Chapter 813 Water Moon Pavilion

Chapter 830 Six Water Moon Pavilion
Lu Xingyu also immediately said, "This place is nice, full of classic atmosphere, a small courtyard, the owner in cheongsam, and the waiters in Song suit, all of them seem to be in ancient times, it's really lovely! I also choose to live here."

The others naturally had no objections, after all, they felt happy in this place from the moment they came in, and naturally they liked it very much, so they decided to live here.

Gu Xiaobai nodded, "This place is indeed as many people have said. Just coming in, I feel very happy, and I want to live here. I also choose this place."

Thus, the six guests lived in Shuiyue Pavilion.

The moment they stepped in, a waiter stepped forward.

"Several guest officials, do you want to stay or eat?"

"Accommodation. Six people."

"it is good."


After choosing the accommodation, we ushered in the first task of the first episode.

Cui Hongwei took the good program card from the program group and sent it to the six guests.

"Guests, have you seen the six cards in my hand? These six cards have three numbers written on them, and those with the same number will form a team together." Cui Hongwei said.

"Next, who will choose the card first?"

Gu Xiaobai was chosen as the youngest, followed by Gu Xiaobai, Lu Xingyu and others.

After selecting the cards, the final grouping is——

Gu Xiaobai and Lu Xingyu are on the same team.

Gu Xiaobai and Yan Yufan are on the same team.

Yang Shufeng and Fan Yanghong are on the same team.

After the team finished, Cui Hongwei started talking again.

"Okay, after the grouping is over, next, you have to choose from the three cards in my hand. These three cards contain the tasks you have to complete tonight. Only when the tasks are completed can you eat and eat. Tomorrow's breakfast..."

In the end, Lu Xingyu got the chance to cook for himself!When he saw this task, he deliberately wailed.

Gu Xiaobai patted his head lightly, "You guys can definitely complete this task. Let me tell you, the little sheep's craftsmanship is very good. You are lucky today." She said, she shifted her gaze to Yan Tianning On the body, said: "It's rare to cook, remember to cook me something I like."

After speaking, he compared his heart to Yan Tianning, and clicked a few times.

"Really?" Lu Xingyu couldn't believe it.

In this day and age, many girls don't know how to cook anymore, and many celebrities don't even know how to cook. Is Yan Tianning so busy that she has time to cook by herself?
Yan Tianning nodded, "Okay, I'll cook you salt and pepper shrimp, crispy pork ribs, and fish head tofu soup, okay?" She looked at Gu Xiaobai and said.

Gu Xiaobai immediately walked over and hugged her, "The little sheep is the best for me."

After hugging her, she pressed her fingers against Yan Tianning's chin, raised her eyebrows, blinked her eyes, and said teasingly, "Beauty, you are so virtuous, if you marry someone else, I would be reluctant to do so. No……"

"How marry me!" She changed the topic, raised her eyebrows slightly, and said with a just right smile on the corner of her lips.

Attracted by her eyes, Yan Tianning said almost without thinking, "Okay! I am extremely happy to be able to marry a male god!"


other people:"……"

"Hey, wake up, what are you doing?"

Gu Xiaobai said with a smile, "As a national male god, naturally he has to be busy flirting with girls! Striking girls is the top priority!"

(End of this chapter)

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