Chapter 805 Reality Show 3
Chapter 820 Eight Reality Show 3
So, when five people appeared at the gathering place, and when the director announced that someone who was thought to be a heavyweight would join him, that is the national goddess who had not yet appeared, many people were extremely curious about who this national goddess was?

These five people have already attracted a large number of fans, but when Gu Xiaobai slowly appeared in front of the crowd, everyone was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while.

"She...she..." A little fresh meat participating in this variety show saw Gu Xiaobai at the moment, unable to speak, "It's... Gu Xiaobai!"

Everyone suddenly woke up.

And the director also showed a tricky smile.

"Ah!!! It's Gu Xiaobai! It's my male god!"

"Male god! This is the national male god!"

"Director, you bastard, why are you hiding so deeply?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? My male god also came to participate in this variety show? Huh, I should dress up when I go out today?"


The five people who participated were completely crazy. The moment they saw Gu Xiaobai, they really went crazy!
Although they are idols and stars, they all have their own fans in their respective fields, but... But, this does not prevent them from chasing stars and having people they like.

no doubt!

The idol of these people is Gu Xiaobai!
Whether it is a marketing account or a domineering fan, what she does is beyond what a star should do, and it is precisely because of this that she has become the idol of many stars.

For a long time, in the entertainment industry, many stars are the bottom of the circle. Regardless of their superficial beauty, in fact, they have a lot of helplessness, and they have to think twice before doing something. Fans are watching, they occasionally go out of line and they are called - "Let's go free"

What's more, the song "Red Makeup" sung by Gu Xiaobai made them even more intoxicated.

And they never thought that the national goddess guest in "Travel with the Wind" is their idol - Gu Xiaobai.

This time, the variety show "Travel with the Wind" has invited six people, among them are the super popular little flower Yan Tianning, and the traffic laughing Lu Xingyu. Yan Yufan, who just won the Fei Tian Award for Best Actress, Fan Yanghong, a martial arts actor, and Gu Xiaobai is the last one.

And with the appearance of Gu Xiaobai, it means that the crew of this show is all here, and the host of this variety show is the first host of Banana Channel - Cui Hongwei.

Cui Hongwei came out and started talking, "Okay, all the participants are here, and the last one is our national goddess..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by five other people at the same time, "It's the national male god!"

Cui Hongwei was also very helpless, so he could only smile and said, "It's our national male god—Gu Xiaobai!"

Gu Xiaobai stepped forward to say hello to everyone——

"Hi everyone, I'm Gu Xiaobai. I'm very venomous and have a bad temper. I know a little kung fu and protect my weaknesses."

Five fan girls and fans: "..." As expected of my idol, even the self-introduction is so different!The stars blink!
The other five also introduced themselves:

"Hi everyone, my name is Lu Xingyu. I'm a tough guy! I'm a tough guy! I'm a tough guy! Say important things three times!" Because he's a super popular boy who just returned from Bangzi Kingdom, he's perfect, but he's too handsome That's why I emphasized that I am a tough guy when I introduce myself.

(End of this chapter)

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