past, Jing Shengchen talked and laughed happily, he looked indifferent but actually gentle, unlike now, his whole body is filled with awe-inspiring aura, his domineering, his strength...

He is getting more and more charming!

Looking at his back, Gu Xiaobai was already completely moved in his heart.

Three years ago, when he proposed marriage at the Gu family, he once said, "If I have to choose between the Jing family and Xiaobai in the future, then I will choose her."

At that time, she didn't care about the vowed words at all, because she always felt that it was like promises, so she just listened to them casually, and didn't need to take them seriously, but now...

It wasn't until now that she realized that his vows were never just words.

Today, he has offended the Jing family by arresting the entire Jing family's potential juniors and threatening the older generation. For his own sake, he really abandoned the Jing family, and he is really willing to give up the identity of the Jing family as a young master.

She was very moved, but she and he still wanted to divorce.

Others only know that she divorced him because of his many concealments, many deceptions, and even...a substitute?However, she knew very well in her heart that none of this was the main reason.

"You don't need 50 billion Huaxia coins, one hundred thousand is enough." Seeing his aggressiveness, she didn't want to continue talking, but finally chose to speak.

He turned around, and his phoenix eyes, which were like obsidian stones, fell on her body. He changed his domineering aura just now, and said endlessly, "Listen to you."

Just three words, but it made Gu Xiaobai a little dazed, and even his thoughts drifted far, far away.

"Listen to you." These three words seemed to have a spell, reminding her of his old picture.

(End of this chapter)

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