Chapter 804 Reality Show 2
Chapter 820 Seven Reality Show 2
Helpless, the phone kept ringing, so she had no choice but to pick it up. She was about to yell, but the corner of her eye passed by, and the number displayed on the screen of her mobile phone stopped immediately.

She picked up the phone, "Hello, who is it? I'm Gu Xiaobai."

"Hello, Mr. Gu, I am a staff member of Banana Channel. We would like to invite you to join our latest variety show produced by Banana Channel. Do you have time to join?"

Gu Xiaobai frowned slightly?
Participate in a variety show?

This is a reality show?

Gu Xiaobai thought about it for a while, and then he said to the person on the other end of the phone, "I'm sorry, I won't interrupt my comeback in the entertainment industry."

"Oh! I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, to trouble you." The staff of Banana Channel said politely.

Gu Xiaobai originally thought that this matter would end like this, but he didn't expect that Banana Channel was so obsessed with her that even the producers and directors called one after another, begging her to join their latest reality show.

"I'm sorry, my personality is not suitable for reality shows. After all, I am reckless and poisonous. What if the people participating in the show can't stand it?" Gu Xiaobai said to the director on the other end of the phone.

Gu Xiaobai has self-knowledge, now she already needs to rely on hype and persona to attract fans, she can completely be herself.

Her popularity and domestic No. 1 status have already exceeded [-] million. For participating in reality shows, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, so she still refused.

The director of Banana Channel was also very helpless.

He had indeed thought about many people, but the last name that came to his mind was - Gu Xiaobai.

After all, Gu Xiaobai's status and strength are all there, and she has a lot of fans, a large number, and high quality. She is the core of their new reality show.

Although she has been deflated, the staff and director of Banana TV unrelentingly invited her to join this variety show.

Due to the sincerity of Banana Channel, Gu Xiaobai finally chose to join the variety show of Banana Channel.

The director and producer of Banana Channel are very happy and feel that the time and energy they have put in recently have been rewarded.


After confirming joining, Banana Channel showed Gu Xiaobai the production process of the program. It is worth mentioning that this time the reality show has no script at all, and each guest has to rely on his own reaction and Camouflaged.

And Banana Channel also announced on Weibo that a national goddess has joined Banana Channel's latest variety show - Travel with the Wind.

This also made many netizens speculate, who is this national goddess?

Three days have passed.

This day is also the time for Gu Xiaobai to record variety shows.

Under the escort of Nangong Mochen, Gu Xiaobai came to the building of Banana TV Station. After being led by the staff, she finally appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the participants of "Travel with the Wind" had already arrived at the meeting place. Because the filming had not officially started, the program was publicized on the Internet, and the participants were kept a certain amount of secrecy, so that none of the participants Know who is on the show.

So, when five people appeared at the gathering place, and when the director announced that someone who was thought to be a heavyweight would join him, that is the national goddess who had not yet appeared, many people were extremely curious about who this national goddess was?

(End of this chapter)

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