One of the hole cards
"Listen to you." These three words seemed to have a spell, reminding her of his old picture.

His tenderness to her made the Jing family members present especially jealous.

They looked at him, they never thought that Jing Shengchen, who has always been ruthless and indifferent to the extreme, the number one young master in the imperial capital, would one day give the tenderness of his life to a woman, even for this woman Also directly confronted the family.

The most outstanding son of a family turns against the family for a woman. This kind of plot only exists in novels, but now it is actually happening.

He turned around again, urging several elders from the Jing family of the hermit family to transfer the money to Gu Xiaobai.

Gu Xiaobai's card number is Jing Shengchen's, so he directly told the card number, and asked them to transfer the money on the spot, and he had to confirm it himself.

"Jing Shengchen." The old man headed by the Jing family of the hermit family said in a deep voice, "You guys still divorced in the end, but you...why did you let the family suffer such a big loss?"

"One billion Huaxia coins is not a small sum for the Jing family!" He said sadly.

Jing Shengchen smiled coldly, "That's the divorce fee for her, it's the breakup fee, it's the fee to make up for the three years I delayed her."

"If you don't transfer the money within 1 minute, then it will be 50 billion Huaxia coins." He said coldly and resolutely again, and a murderous intent flashed across his deep phoenix eyes, which made people feel frightened.

The Jing family all looked at Jing Shengchen in astonishment.

Gu Xiaobai, who was able to watch the show completely, spoke again at this time, "What?" She raised her eyebrows and said mockingly, "What? Back then, you Jing San Ye, Si Ye... and others were very rich. , Open your mouth and ask me to say a number. Now, I have said it, but you can’t come up with it. If this is the head of the five big families in the imperial capital of Huaguo, and the head of the top ten hidden families, it seems..."

Her thin lips raised a pretty curve, and her voice was very soft but exploded in the whole living room - "It seems that the Jing family has a vain reputation!"

"Will you give me a word!" Gu Xiaobai said loudly.

"Don't even think about it! The Jing family already thought highly of you if they didn't ask you to give them money. Fortunately, you came here to exploit the Jing family's money. Young man, you really have courage!" The old man in charge directly ignored Jing Shengchen's murderous words Said with a cold look in his eyes.

Gu Xiaobai got up directly from the chair, and looked at the old man who had just spoken jokingly with her pretty cheeks. She spread her hands, "Okay, I'll take Jing Shengchen away."

"In today's society, it is very difficult to find a man who is 1.9 meters tall, but it is even more difficult to find a man who is good at work and can be a single man who is still 1.9 meters tall. If you think Jing Shengchen can't compare Money, that's good, I'll take him away." She said frankly, but her eyes narrowed slightly.

She seemed to remember something again, she snapped her fingers, and said again, "By the way, the car accident last time was just an accident, if you Jing family dare to continue to touch me, then..."

"Then... don't blame me for being ruthless." Her tone was very light, but it made people feel cold, deep into the bone marrow.

The Jing family thought she was bragging!
Gu Xiaobai said disapprovingly, "My grandfather gave me all the underground forces in his hands. I don't mind finding some difficult and challenging things for them to do, such as teaching the juniors of the Jing family a lesson."

(End of this chapter)

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